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kinda cool but i'm doubting any of these files actually says that they think this or that person actually saw an alien or alien craft, so it really just boils down to a bunch of files of reported events and then their explanation. but not only that, but if these files were kept secret for half a century, and they show the gov, time and time again, declaring that ppl's sightings were either venus, or in their imagination, or some other non-extra-terrestrial explanation, doesn't that lend towards the idea that the gov really had no actual secret evidence of alien life? if their internal, secret documents show that their secret feelings are that they don't exist and there is always some other explanation.... doesn't that make these files the opposite of 'good' for ufo buffs, but instead, more like a killjoy? wouldn't it maybe be better for those who want to believe, if these files had never got released at all?

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kinda cool but i'm doubting any of these files actually says that they think this or that person actually saw an alien or alien craft, so it really just boils down to a bunch of files of reported events and then their explanation. but not only that, but if these files were kept secret for half a century, and they show the gov, time and time again, declaring that ppl's sightings were either venus, or in their imagination, or some other non-extra-terrestrial explanation, doesn't that lend towards the idea that the gov really had no actual secret evidence of alien life? if their internal, secret documents show that their secret feelings are that they don't exist and there is always some other explanation.... doesn't that make these files the opposite of 'good' for ufo buffs, but instead, more like a killjoy? wouldn't it maybe be better for those who want to believe, if these files had never got released at all?


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kinda cool but i'm doubting any of these files actually says that they think this or that person actually saw an alien or alien craft, so it really just boils down to a bunch of files of reported events and then their explanation. but not only that, but if these files were kept secret for half a century, and they show the gov, time and time again, declaring that ppl's sightings were either venus, or in their imagination, or some other non-extra-terrestrial explanation, doesn't that lend towards the idea that the gov really had no actual secret evidence of alien life? if their internal, secret documents show that their secret feelings are that they don't exist and there is always some other explanation.... doesn't that make these files the opposite of 'good' for ufo buffs, but instead, more like a killjoy? wouldn't it maybe be better for those who want to believe, if these files had never got released at all?


or maybe it just means that the government is actually hiding something since we all know aliens are actually amongst us?



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I just can't believe there are alien craft flying around here or even alien visitors walking among us. I have yet to see or hear anything that could indicate that it would be the case. And if there were aliens here, what the hell would they want with out backwards asses (except probe them)?

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I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


I was just agreeing that it was funny. :emotawesomepm9:

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so what are aliens to you guys?


do you think they are able to transverse dimensions, or are they stuck on this plane like the most of us?

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so what are aliens to you guys?


do you think they are able to transverse dimensions, or are they stuck on this plane like the most of us?

Aliens are post-humans from the future.


But seriously, I am sure there is intelligent life out there somewhere (and if we are the only intelligent life, then it makes me even more depressed) and some of it might be very advanced, but I doubt they have travelled here. Even if they could do interstellar travel, this galaxy is vast.

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so what are aliens to you guys?


do you think they are able to transverse dimensions, or are they stuck on this plane like the most of us?


aliens to me are anything thats alive and not terrestrial to this planet. to be honest, i'd prefer to think they've never travelled here, otherwise that would make them just as superstitious and paranoid as us.


i'd kinda like to think if there are sentient aliens (the ones that aren't just bacteria or ewoks) that they're more like the borg and wouldn't even be interested in us unless we either pose a threat or have distinctiveness that's unique they can assimilate

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Who says Ewoks aren't sentient? They use tools, language and have a culture. Ewok racist!


i was making a joke due to how bad the ewok movies are. guess i didn't frame it correctly



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