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Are We Becoming Too Sensitive

Danny O Flannagin

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Maybe someone should inform her that the Spanish language was invented and first used by white people.


Jesus christ, the way that student talks makes it seem like it's a sin to be cis and white and male. It's like all of a sudden you just have to keep your fucking mouth shut because those traits alone, that you didn't pick, make any opinion invalid.


I do agree somewhat with her in that cultural appropriation is kinda fucked up but the white student apologized and she kept ranting on "fetishization" of the language. What?

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Maybe someone should inform her that the Spanish language was invented and first used by white people.


That would be a shitty argument, because it would just be mocking their own disinterest in learning Nahuatl or Quechua, or whatever language was originally spoken by the people who lived in their area of origin. It would also be shitty because mestizos are just as much related to the "oppressors" as they are to the natives due to miscegenation.

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I'm a USian in college. I'm only taking one class right now, though, and it's at a community college. And I'm planning on leaving the area and doing some traveling for a while after the spring next year, so I (hopefully) won't have to deal with actual college in quite a long time.


Most of these accounts are just cherrypicked, though. I've never met anyone who has that much of a victim complex, so I think it's just some mental illnesses rather than an actual trend in culture.

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do we have an USians still in college on here? I wonder is it really as crazy as all these things I keep reading make out.

here's a follow on article: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/why-critics-of-the-microaggressions-framework-are-skeptical/405106/


Reading through the comments in that first atlantic article you posted (which is nutballs level of victimization) one of the earlier comments wrote:


As Oberlin goes, so goes St. Olaf and Carleton. I also found microaggression Tumblrs, what else, for these other hothouse bastions of rectitude. Can Reed and Wesleyan be far behind.

These sites of microdudgeon displayed not very many entries. The newest goes back seven months. Most, including the futbol kerfuffle, dated from two years ago. The extent of this most concentrated embrace of victimhood may be exaggerated.


So maybe not as bad as the articles in question would have us believe.


That follow up article was also good. He's gonna get slayed on microaggression tumblrs though. FLOL

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Did anyone follow the case of Emily Sulkowicz, the girl at Columbia university who carried the mattress on her back to protest her rape for an art project? The twist: the guy was innocent but the publicity game was too strong.


Probably rock bottom when it comes to this SJW thought virus.

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Did anyone follow the case of Emily Sulkowicz, the girl at Columbia university who carried the mattress on her back to protest her rape for an art project? The twist: the guy was innocent but the publicity game was too strong.


Probably rock bottom when it comes to this SJW thought virus.


she ended up creating a hardcore porn video recreating the alleged incident, she labelled it art of course. it included a disclaimer saying anyone who watched it were participating in her rape, or something silly along those lines. she's obviously a total nutjob.

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Did anyone follow the case of Emily Sulkowicz, the girl at Columbia university who carried the mattress on her back to protest her rape for an art project? The twist: the guy was innocent but the publicity game was too strong.


Probably rock bottom when it comes to this SJW thought virus.

she ended up creating a hardcore porn video recreating the alleged incident, she labelled it art of course. it included a disclaimer saying anyone who watched it were participating in her rape, or something silly along those lines. she's obviously a total nutjob.

And now her supposed rapist is suing the school, because she violated her non-disclosure agreement about the case. And kinda ruined his life. Not just from all the publicity they got out of her appearance alongside a senator at the state of the Union, but by giving her actual course credit for her stupid stunt and encouraging it.

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i find some of the attitudes on this page about rape and sexual assault extremely disappointing.


although it's obviously not possible to put yourself in the position of the victim of sexual assault, perhaps imagine if this had happened to someone close to you and try to imagine how you would feel about that. what if someone forced themselves on your sister, or even your girlfriend. would you be so blase and dismissive of it? these things go unreported far more than they do misreported. there's still a great deal of stigma behind getting assaulted (damaged goods etc) and it takes a lot of courage to come forward and report it. i find it very difficult to believe the female student in question would fake a rape for the sake of an art project. yes the guy was not convicted, but in most cases the guy gets away with it. in a case of non violent sexual assault it can be difficult to gauge culpability.




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i find some of the attitudes on this page about rape and sexual assault extremely disappointing.


although it's obviously not possible to put yourself in the position of the victim of sexual assault, perhaps imagine if this had happened to someone close to you and try to imagine how you would feel about that. what if someone forced themselves on your sister, or even your girlfriend. would you be so blase and dismissive of it? these things go unreported far more than they do misreported. there's still a great deal of stigma behind getting assaulted (damaged goods etc) and it takes a lot of courage to come forward and report it. i find it very difficult to believe the female student in question would fake a rape for the sake of an art project. yes the guy was not convicted, but in most cases the guy gets away with it. in a case of non violent sexual assault it can be difficult to gauge culpability.





it's unfortunate that there are fewer convictions for actual sexual assault than there should be, but given the situations that many of the attacks tend to happen in it's sadly not that hard to understand why, it's a very difficult thing to prove. increasingly though, an allegation is enough to do serious damage (especially in the States where universities can effectively take the law into their own hands), and that leaves things very prone to abuse by delusional assholes like the woman in this case. there isn't much evidence on what percentage of accusations are made up, I've seen studies that put it as low as 2%, others as high as 25% - essentially, it's a complete unknown. it definitely happens though, in the UK they rightly prosecute false accusations where they can prove malicious intent, which is not something they do in the US, which probably leads to a higher number of them happening - something which makes the situation so much worse for genuine victims of assault.

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i find some of the attitudes on this page about rape and sexual assault extremely disappointing.


although it's obviously not possible to put yourself in the position of the victim of sexual assault, perhaps imagine if this had happened to someone close to you and try to imagine how you would feel about that. what if someone forced themselves on your sister, or even your girlfriend. would you be so blase and dismissive of it? these things go unreported far more than they do misreported. there's still a great deal of stigma behind getting assaulted (damaged goods etc) and it takes a lot of courage to come forward and report it. i find it very difficult to believe the female student in question would fake a rape for the sake of an art project. yes the guy was not convicted, but in most cases the guy gets away with it. in a case of non violent sexual assault it can be difficult to gauge culpability.





you should read about this case in particular before you comment on it.





On Aug. 29, two days after the alleged rape, Nungesser messaged Sulkowicz on Facebook to say, “Small shindig in our room tonight—bring cool freshmen.” Her response:

lol yusss

Also I feel like we need to have some real time where we can talk about life and thingz

because we still haven’t really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr

On Sept. 9, on a morning before an ADP meeting, it was Sulkowicz who initiated the Facebook contact, asking Nungesser if he wanted to “hang out a little bit” before or after the meeting and concluding with:

whatever I want to see yoyououoyou

respond—I’ll get the message on ma phone


more details in the article. i've been following this case since it first came out. authorities did not press charges due to "lack of reasonable suspicion" and emma declined to meet with them to pursue criminal charges because it would be "too emotionally draining"--even though she carries around a mattress all day in remembrance of this supposed rape. she even brought it with her to graduation.


a summary of the other accusations against this kid:




Young revealed that Nungesser had been cleared by the university of Sulkowicz’s accusations, and of similar accusations by two other women whose complaints were apparently encouraged by acquaintances sympathetic to Sulkowicz, and possibly by Sulkowicz herself. At Reason today, Young adds that accusations from a fourth accuser, a male who says Nungesser sexually assaulted him in 2011, also were found unreliable by the university. Keep in mind, the university adhered to a minimal preponderance-of-evidence standard, meaning not a single of Nungessser’s accusers could show that it was “more likely than not” that what they claim happened did, in fact, happen.

more details at: https://reason.com/archives/2015/05/20/columbia-rape-saga-lingers-after-mattres/



so three women and a guy accuse him of sexual assault and he gets off because the university handled it badly? that sucks.

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so three women and a guy accuse him of sexual assault and he gets off because the university handled it badly? that sucks.


no, he got off because there was no evidence that he did anything. in fact, there was a lot of evidence he did nothing, that their stories were bullshit, and that the three other accusations were related and were a vendetta that stemmed from the original accusation.


it's also worth remembering that the university tribunal he was tried under uses a 'preponderance of evidence' standard, as with civil cases, not the 'beyond reasonable doubt' standard of criminal cases, which is frankly a ridiculous way to treat someone accused of a crime of such magnitude. yet even under that much weaker standard they couldn't find a single shred of evidence to corroborate four apparently separate stories! you don't find that in the slightest bit suspect?

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this kind of thing is incredibly hard to prove, just look at the Cosby case for example.


that's a completely different situation, the statute of limitations had passed on him, no one at any point event attempted to prove anything. if that number of women had come forward back in the day, and their stories were corroborated in court (which seems likely given what we know now), he'd have certainly gone down.


in this case, there was no evidence of the original claimed assault, the behaviour of the accuser was suspicious afterwards (just read the messages she was sending him), the only thing consistent from guy who then came forward was that his story was consistently inconsistent, the next girl only accused him of trying to kiss her (he was initially found responsible for that, with only probation given, but even that was overturned on appeal) and the last accuser (the former girlfriend) stopped responding to the people investigating her claim so they had to drop it (apparently she never originally saw the relationship as abusive, but changed her mind after the other allegations arose, presumably she changed her mind again after that).


more details will probably come out in the civil case where he's suing the university, but it definitely looks like a deliberate vendetta against a guy for which there is no evidence whatsoever of wrongdoing.

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