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some excellent triggers!

discussions with my father trigger me. we are both headstrong (/stupid), and my dad does this very annoying thing to zoom into a single, little point, and claim victory when i conceit in that point.

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some excellent triggers!

discussions with my father trigger me. we are both headstrong (/stupid), and my dad does this very annoying thing to zoom into a single, little point, and claim victory when i conceit in that point.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Logical fallacies, especially coming from someone that will doggedly hold on to convergent thinking.


People that ask me "why are you vegetarian?" and then talk over me when I give them my opinion.



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This fat girl at work that acts like she knows everything and doesn't do shit. And when she corrects people she makes a bitchy know it all face. She must have had the kind of parents that give you a trophy no matter what.


Loud construction work when I'm trying to sleep.


When I'm ordering a burrito and they skimp on ingredients.

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i spend 80% of my waking life avoiding triggers - from noise, people, situations, volume from machines, mindless human sound wank, triggers that disturb the mind constantly & take hours to dissipate


consequently spend more time in solitude avoiding these triggers than at any other time of my life


but its fun giving them shape, scope & sense


long may it continue, had a productive year, studio growing, all thats required is a vape & a nice cup o' tea dear

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apparently having to use the rowing machine next to someone else triggers me.

My trigger there would be not being rich enough to own a mansion with an home gym containing said rowing machine. Speaking of rowing, last time I was on the phone with my dad he recounted a story that recently he was rowing his scull offshore and he noticed a fin in the water trailing behind him. It was a fucking great shark longer than the scull, he thinks that he 'triggered' it cause he was letting the oars drag in the water after every stroke rather than pulling them out cleanly. The shark continued to follow him so dad opened up the taps and set a course for the shore, scary.


Sharks are a trigger for me, the mysteries of the ocean. I love the sea, but will be a lot happier when I've got my robotic companion in the water with me, ready to shock anything that gets too close and my personal uav keeping a lookout from above.


/awaits some renouned watmm knowitall to come in to browbeat me with shark attack stats or some such pointless notdieoffsharkattackatribe.

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