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Post-show drunken rant


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Ah i get you.... good point Jev.


gl0tch... any thoughts? After hearing some of the recorded shows, do you see thing differently?


I think hearing the recorded sets first actually fucked me up. The remaster thead spoiled it for me. I also think the venue was a bit muddy. Cygnus was so fucking warm (maybe because he was using all analog gear?)but autechre just didn't feel as full. (snip)



But main point is: I think other people in the venue is something to consider with live shows. This is why techno sets are generally successful- everyone is fucked and wanting to have fun. Now imagine if everyone at the Philly Ae show was having a blast with Cygnus, substances not even peaking, then all of a sudden some dudes come on who start playing sounds that remind you of your dog dying in a spaceship. If everyone was bummed, it's gonna be bad vibez, man.


Do you think putting Cygnus after ae would have alleviated most of the criticisms? Sounds to me this is a lot like a shitty warmup DJ playing peak stuff way too early in the night.





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But main point is: I think other people in the venue is something to consider with live shows. This is why techno sets are generally successful- everyone is fucked and wanting to have fun. Now imagine if everyone at the Philly Ae show was having a blast with Cygnus, substances not even peaking, then all of a sudden some dudes come on who start playing sounds that remind you of your dog dying in a spaceship. If everyone was bummed, it's gonna be bad vibez, man.


Do you think putting Cygnus after ae would have alleviated most of the criticisms? Sounds to me this is a lot like a shitty warmup DJ playing peak stuff way too early in the night.






I think conceptually, Ae's US tour is perfect. They stated that they really dug Cygnus' music from ages ago, so it was their idea to have him open for them. So it's an art project with possibly total disregard for outcome. Or basically-- there was no intended outcome but to put out dem vibez. I think Ae was totally cool with him just doing his thing to give him exposure with sideline mad props. And if you think about their musical composition process, they're totally not the type to pre-plan some full show with wicked drops that make you feel like you're peaking on shrooms, peaking on e. From a sincerity standpoint, "we're just doing our thing" is a mode of action that can't really be faulted.


The only reason why I'd go to any current-era Ae show, though, is to basically chill with them through vibez, have a gin and tonic, etc. Cuz it's not like in the middle of the set they're gonna bust out Second Scepe, and then all of a sudden the crowd would be like, "OOOOOH SNAP FUCKER!!!" Everyone wants that shit, even if the majority pretend that combing their scraggly beards is more important, but it's prolly not gonna happen for awhile.

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Dunno about your show but I thought everyone killed for different reasons. Think Cygnus made what autechre did a bit more palatable. Their textural wank was spirit cleansing. Cygnus threw down amazing acid techno.

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Oh just bits and pieces with my phone. Got 10-15 minutes of various Cygnus things and about 10 minutes of Autechre. Was playing it back today and the low end of Ae is so heavy and nice. It was really powerful experiencing it last night. Cygnus stuff is nice acid/electro? Like tuss/monolith stuff.

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My buddy got this super lush part of autechre on his. Really nice sort of like slowed down machine gun delay type of thing. the quality of the sound they produce is just something else and the environment lends itself to some interesting development. thought almost all of the set was seemless except maybe a moment or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly don't think I'd ever see Ae through fear of it just not sounding as good as in a home/studio setting with decent phones and/or speakers.


I don't understand this post. Can you please rephrase it for me? Thank you.

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As in, for me Autechre is all about the clarity and the tiny details throughout their tracks: tiny little changes of reverb, filtering, spectral stuff etc. In a live gig setting I'd get the overall sound, but miss out on what makes Autechre appeal so much to me. If it was a properly acoustically treated performance hall I'd go, but it seems they tend to play more in a club setting

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Look i love the 'chre but i can totally dig how they're "tricky" live when


- the sound is dodgy

- yer off yer tits

- theres a lot of yappin/distractions

- the visuals suck

- the music is unfamiliar / the tracks are elusive


Any of the above. Soundboards need to happen to really really get them.

When i saw them in Dublin 2010 i really had to let my brain succumb to them and it think i got it. On multiple re-listens to my recording, i REALLY got it.


That's how they roll and if you completely get them at a live gig, without any pre-listens to the tour... hats off to you for your amazing capacity to absorb such complexity - but its not fuckin easy - THAT i get, but i know will get rewarded with excellent tunage in the end

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As in, for me Autechre is all about the clarity and the tiny details throughout their tracks: tiny little changes of reverb, filtering, spectral stuff etc. In a live gig setting I'd get the overall sound, but miss out on what makes Autechre appeal so much to me. If it was a properly acoustically treated performance hall I'd go, but it seems they tend to play more in a club setting


I 100% agree with you then. The Krakow was the first and the last AE show for me exactly because of the stuff you have described. There is simply no point for me to experience their music live in such circumstances. Studio and headphones all the way.

Look i love the 'chre but i can totally dig how they're "tricky" live when


- the sound is dodgy

- yer off yer tits

- theres a lot of yappin/distractions

- the visuals suck

- the music is unfamiliar / the tracks are elusive


Any of the above. Soundboards need to happen to really really get them.

When i saw them in Dublin 2010 i really had to let my brain succumb to them and it think i got it. On multiple re-listens to my recording, i REALLY got it.


That's how they roll and if you completely get them at a live gig, without any pre-listens to the tour... hats off to you for your amazing capacity to absorb such complexity - but its not fuckin easy - THAT i get, but i know will get rewarded with excellent tunage in the end


Exactly. Great post.

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Funnily enough I've been thinking about this thread since playing the soundboard flac of AE at Krakow. I have an aversion to live bootlegs, got nothing to do with being an audiophile pompus prick, just never been my cup of tea. So this was my first baptism of fire.


While I found the drunken rant to be mischievously funny, like I said before he would of been best off down the school disco, puking in a hedge. This new AE tunage is pretty fucking serious lol.


And definitley not for school discos :diablo:

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