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Chewbacca has been confirmed to be in the Han Solo film, and the internet says duh... probly showing how they met, and possibly how Han won his ship from Lando at Sabacc. A further 5 movies are rumored to be in development, in addition to the 6 currently known, so I'm betting another trilogy, possibly a spinoff trilogy focusing on Obi Wan, or Vader, or both. That brings the number of Star Wars movies to 17 so far, just by the middle of next decade. If Disney is smart, they will space out the main trilogies maybe every 10 years to prolong interest in the Skywalker saga.


holy shit this sucks


So refreshing having someone who can time travel and can warn us ahead of time about movies that haven't even been written yet as to how awful they are going to be...

Remember - people thought Disney buying Lucasfilm was going to be bad for Star Wars - and so far, we've gotten one of the best Star Wars movies ever* out of it.


*2 billion dollars box office and my humble opinion of course


i really loved force awakens but the magic of star wars is its exclusivity... flooding the market with films will only dull the "special" impact of star wars. much less to get excited about


As long as the quality is maintained, I have no problems with more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bitroast

re-watched Ep7 (finally @ home). is fun.

i feel like, my initial viewings @ cinema were overrun with expectations or at the very least the expectation to have fun. but keep getting bogged down trying to process the story and keep track of all the little details that don't add up or make sense. it seems like the film doesn't give two fucks about being water tight from plot holes. it's just ... why did particular coincidence # whatever happen at this particular time? because who cares !!! so why should i (or anyone) as the viewer scrutinize over it. it's a fun film.


still feel like bits of the film felt a bit rough or unfinished.

like when the falcon lands on snow planet and crashes into the trees. the music is a complete mis match. but they probably had no other better fitting music / it would've been too costly to re-edit the shot. i'm pretty sure williams even said that he wasn't able to score the film to shots of the film like he did on previous star wars films ....


ugh.. cobbled together hollywood piece of . ... * holds off rant for now *


the film is fun :^ )

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If the quality is good I don't care how many they make, but do we need to know everything about everything? After a while these spinoffs are just going to be filling in the blanks for the sake of it. I'd much rather be going to see standalone Star Wars films with stories and characters totally unrelated to the main saga, in the same way that Tolkien wrote heaps of books set in Middle-Earth that were nothing to do with Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. They'll probably waste the opportunity.

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C3PO's Mystery Island


Find out how Darthe's suit was built (and why it smell like roses)

We went to a Wooki shampoo parlor and lived

Ewoks cannot stand water - this is why


and more









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C3PO's Mystery Island


Find out how Darthe's suit was built (and why it smell like roses)

We went to a Wooki shampoo parlor and lived

Ewoks cannot stand water - this is why


and more









lol yeah

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re-watched Ep7 (finally @ home). is fun.

i feel like, my initial viewings @ cinema were overrun with expectations or at the very least the expectation to have fun. but keep getting bogged down trying to process the story and keep track of all the little details that don't add up or make sense. it seems like the film doesn't give two fucks about being water tight from plot holes. it's just ... why did particular coincidence # whatever happen at this particular time? because who cares !!! so why should i (or anyone) as the viewer scrutinize over it. it's a fun film.


still feel like bits of the film felt a bit rough or unfinished.

like when the falcon lands on snow planet and crashes into the trees. the music is a complete mis match. but they probably had no other better fitting music / it would've been too costly to re-edit the shot. i'm pretty sure williams even said that he wasn't able to score the film to shots of the film like he did on previous star wars films ....


ugh.. cobbled together hollywood piece of . ... * holds off rant for now *


the film is fun :^ )


pretty much my thoughts exactly, especially the cobbled-together hollywood trash aspect... i've ranted on this film already and will again, it deserves it


still fun on a surface-level kinda way, i guess...

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Oh right there's another thread for this. For what it's worth I'm pro an all things star wars thread, do we really need a million seperate threads?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Making Star Wars reports—and confirms, through sources—that Darth Vader, repeatedly rumored to be involved, is almost assuredly in the film.

On top of acknowledging the faithful recreation of the A New Hope costume and that actor Spencer Wilding is physically portraying the character, the story also notes that a shot in the first trailer for the film of a large, smoking tank—seen above— in fact houses Vader himself. According to the report, Vader is in the tank while getting replacement cybernetic limbs and repairs to his body. As ever with reports like this, take it a healthy dose of skepticism... beyond the seemingly certain appearance of Darth Vader, at this point.

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Guest bitroast

Darth Vader in Death Star origins movie makes enough sense.

here's hoping he takes a breather and doesn't make an appearance in han solo film.

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