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Swans' Michael Gira accused of rape by singer Larkin Grimm

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I've read this discussion something like two dozen times on watmm, every time it ends the same. a valid discussion is opened. dissenting opinions appear. MGF farts around with some decidedly lefty rhetoric. a few people try to provide real-life experiences. dlet goes on an incoherent tinfoil rampage and tries to bow out and pretend he didn't want to be in the conversation anyway. the scientism fanboys ask for statistics. maybe sheathe shows up to post some cryptic shit that suggests he's above it all. and eugene puts a space before his question mark, signalling that doom is near and the thread will spiral into minutiae no one had their focus on anyway. finally no one cares anymore and no one has learned a thing, effectively leaving us all retroactively raped as we withdraw our consent from our previous poastings and find ourselves in a spiral of regret.


we get it already indeed.

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Okay well after looking up some tips on how to ask for consent properly (seriously.. i'm not joking or trying to incite).

Can I ask you guys how you would go about it? What would you say in the moment just to check if it's okay?


this is a serious request, please don't mock me for it.

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But according to pretty much every link that showed up on google, they would rather you say something? In the form of a question?
Maybe ask, but kind of lightly humorous way so it doesn't seem so indecisive?


My previous measure was whether she was kissing and showing affection.

Do you want to [fuck]? Substitute your proverb term.



edit: Yes, there is usually dick grabbing.


Okay this is actually good, thanks. Neither indecisive nor implicit. "Do you want to fuck?" with confidence. Either she says yes or no..

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edit: although I maintain that very few of these dudes actually believe what they say, and are really just hunting likes/retweets/sympathy vagina from girls who smell like hummus.

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Not every guy who gets defensive about this stuff is a closet red pill. That you guys even brought that up is pretty yelling of your dismissive attitude towards what is actually rather frightening for men WHO ACTUALLY LIVE HERE.


My chess buddy years ago was attacked by his girlfriend and she called 911 on him. The police showed up, spoke to his landlord downstairs, then kicked him out of his own apartment for days while they worked out the dispute. While this really strange police work was happening she immediately brought a peurto Rican crackhead there to live for days and supply her cocaine. His alcoholic landlord thankfully witnessed her behavior and changed his tune days later.


Raymond was really poor and black. Was a super nice guy and always kicked my ass at chess. The whole thing was super surreal when it happened.


But... Isolated case I guess. Obviously similar things don't happen much in the USA.


Yes, similar things happen all the time in the USA in fact it's the law for it to happen


If there's a dispute where the physically smaller person attacks a physically larger one, it's the law to arrest the physically larger one until the situation is figured out. And that's pretty much always men since women are given the benefit of the doubt if they happen to be the larger one



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basically every edgy / political thread we have had in the last year or so has taken the same predictable course:


- something shit happens and someone involved in the shittyness is reduced to representing a certain group or idea


- said group and idea are used as a scapegoat paraded as being bad for society and the world is coming to an end etc etc.


- completely get off topic and the thing the thread is about hasn't been discussed in several pages


- most sane watmmers stand on the sidelines going :facepalm: ugh jesus christ not this shit again (or by quoting the mde video)


No, all threads regarding gender politics get trolled into oblivion and anyone not espousing sjw style far left feminist and anti-man sentiments is called a misogynist. Honestly it's a bit disappointing because often WATMM can actually have some pretty good discussions on topics despite being a cesspool of retardation. But on this particular one it seems everyone is a bit out of touch with reality


Hurr muh wage gap, hurr domestic violence is gender asymmetric against women, hurr only women rape, hurr women can do no wrong, hurr I'm a retard /s

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Alright everyone, here is a Tumblr feminist vs MRA dude for some comic relief



I don't see an MRA there actually unless you're talking about the guy who said gender roles are good. And most MRAs do not think gender roles are good.


You seem to have fallen into the trap of thinking that because one group opposes another that they therefore disagree on literally every individual thing.



This guy's not an MRA he's a sexist

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God damnit, this thread is the latest "Jennifer Lawrence... thread".... I agree with xxx's post saying we need a megathread or something for everyone to just get this shit out before tumblring up the other threads.

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Disgusting, this is why we need to be skeptical just like with all other crimes. It doesn't matter if rape is an emotionally charged issue, people need to be viewed as innocent until proven guilty and we still need to uphold the cases as requiring the highest standards of evidence just as with anything else.


There's another case where this black guy was falsely accused and imprisoned for 22 years, but was released early once DNA evidence proved him innocent. By that time he had already been raped countless times in prison and gotten AIDS though. He was given a $9m in damages, but no amount of money can repay him for what he lost - years of his life and the respect of his family, as well as having his life eventually cut short by AIDS.



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