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Swans' Michael Gira accused of rape by singer Larkin Grimm

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you missed a step Luke. you forgot the part where Dan C (the worst of all the C's) posts a mocking image that gets a lol out of precisely no one.


You'd make my signature with this quote, but I have literally no idea who you are so you're not important enough.

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Is this the worst thread in the history of watmm?

If not, which is?


Poor baby

lol I'm not butthurt or something if you think that...

but it's just.... So much dumb?

How is this even possible?

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Is this the worst thread in the history of watmm?

If not, which is?

Poor baby

lol I'm not butthurt or something if you think that...

but it's just.... So much dumb?

How is this even possible?



p3 j893h89fhe8f h

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Alright phling, here's your chance. Rather than get angry at you and 3y13h89fhoeuzwh;la poopied all over my keyboard to remove it.


I want to hear exactly why you think this thread is dumb, in full detail. Can you please tell me why American men being accused of rape in the USA of all places (we're prison hungry) is not a valid discussion? Is this an inherently dumb topic or something and i'm actually delusional?


Phling, just please give me an honest response for once instead of jpegs and bite-size criticisms.

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Does anyone reckon Ben Frost is, somewhere deep down inside, feeling a little bit jealous of Larkin Grimm? Even for the slightest, tiniest, microscopic bit? Or is envious the more proper word to use?


Ben Frost strikes me as an asexual hermit/monk type living out in a a remote Icelandic cabin, but yes, he probably is. Though now you've got me thinking what having sex with Ben Frost is like.


Can we change this thread to discussing sex with various music personalities pls

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Does anyone reckon Ben Frost is, somewhere deep down inside, feeling a little bit jealous of Larkin Grimm? Even for the slightest, tiniest, microscopic bit? Or is envious the more proper word to use?


Ben Frost strikes me as an asexual hermit/monk type living out in a a remote Icelandic cabin, but yes, he probably is. Though now you've got me thinking what having sex with Ben Frost is like.


Can we change this thread to discussing sex with various music personalities pls


Having sex with Ben Frost is like breathing water. It's slow and heavy and ends with him grabbing you by the throat saying "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL" through slabs of distortion.

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Does anyone reckon Ben Frost is, somewhere deep down inside, feeling a little bit jealous of Larkin Grimm? Even for the slightest, tiniest, microscopic bit? Or is envious the more proper word to use?


Ben Frost strikes me as an asexual hermit/monk type living out in a a remote Icelandic cabin, but yes, he probably is. Though now you've got me thinking what having sex with Ben Frost is like.


Can we change this thread to discussing sex with various music personalities pls


Having sex with Ben Frost is like breathing water. It's slow and heavy and ends with him grabbing you by the throat saying "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL" through slabs of distortion.





maybe he'll whisper some furious Latin throughout as well

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you missed a step Luke. you forgot the part where Dan C (the worst of all the C's) posts a mocking image that gets a lol out of precisely no one.

You'd make my signature with this quote, but I have literally no idea who you are so you're not important enough.

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Does anyone reckon Ben Frost is, somewhere deep down inside, feeling a little bit jealous of Larkin Grimm? Even for the slightest, tiniest, microscopic bit? Or is envious the more proper word to use?


Ben Frost strikes me as an asexual hermit/monk type living out in a a remote Icelandic cabin, but yes, he probably is. Though now you've got me thinking what having sex with Ben Frost is like.


Can we change this thread to discussing sex with various music personalities pls


Having sex with Ben Frost is like breathing water. It's slow and heavy and ends with him grabbing you by the throat saying "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL" through slabs of distortion.




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you missed a step Luke. you forgot the part where Dan C (the worst of all the C's) posts a mocking image that gets a lol out of precisely no one.

You'd make my signature with this quote, but I have literally no idea who you are so you're not important enough.



Dat MRA rage.

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Can't we all collectively direct our uncontrollable need and desire for spouting smartass critical commentaries not towards current events, but towards Moby threads instead?



Like the good ol' WATMM way.


Most have literally no idea who moby is, so he's not important enough.




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A short, reasoned, logical assessment of the basics of the issues of reporting rape: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-09-19/how-many-rape-reports-are-false


If someone says they were raped, you believe them unless you have solid undeniable evidence otherwise. Also, at the very same time, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. It may be confusing for some, but if you're a grown adult you should be able to allow both things to stand beside each other.


sent using magic space waves

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A short, reasoned, logical assessment of the basics of the issues of reporting rape: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-09-19/how-many-rape-reports-are-false


If someone says they were raped, you believe them unless you have solid undeniable evidence otherwise. Also, at the very same time, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. It may be confusing for some, but if you're a grown adult you should be able to allow both things to stand beside each other.


sent using magic space waves


"What we know is that we don't know. We should not presume that every rape victim is telling the truth because it would make it easier for victims to come forward. Nor should we presume that every rape accusation has a 50 percent chance of being false. We should look at the facts in each case and judge them with the knowledge that some women do lie about rape -- for revenge, to cover up some problem in their own lives, to get attention and sympathy from others. And also with the knowledge that men lie, too, violating their victims a second time in order to cover up their crimes. And that while men have gone to jail for rapes they did not commit, many other men have avoided the jail time they deserved for terrible crimes against women."


That is the most reasonable thing I've yet heard on the topic.

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A short, reasoned, logical assessment of the basics of the issues of reporting rape: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-09-19/how-many-rape-reports-are-false


If someone says they were raped, you believe them unless you have solid undeniable evidence otherwise. Also, at the very same time, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. It may be confusing for some, but if you're a grown adult you should be able to allow both things to stand beside each other.


sent using magic space waves


that wasn't the conclusion of the article cited. In her conclusion she also states




But treating rape victims as possible or likely liars may make it harder for them to go forward, leaving rapists free to stalk their next victim.


This goes against a basic principle of justice from Blackstone that; "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer". Burden of proof is important to maintain our system of justice. So any claim, let alone an extraordinary claim that can effectively destroy someone's life, requires due suspicion and investigation by the police. We can't let the system break down just based on "feels". Sure a support network for the alleged victim is important as with all crime, there is an informal one in the form of their family and friends, but also a formal one in the form of organisations that look after that sort of thing, but the law, the law should not be compromised just because the matter occurred to the 'weaker more emotional sex', hrmm sorry, the 'strong empowered and equal in all ways sex', you gotta pick one, and we'll build society around that, you can't have it both ways. But understand if you go for the former, it's all over for voting rights, and an host of liberties.


heh, seriouslor.


/going for most triggering post of the this month.

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People really hate rapists. I really hate them, we all really hate them. And rape in particular is a really emotionally charged issue and this can often result in people wanting to believe accusers just to avoid the off chance that we let a rapist go. Nobody is treated worse in prison than rapists and child molesters. They have their assholes reamed there and back again. The idea that there is a "rape culture" which is accepting of rape in society is absolutely ridiculous and at odds with reality


Given all of this, people are sometimes inclined to believe accusers even when there isn't much evidence. We give them the benefit of the doubt. While yes, this seems like it would help accusers since they themselves are the ones who, if their accusations are legitimate, are the victims, we need to not lower our standards of the burden of proof at all. Realistically there are worse crimes than rape: murder, genocide, financial engineering related activities resulting in the deaths of large quantities of people due to a lack of allocation of funds for healthcare, the list is endless. But we treat these crimes just the same - as requiring a high burden of proof to convict the accused


With rape in particular, since it's such an emotionally charged issue, the act of being accused alone is enough to ruin a person's life. Marriages end, jobs are lost especially if they are public facing, and this tends to not be reversed even if the individual is proven innocent. And if they aren't proven innocent but are convicted on shoddy non-evidence, there's where the real injustices lie and the upcoming hell for the falsely accused begins. Prison rape (the only real rape culture that exists in the US), diseases, fights, abuse from prison guards, acquiring AIDS via prison rape. These are all infinitely worse than the torment the false accuser faced, and even infinitely worse than a legitimate victim of the typical rape faces


For this reason accusations need to be looked at without any assumptions based solely on emotionally charged feelings regarding this particular crime.


I 100% support requirements for coming out to the police instead of social media.


I 100% support higher burdens of proof and a gender neutral legal definition of what "rape" is. Drunk sex that you regret the next morning isn't rape, no reasonable person thinks this. But right now the law thinks this, and it selectively enforces it only when the victim is a female.


Rape victims claim they are laughed out of the police station? Give me a break, the real people laughed out of police stations are male rape victims, especially when the perpetrator is female and especially when she is a physically small female who took advantage of an inebriated state


Whatever, keep your sjw instincts if you want, reader, but maybe give a bit of sympathy to the falsely accused. Falsely accused when a father comes home and a girlfriend is willing to do anything to avoid feeling shamed at her choices, so she passes them off as not her choices. Falsely accused when an ex girlfriend wants revenge. Falsely accused when the accuser legitimately raped the accused but she knows that if both of them accuse each other only she will be believed by society


It's a disgusting state of affairs and this sjw mindset prevalent among liberals (which I am despite your quick assertion that I'm some bible toting retarded conservative) is a massive detriment to true legal and social justice.

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A short, reasoned, logical assessment of the basics of the issues of reporting rape: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-09-19/how-many-rape-reports-are-false


If someone says they were raped, you believe them unless you have solid undeniable evidence otherwise. Also, at the very same time, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. It may be confusing for some, but if you're a grown adult you should be able to allow both things to stand beside each other.


sent using magic space waves


This is an extremely well written and reasonable article. I wish both sides of the table would converge a bit closer to discussing like that.

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Nobody is treated worse in prison than rapists and child molesters. They have their assholes reamed there and back again. The idea that there is a "rape culture" which is accepting of rape in society is absolutely ridiculous and at odds with reality.

at least familiarize yourself with the very basics of the concept before barging in and flaunting your ignorance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_culture

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i also feel very strongly that moby should not be allowed to receive so little criticism


"Porcelain" is kinda rapey


"Hey, hey, hey, woman it's alright"... Is Moby coercing some lady into consent?


"I never meant to hurt you"... Is he expressing guilt after the rape? WTF Moby?

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