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808 - drum machine documentary

Rubin Farr

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watched a bit of that on Apple Music, it's what you would expect, basically all these mainstream artists guys going "Owww wow it makes BOOOM awesome technology 1000%". meh.

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I want to see a doc about the TX81Z, SK-5, RZ-1, Poly-800 or some other weird cheap gear that isn't heard in every other pop song. The interviews could be less fawning and more like like "Well, I was broke and it sounded like shit but it's all I could afford, so I busted my ass to get decent sounds out of it"

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I want to see a doc about the TX81Z, SK-5, RZ-1, Poly-800 or some other weird cheap gear that isn't heard in every other pop song. The interviews could be less fawning and more like like "Well, I was broke and it sounded like shit but it's all I could afford, so I busted my ass to get decent sounds out of it"


except the tx81z was used on virtually every 90s dance pop tune



I mean what is there to say? It's a box with buttons with a distinct yet massively overused sound.


This may not be a great documentary but there is a hell of a lot to say about the history of the 808 and it deserves to be celebrated.


yeah i sort of agree with both of you here. the 808 sounds fantastic and there is a lot you could say about it however it is overused and overrated. the atlanta trap sound is great, but people aping it with no originality = 808 is the official sound of shitty soundcloud demos. 808 has been used in more stuff than just trap, mind, but its current popularity seems to stem from this area. 



It's definitely used in a lot of shit music but that can be said about so many bits of gear or popular samples. It's not fair to hate on the gear for it.

You really can't label the 808 as overrated if it's still finding it's way into cutting edge music 3 decades on. It's value can't be overstated.

The 808 is now just getting the same kind of bitchy verbal bashing that the amen break does. Overused, overrated, shit etc etc. It's a completely flawed logic.

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It's a chicken-egg thing. I love the 808, it's impact, usage, etc. has been more than substantial (some equipment is after all: the 303, amen break, Emu and MPC samplers, Moog, etc.) but that leads to the inevitable exploitation, endless hype, myth making, and redundant storytelling. 


This documentary probably offers a lot for those less familiar to the instrument and it seems well done, for watmmers like myself it's probably 10% new footage and insight and 90% of cursory history and the same story about "Planet Rock" I've heard multiple times.

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It's overused now because, yeah, trap. But there's been a pretty steady stream of usage since the thing came out. As far as the machine itself, the kick is impressive (duh) and a lot of the other sounds are nice. I would absolutely NOT say nothing impressive has been done with it. Egyptian Lover, Drexciya, Skinny Puppy, and many others have done great things with it. 


I would just like to see people explore the weirder corners of pop culture to remind people that you don't have to travel too far off the popular music highway to get into weirdoland. It's certainly true that LatelyBass was on nearly every Babyface-produced hit single of the 90s and plenty of house tracks (along with some TX/DX organ presets). But that synth and its architectural siblings are capable of, and have been used for, so many more lush and bizarre sounds and records. Lots of Aphex and Autechre tracks for example.


It's not really fair to judge the documentary without seeing it but I can't think of where they can go with this other than gee whiz, this cool old vintage machine that's been super popular and well-known for 30+ years is so cool, go download one of the thousands of sample packs of it or go buy The Real Thing for $3000 or go buy a clone, etc. Like, OK, sure, pay homage to a classic but that seems pretty boring to me.


I guess if this teaches some kids about drum machines in general, that's cool, though. Maybe lots of them don't know of any way but Ableton to make electronic music.

It's a chicken-egg thing. I love the 808, it's impact, usage, etc. has been more than substantial (some equipment is after all: the 303, amen break, Emu and MPC samplers, Moog, etc.) but that leads to the inevitable exploitation, endless hype, myth making, and redundant storytelling. 

Thank you, this is what I was trying to say.

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In 2016 it seems kind of crazy that so many are still sticking to standard real-world corollary drum sounds (not that I'm innocent). All percussion is meant to be is different spectra at different volumes with different transients occurring at different places in musical time.


I guess I don't really have a problem with BD SD LT HT HH OH CL CY CB, since limiting yourself to predetermined percussion instruments frees up your mind for other choices, but Roland has been done to death anew in the past few years. I just can't make a track anymore where there is an obvious 909 OHH. I also find the toms pretty egregious at this point. I know Ron Morelli banned the 707 from future releases at one point.


I think it's time eletronic music did some mao-style house cleaning (pun).

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In 2016 it seems kind of crazy that so many are still sticking to standard real-world corollary drum sounds (not that I'm innocent). All percussion is meant to be is different spectra at different volumes with different transients occurring at different places in musical time.


I guess I don't really have a problem with BD SD LT HT HH OH CL CY CB, since limiting yourself to predetermined percussion instruments frees up your mind for other choices, but Roland has been done to death anew in the past few years. I just can't make a track anymore where there is an obvious 909 OHH. I also find the toms pretty egregious at this point. I know Ron Morelli banned the 707 from future releases at one point.


I think it's time eletronic music did some mao-style house cleaning (pun).

I want to hear more, like, alternate reality drum machines. I really like the shit-tastic beatbox on the Monomachine for this reason. It sounds very much like an 80s ROMpler but it doesn't sound like any specific one at all. Abstracting out the pleasing aesthetics of these machines and applying them to newer, more flexible, more meaningful models is 99999x cooler than any form of "authenticity" imo.


I watched this last week or someshit, and what came to mind during the intro was, "Fuck, yeah- ORCH5!!!"


We need an ORCH5 documentary.

Dude I was going to say that about Planet Rock. That sound is way more interesting.

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In 2016 it seems kind of crazy that so many are still sticking to standard real-world corollary drum sounds (not that I'm innocent). All percussion is meant to be is different spectra at different volumes with different transients occurring at different places in musical time.


I guess I don't really have a problem with BD SD LT HT HH OH CL CY CB, since limiting yourself to predetermined percussion instruments frees up your mind for other choices, but Roland has been done to death anew in the past few years. I just can't make a track anymore where there is an obvious 909 OHH. I also find the toms pretty egregious at this point. I know Ron Morelli banned the 707 from future releases at one point.


I think it's time eletronic music did some mao-style house cleaning (pun).

I want to hear more, like, alternate reality drum machines. I really like the shit-tastic beatbox on the Monomachine for this reason. It sounds very much like an 80s ROMpler but it doesn't sound like any specific one at all. Abstracting out the pleasing aesthetics of these machines and applying them to newer, more flexible, more meaningful models is 99999x cooler than any form of "authenticity" imo.


If only I had the time...:



Yeah wtf where's my analogue finger snaps

You wrote that as a joke, and then you realized that I was dead serious, after you also agreed with what you wrote.  That is the power of imagination!  You wrote a one-line joke on an internet music forum, and your post already has a feature that doesn't exist on any analog drum machine, ever.


These motherfuckers are using hundreds of years worth of reverse-engineered grey alien technology to produce the same sounds over and over and over.  I bet when you open up modern analog drum machines, if you look really closely, you'll just see another tiny analog drum machine inside that's been shrunk with alien technology.  These people keep selling us the same damn drum machine year after year, and we never revolt with millions of us on months long hunger strikes, cuz we all gotta eat to make music.  That's pretty lame.


As Atari Teenage Riot used to yell: "Riot sounds produce riots!"  This is true.

So what do analog drum machine sounds produce?  -ANALOG DRUM MACHINES!!!


What the fuck motherfucker- this is simple physics.  Every time any one of us buys an analog drum machine, several of the same drum machine will be birthed under a different brand and seemingly different flavor.  You all know about The Singularity?  The merging of AI and human consciousness into one massive ultra system-- but fuck that- the whole universe is just going to use every single atom to build analog drum machines, over and over and over.  And even after there is no energy left in all of existence, Behringer will still come out with an analog drum machine, cuz they don't give a fuck about quality control.


All right- Gocab noted the need for finger snaps, so we got that.  What else, what else...



-finger snaps

-knee slaps

-foot stomps (It's like Queen busted out the foot stomp with We Will Rock You, dropped the mic, and nobody ever heard that shit originally, since)

-that jackoff sound you make with your cheek

-every beatbox sound

-knuckle cracks

-whip cracks

-metal drum

-that clock sound you make with your tongue

-kung fu striking sounds

-explosions (from pistols to nuclear)



....Fuck, that list took me a few minutes, and it already conceptually dominates the whole analog drum machine industry.  This is fucked up, dudes.  I'm serving these motherfuckers so hard, and I don't even have to open up a restaurant.  Please, somebody e-mail this to all pertinent companies.  They are 92% people who never even use their own equipment, because if they did, they would do their own demos, personally (good ones).  Like if you made the most badass analog drum machine of all time, wouldn't you demo that beast yourself?  OF COURSE!!!!!  These people keep using mostly mediocre-talent presentation assholes who don't care about the community, which is why they accept money to perpetuate mediocrity in the first place.  And even within that mediocrity it's like overall 70% technical explanation, 30% music.  That seems as if it would make sense, but who the fuck cares?  Seriously.  Really--- think about it.  If you can show me an amazing performance with your machine, show me.  Don't tell me how I can potentially do it.  If you can't show me, then you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.  Doctor talking about health who looks like shit- don't know what they're talking about.  Ugly woman talking about beauty- don't know what they're talking about.  And these motherfucking analog drum machine makers who think features in text are actually features in sound- what the fuck, man.  C'mon, man.  We're not perpetually 12.  "Oh, yeah- the transmogrification of the quadrilateral fornication- yeah, yeah-- that's a strawberry."  How about you taste it?!  EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?!?!?!?!?!


Stop telling me how good you are--- fucking show me.  Fucking, ***SHOW ME***


This is ridiculous.  I'm so fired up right now, the Sun feels like a ball of ice.  I'm out.



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In 2016 it seems kind of crazy that so many are still sticking to standard real-world corollary drum sounds (not that I'm innocent). All percussion is meant to be is different spectra at different volumes with different transients occurring at different places in musical time.


I guess I don't really have a problem with BD SD LT HT HH OH CL CY CB, since limiting yourself to predetermined percussion instruments frees up your mind for other choices, but Roland has been done to death anew in the past few years. I just can't make a track anymore where there is an obvious 909 OHH. I also find the toms pretty egregious at this point. I know Ron Morelli banned the 707 from future releases at one point.



Thats true, but the sounds of the Roland boxes are so deeply ingrained in 30 years of wide musical culture, people are always gonna want to use them as references. Its incredibly tempting cause it will sound good anyway, and while lazy, pretty much everyone does it. its always gonna be a judgement call on whether or not its too obvious or you're doing it too much. I never had a problem with too much Roland on L.I.E.S stuff.

Tbh would love to hear some proper pop music with abstract/musique concrete style drums but thats not gonna happen.


Remember in the Artificial Intelligence liner notes where AFX is boasting about how original he is cause he is always using completely new percussion sounds and not relying on 909s etc. Then 10 yrs later he makes Analord. 



You'd have to legally enforce it properly and even then you'd probably get cheeky bastards using Jomox Airbases or something as a loophole. 

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That's the good thing about the rytm, and more so the tempest. New sounds. As long as you aren't afraid.


Even the built in 808/909 samples on the tempest don't sound the same. They sound tempesty.


Also, i have made a few elektron style "machines" using operator and macros. It's hard to tune it to only sweet spots, but so far I have a good kick machine and a pretty good metallic hh sound. I made them without using any other effects, so it's just an operator and nothing else.


But yeah. I'm really really tired of the 909 OHH.

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