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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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He tries to be a dictator, but he's just too sloppy.

This in a nutshell. Imagine if he was more intelligent and had the same level of everything else. 


Instead we have a guy who (i think) wants to be a dictator but doesn't know what he could do to make that a reality. Though I imagine if he did pull some of that crap he'd be shut down by the other branches of govt.

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Too many bombshells to keep up with. It's the beginning of the end. Forever.


And yet nothing has happened. a million investigations and it's starting to look like it's all fluff in terms of Trump getting impeached.


That said, does anyone know how many people around trump have been fired/jailed/replaced etc for doing something wrong? It's insane how many people are getting in trouble around him.. but oh no, he's an angel. lol.


btw, my dad is a conservative and recently he finally admitted he's disappointed in Trump's actions since he became president.

Edited by Brisbot
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Not to be a dick, but aren't those breaks in the system well known to pretty much everyone? She wasn't saying anything revolutionary there. Could have been borrowed from a michael moore clip from 15 years ago. 


edit: or is it just the forum they're being brought up in that's significant? Sorry, I'm prob just missing some context.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Too many bombshells to keep up with. It's the beginning of the end. Forever.


And yet nothing has happened. a million investigations and it's starting to look like it's all fluff in terms of Trump getting impeached.


That said, does anyone know how many people around trump have been fired/jailed/replaced etc for doing something wrong? It's insane how many people are getting in trouble around him.. but oh no, he's an angel. lol.



papadopoulos, flynn, gates, manafort, and cohen are all people around trump who plead guilty or were found guilty.


others, like stone, are awaiting trial.


others, like trump jr and kilimnik, are expecting to be indicted


others with indirect or unknown links to trump, like pinedo, van der Zwaan, and patten, have plead or been found guilty as part of the mueller investigation


more info here https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/20/17031772/mueller-indictments-grand-jury


many trump appointees face serious ethics scandals and a number including pruitt, shulkin, porter, price, and zinke resigned because of them


more info here https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-officials-left-trump-administration/story?id=49334453


also noteworthy are the principled protest resignations such as Secretary Jim Mattis and Brett McGurk

Edited by very honest
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Not to be a dick, but aren't those breaks in the system well known to pretty much everyone? She wasn't saying anything revolutionary there. Could have been borrowed from a michael moore clip from 15 years ago. 


edit: or is it just the forum they're being brought up in that's significant? Sorry, I'm prob just missing some context.


they're known, it's not like she's some deep intellectual discovering things nobody else realizes, but she's taking her time to point them out and she's actually in congress so it's more hopeful because she actually has power

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Zeffolia, on 09 Feb 2019 - 2:28 PM, said:



Bulk VanderHooj, on 09 Feb 2019 - 2:14 PM, said:


Not to be a dick, but aren't those breaks in the system well known to pretty much everyone? She wasn't saying anything revolutionary there. Could have been borrowed from a michael moore clip from 15 years ago.


edit: or is it just the forum they're being brought up in that's significant? Sorry, I'm prob just missing some context.

they're known, it's not like she's some deep intellectual discovering things nobody else realizes, but she's taking her time to point them out and she's actually in congress so it's more hopeful because she actually has power

Fair - maybe if some open conversation at the congressional level becomes a priority something will change someday. I guess that's the point? I just assumed the issues were so well known and no-one really cares to speak of them because 99% of politicians are corrupt and they don't want to screw their own chances of enrichment.

If she pushes the issue too much will she have a target on her back or what?

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the more they hate her, the better presidential candidate she'd be. ;)


tbf, at first i didn't really like her. she had too much of a sjw vibe for my tastes. only moral outrage and nothing else. but she shows plenty 'else'.


really refreshing to see her opening up the hill again. it's like someone suddenly opening the windows in a dark and wasted house. a breath of fresh air. don't care if she doesn't have experience. she's from the proverbial 'repair democracy' committee. and there's some repairing to do.

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Too many bombshells to keep up with. It's the beginning of the end. Forever.


And yet nothing has happened. a million investigations and it's starting to look like it's all fluff in terms of Trump getting impeached.


That said, does anyone know how many people around trump have been fired/jailed/replaced etc for doing something wrong? It's insane how many people are getting in trouble around him.. but oh no, he's an angel. lol.



papadopoulos, flynn, gates, manafort, and cohen are all people around trump who plead guilty or were found guilty.


others, like stone, are awaiting trial.


others, like trump jr and kilimnik, are expecting to be indicted


others with indirect or unknown links to trump, like pinedo, van der Zwaan, and patten, have plead or been found guilty as part of the mueller investigation


more info here https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/20/17031772/mueller-indictments-grand-jury


many trump appointees face serious ethics scandals and a number including pruitt, shulkin, porter, price, and zinke resigned because of them


more info here https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-officials-left-trump-administration/story?id=49334453


also noteworthy are the principled protest resignations such as Secretary Jim Mattis and Brett McGurk



hakeem jeffries has some good lists in this amazing performance


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Oh sweet video. Yeah.

BTW speaking of youtube... I've just now noticed this, but have YOU guys noticed that youtube has become a right-wing echo chamber, in the same way twitter is a left-wing echo chamber?  I don't know why I took so long but... just look at this video's comments, i've never seen it so lopsided:

(just posting video for the comments, not about the video itself)

Literally around 85% are holier-than-thou conservative comments if not higher. It's insane.  Anyway I've been clicking on various random political videos from different channels and it's always the same story, even if it is for liberals and lo and behold nearly all the comments are right-wingers complaining about democrats and how bad they are as people.

I think/feel liberal has become synonymous with "SJW" in the eyes of the general internet public, at least on social platforms. And so if a person is slightly liberal, or a centrist, then he will end up aligning right because they don't want to be "that guy"  or PC since liberal has been redefined as a left wing extremest. 

They are basically pushing the overton window to the right by successfully re-framing what a liberal is and I'm just now realizing how bad it's getting.

Btw there are sects of alt-right fascist people who are deliberately trying to push the window. They are actually somewhat organized and have a plan of action. That is insane since left wing folk aren't organized like that in any way, to have an ingroup that hides it's true nature from the public and are successful in doing so. For example using a certain emoji as an "alt-right" affirmation emoji so fascists can identify each other... and they will change it every few weeks. It came as a complete surprised when I found this out.

Here is, by the way, a good video worth the watch to illustrate what I'm ranting about. When I say they are organized I mean it:

Anyway sorry for the long post, but I'm curious of people's opinions? Also I recently realized that reddit is mostly conservative when I thought it was more liberal... like wtf is going on. I'm 90% sure it used to be more liberal. It's almost as if it's trendy to be conservative. 

  Edited by Brisbot
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It's strange that you can get stuck in a loop of alt-right videos by clicking on the wrong video game video, but you never get caught in an extremist liberal loop.


For instance, you don't automatically start getting served videos on how we should redistribute the public's stolen wealth to feed and clothe the poor by merely clicking on a top 10 moments of Assassins Creed video. Just my own observation, of course.

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Also I recently realized that reddit is mostly conservative when I thought it was more liberal... like wtf is going on. I'm 90% sure it used to be more liberal. It's almost as if it's trendy to be conservative.


yea I dunno about that.. depending on where u hang out on the net u get the impression that it's all alt right or all commies
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You read youtube comments? That's like reading /b/. Twitter similarly, btw.


Imo, there's always a percentage of people with extremist views. Right, left, or whatever spectrum you'd choose.


I believe the percetages are currently exaggerated for a number of reasons. One of them being that social media exaggerates it. (Through various means. One of them being the related/similar videos the algorithms pick for you, they draw you further into the extremes -because of bias) And another is money (troll farms, etc). If fringes get organized, there's finance involved. Organisation doesn't grow on trees. And when finance is involved, bigger interests are involved as well. (Nra financed with russian money?)


In a way, I'm personally not too worried about peoples personal views. I'm more worried about the various interests behind initiatives which allows fringes to organise and metastasize. Normally speaking you'd expect the fringe to be just that: fringe. When it comes a significant political force, somethings not right. (Think cambridge analytica...)

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In a way, I'm personally not too worried about peoples personal views. I'm more worried about the various interests behind initiatives which allows fringes to organise and metastasize. Normally speaking you'd expect the fringe to be just that: fringe. When it comes a significant political force, somethings not right. (Think cambridge analytica...)



ya.  sort of how a huge part of the world seems to have slid towards dictatorship style leaders all in the last couple years. cult of personality got huge and right leaning 'centrism' and outright fascism have crept/are creeping into power. 


the war on the truth etc. 

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Also I recently realized that reddit is mostly conservative when I thought it was more liberal... like wtf is going on. I'm 90% sure it used to be more liberal. It's almost as if it's trendy to be conservative.

yea I dunno about that.. depending on where u hang out on the net u get the impression that it's all alt right or all commies


well yeah, that wall of text I wrote basically sums up to "youtube is more dominated by right-wing". I know for a fact reddit is. I saw a demographic thingy like a month ago, and it's 60/40 conservative/liberal or so.  Youtube however idk I can't find anything. It's just that I've noticecd it in the comments.





You read youtube comments? That's like reading /b/. Twitter similarly, btw. 

My internet is slow so I will scroll down and read comments while buffering...  BTW I'm not saying conservatives dominate youtube, but more the political channels on youtube, which btw is the biggest form of news media for young people so... troubling signs.





In a way, I'm personally not too worried about peoples personal views. I'm more worried about the various interests behind initiatives which allows fringes to organise and metastasize. Normally speaking you'd expect the fringe to be just that: fringe. When it comes a significant political force, somethings not right. (Think cambridge analytica...) 

Well that's why the goal is to move the overton window. Make political discourse in general more conservative. What's one way to do this? Frame left wing as extremist PC culture. 


I listened to a podcast by a former neo-nazi some time back, where he explains the new method is to be subtle. You know, Instead of becoming a skin-head, wear a suit and tie. Basically re-frame racism into something palpable for the masses instead of lynching or whatever.


I'm not pointing to one single trajectory or thing causing more conservatism, but a whole bundle of trajectories coming from different movements that are indeed pushing the window right.


Seeing youtube so dominated by right wing just worries me. btw sorry if there's any incoherence, I'm tired.


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