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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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He's right tho. The last thing we need is another rich asshole in charge.



and starbuck's coffee is terrible.  


Yeah I always take my coffee black. And I'm afraid if I order it that way at the 'Bucks that it'll taste like ass. That's why they have to cream-and-sugar the shit out of all of their beverages. Their only drink I really like is the matcha, but even that is sweeter than I'm used to.


I also found out a few months ago that their iced coffees that you buy in glass bottles at gas stations & shit has 46 grams of sugar each. That's the same sugar content as a can of Mountain Dew.

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He's right tho. The last thing we need is another rich asshole in charge.



and starbuck's coffee is terrible.  


Yeah I always take my coffee black. And I'm afraid if I order it that way at the 'Bucks that it'll taste like ass. That's why they have to cream-and-sugar the shit out of all of their beverages. Their only drink I really like is the matcha, but even that is sweeter than I'm used to.


I also found out a few months ago that their iced coffees that you buy in glass bottles at gas stations & shit has 46 grams of sugar each. That's the same sugar content as a can of Mountain Dew.




that's a lot of sugar.  the little double espresso + cream is pretty good. the tiny two sip can. those have helped me on some long drives


i read a thing about matcha.. that it's not good to drink all the time. apparently the tea trees leach lead from the soil and this is OK when making tea in bags or whatever because the lead doesn't really filter out of the tea leaves which we discard after steeping (sound splausible?) but since matcha is actually the tea leaves getting ground up to powder and then consumed it means when consumed there's a lot of lead.. so if someone has like 2 matchas a day for a long time it can add up to toxic levels.. or so the article said.. 


seems plausible. i saw a story on 60 minutes or some news show about a kid who loved tuna and ate a can of tuna every day. his teachers thought he was stupid because he was just out of it and couldn't think straight and was a goof.. turns out he had mercury poisoning from the tuna.  he went some chelation treatment and smartened the fuck up in no time. developing brains don't do well w/the mercury


perhaps donald trump eats 2 cans of tuna every day. i read that he uses propecia for hair growth (it was listed as a medication on his physical when that got released) and side effects for propecia are forgetfulness and brain fog.. he's taken that shit for 30 years or something. 


i'd be OK if he had a stroke on live tv and fell over on his face. donald trump face plant would be pretty satisfying and make a great meme. 


this startbucks fuck better fuck off though. 

Edited by ignatius
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"We cannot have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them."



Thx for posting. Interesting talk and I think he makes a couple of good points. Although I have to admit I don't think I agree with his solution being the solution. Meaning that a different business model, like subscription fees, would counter the so-called behavior modification issues he refers to. The reason is 4chan. That 4chan model shows, I believe, that it's not just the business model providing the negative feedback loops. It's also part of human nature. 




Lanier is really cool. I've watched most of his interviews and lectures online from the past year (he's also a good musician and plays many weird instruments). His subscription model, as far as I can tell, is more far-reaching than your post acknowledges. He thinks that all content should be owned by the creator, not just social media stuff. A quality watmm post, under his vision, could generate revenue for the creator, kind of like a micro-payment thing. He seems to vision a fundamentally transformed internet ecology to combat the effects of increased automation and the loss of traditional jobs. Take my dumb ass for instance: a few years ago I got my first stereo receiver and passive speakers, but I had to figure out the best way to get that laminated coating off the edges of speaker cables. It took me like 10 mins to find a good YouTube vid for this, and in Lanier's world, this content would be much easier to find and the creator of the video would receive a few cents maybe for everyone who watched his or her video, and so on down the line for other transactions like medical advice or whatever. His argument is against UBI, which is supported by another silicon valley mogul who has filed paperwork to run for president in 2020 named Andrew Yang (https://samharris.org/podcasts/130-universal-basic-income/). For Lanier, any individual who cannot make their way in the new economy becomes a 'ward of the state' under Yang's system. I doubt this Yang fellow will gain any traction, but he does have some cool ideas about how to increase the sense of neighborliness and trust within communities in towns and cities. Human nature has its negatives, as you've mentioned, but it has its positives too, and it seems like Lanier/Yang are trying to imagine new ways to incentivize those positives. 


Lanier has really in depth knowledge about how creepy silicon valley tech can be: according to him, on cell phones and laptops, the mics and cameras are always on, and all of the data that they collect gets sifted through different algos and then that data gets subsumed presumably by the advert model or other interests. He mentions how, for women who keep phones on their person, the companies can tell when they are menstruating based on the way their body movements change as opposed to when they are not cycling. Human voices and facial cues can be analyzed artifice-intelligently at an almost microscopic level to guess at a user's mood. A casino can probably contract facebook to give them demographic data on all users who are on the precipice of a manic episode. This is creepy as fuck. I teach at a high school, and everyday on my way to class students are walking through the hall staring at their phones. I have a bit of nihilistic residue left from adolescence (thanks, Nietzsche - jk he no nihilist but the opposite), and part of me wonders what kind of joyless, soul-crushing, desperate lives these kids are being primed for. But then the realist in me kicks in and I be like 'Yo dis Mary Shelley ho ain't no bitch. She my nigga. And dis Frankenstein shit be off da charts!' 






i find starbuck's to be burnt as fuck. 



Fuck dem burnt bean bitches!

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This doesn't really belong here, but I im f-ing living in this thread nowadays (sorry salv)


I love how Winnie Byanyima called out Ken Goldman on his bullshit towards the end. These pompous ultra-rich fucks only looks at statistics, failing to take into account that more employment doesn't necessarily mean better employment. Because at the end of the day the vast majority of workers are in shitty, humiliating, soul-sucking jobs with no benefits that don't even pay a living wage.






He's right tho. The last thing we need is another rich asshole in charge.



and starbuck's coffee is terrible.  


Yeah I always take my coffee black. And I'm afraid if I order it that way at the 'Bucks that it'll taste like ass. That's why they have to cream-and-sugar the shit out of all of their beverages. Their only drink I really like is the matcha, but even that is sweeter than I'm used to.


I also found out a few months ago that their iced coffees that you buy in glass bottles at gas stations & shit has 46 grams of sugar each. That's the same sugar content as a can of Mountain Dew.




that's a lot of sugar.  the little double espresso + cream is pretty good. the tiny two sip can. those have helped me on some long drives


i read a thing about matcha.. that it's not good to drink all the time. apparently the tea trees leach lead from the soil and this is OK when making tea in bags or whatever because the lead doesn't really filter out of the tea leaves which we discard after steeping (sound splausible?) but since matcha is actually the tea leaves getting ground up to powder and then consumed it means when consumed there's a lot of lead.. so if someone has like 2 matchas a day for a long time it can add up to toxic levels.. or so the article said.. 


seems plausible. i saw a story on 60 minutes or some news show about a kid who loved tuna and ate a can of tuna every day. his teachers thought he was stupid because he was just out of it and couldn't think straight and was a goof.. turns out he had mercury poisoning from the tuna.  he went some chelation treatment and smartened the fuck up in no time. developing brains don't do well w/the mercury


perhaps donald trump eats 2 cans of tuna every day. i read that he uses propecia for hair growth (it was listed as a medication on his physical when that got released) and side effects for propecia are forgetfulness and brain fog.. he's taken that shit for 30 years or something. 


i'd be OK if he had a stroke on live tv and fell over on his face. donald trump face plant would be pretty satisfying and make a great meme. 


this startbucks fuck better fuck off though. 


Damn, good thing I don't eat canned tuna that often. Perhaps my occasional idiocy can be attributed to it. As for hair loss, I don't see the point in fighting it. Just mow the whole dome down to like one-eighth of an inch of hair to blend it with the crater. Nobody seems to have an issue with it that way.

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gofer is what trump calls his "special assistant to the president and director of message strategy" i.e. the guy that writes all the press releases. also explains why he hardly knew him until now



Edited by Nebraska
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Huh... I immediately assumed he was just being well... as stupid as he usually is - I thought that was a typo of Gopher but now that I've googled it apparently "Gofer" is fairly common.


I've never seen "Gofer" used in any context before. I feel silly now. lol

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 I teach at a high school, and everyday on my way to class students are walking through the hall staring at their phones. I have a bit of nihilistic residue left from adolescence (thanks, Nietzsche - jk he no nihilist but the opposite), and part of me wonders what kind of joyless, soul-crushing, desperate lives these kids are being primed for. But then the realist in me kicks in and I be like 'Yo dis Mary Shelley ho ain't no bitch. She my nigga. And dis Frankenstein shit be off da charts!' 


Yes. Although I wonder about adults as well. Less the 50+. 40+ seems like a borderline groep. But below 40, continuously staring at a screen is the norm. And kids apparently even worse. 

Those discussions about AI taking over might be a bit misguided. The human race is turning into mindless zombies addicted to tiny touchscreens. The matrix will be running on zombies interacting with some kind of social network through some touchscreen.


It's fucking sick. And makes me look at the older generations like they're the last one being taught to be human.


Being outside. Having actual face to face conversations. Interacting with people who do not immediately fit in your specific bubble, but have vastly different opinions. And interacting with them without any problem at all. No triggers or safe spaces. And no pseudo pathologies where anything which differs from the norm is related to some kind of mental disease. People used to be way more open and understanding to individual differences, imo. Nowadays, we're all a bunch of stereotypical ideologists being triggered when being exposed to different ideologies.



This doesn't really belong here, but I im f-ing living in this thread nowadays (sorry salv)


I love how Winnie Byanyima called out Ken Goldman on his bullshit towards the end. These pompous ultra-rich fucks only looks at statistics, failing to take into account that more employment doesn't necessarily mean better employment. Because at the end of the day the vast majority of workers are in shitty, humiliating, soul-sucking jobs with no benefits that don't even pay a living wage.




Yes. That f-ing idiot. The irony of avoiding talking about taxes by people who just happen to avoid taxes!


After seeing this tweet, I'd say: AOC for president! Make America Sane Again! (with taxes...)

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The wheels are about to come off the crazy train. Billionaires weighing in on Medicare for all, presidential campaigns about to kick off, trump’s continuous stupidity, polar vortex, 3weeks until govt shutdown 2.0.


Brace yourselves Americans.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Had an enlightening chat with some right-on centre-right types re Trump's climate change denying tweets. They scoffed at Orange Man's dumb tweets - yet, those same people have told me before about how much they hate the idea of a carbon tax, or basically anything that might slightly stand in the way of economic growth for the benefit of the environment. I pointed this out, and only got huff-and-puff gammon responses about how the market will magically fix everything


So basically their environmental stance is a fag paper apart from Trump's, but they get to pat themselves on the back because they express that stance in a less vulgar manner. It suddenly dawned on me that there are a lot of people who fall into that camp.

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So, MAGA...I've wondered for the past month or so if it's a Japanese word. And sure enough, here's the result I got:
Sorry for the stupid Photobucket watermark. But my point is, dictionaries don't lie dawg.

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dictionaries don't lie dawg.

Except for e.g. the addendum circa 2012 of a definition for "literally" to mean its opposite. That is a crock of shit, even if it followed an emergent convention, one perpetrated by the sort of milquetoast-memeing halfwits that would christen a boat Boaty McBoatface.


I wonder whether that was always the case with "cleave."

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Had an enlightening chat with some right-on centre-right types re Trump's climate change denying tweets. They scoffed at Orange Man's dumb tweets - yet, those same people have told me before about how much they hate the idea of a carbon tax, or basically anything that might slightly stand in the way of economic growth for the benefit of the environment. I pointed this out, and only got huff-and-puff gammon responses about how the market will magically fix everything


So basically their environmental stance is a fag paper apart from Trump's, but they get to pat themselves on the back because they express that stance in a less vulgar manner. It suddenly dawned on me that there are a lot of people who fall into that camp.


the only reason they're even inclined to speak against those obviously shit-for-brains tweets is because it's 2019 now and the collective belief in climate change has progressed to the point where denying it makes you look like a flat-earther (or the President of the United States). five years ago those same people would be climate change deniers. there's just been a slow collective shift in beliefs while those individuals remain mostly inert, rather than deciding to truly commit to supporting/acting on climate science.

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the collective belief in climate change has progressed to the point where denying it makes you look like a flat-earther (or the President of the United States). five years ago those same people would be climate change deniers. there's just been a slow collective shift in beliefs while those individuals remain mostly inert, rather than deciding to truly commit to supporting/acting on climate science.

Yeah, now that it's too late.



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"belief is the death of intelligence" or however that quote goes. 


i think the "slow shift" towards people agreeing in the science is because of greed.  people are manipulated constantly on any and every issue especially when large corporations see a possible hit to their bottom line.. so the slow shift is largely a result of propaganda.  


but also i think there's a willingness to believe propaganda. people search for the narrative.. the line that fits the argument they want to use even when they know they're wrong but they want some leg to stand on because god forbid they agree w/the other side. 

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Tiny WTF moment now Chris Christie has come out of his cave and released a book. Yes, another book of a quasi trump loyalist. And still many more to come. As they seem to think they can vindicate themselves. Which is fair. They need to. But they are implying they can. Which is a bit thick.

Anyways, about that tiny WTF: Christies account got some people thinking about timelines and what did trump know when and what did he do.


Check this:

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