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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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From what I've heard so far:

-few days ago a group of computer engineers said something was fishy

-they met with HRC

-today Jill Stein started collecting funds to recount 3 battleground states




Was $80K like an hour ago

Up to $500K now


Don't expect too much. It's most likely less than smoke.




Even if the borderline significant result for Wisconsin didn’t vanish when weighting by population, it would be doubtful, for a few reasons. You’re more likely to find a significant result when you make multiple tests, as we did by looking at eight states with and without weighting by population.9Also, different places in Wisconsin and Texas use different kinds of voting machines; presumably if someone really did figure out how to hack certain machines, we’d see different results depending on which type of machines were used in a county, but we don’t. And Nate Cohn of The New York Times found that when he added another control variable to race and education — density of the population — the effect of paper ballots vanished.


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and so the backlash begins as Orangeman says he's not going to prosecute Hillary. this is the first walkback of hopefully many, I really hope the scummier supporters of his are faced with the reality of how futile their gesture has been. juicy timez ahead.

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From what I've heard so far:

-few days ago a group of computer engineers said something was fishy

-they met with HRC

-today Jill Stein started collecting funds to recount 3 battleground states




Was $80K like an hour ago

Up to $500K now

Don't expect too much. It's most likely less than smoke.

Even if the borderline significant result for Wisconsin didn’t vanish when weighting by population, it would be doubtful, for a few reasons. You’re more likely to find a significant result when you make multiple tests, as we did by looking at eight states with and without weighting by population.9Also, different places in Wisconsin and Texas use different kinds of voting machines; presumably if someone really did figure out how to hack certain machines, we’d see different results depending on which type of machines were used in a county, but we don’t. And Nate Cohn of The New York Times found that when he added another control variable to race and education — density of the population — the effect of paper ballots vanished.

Yeah I only know what I've read in the last hour or so

But apparently there were just a handful of counties (scattered about the 3 swing states) that swung the election

And apparently those counties were really close calls


Edit: up to a cool mill now

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and so the backlash begins as Orangeman says he's not going to prosecute Hillary. this is the first walkback of hopefully many, I really hope the scummier supporters of his are faced with the reality of how futile their gesture has been. juicy timez ahead.



he just appointed sleepy eyes ben carson to run the HUD. wtf. that guy is a moron. he's awful. 


i'm glad for backlash as people will start to understand they aren't getting what they thought voted for but it's not going to be any fun. 

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jfc limpy did you even read my post


also not 6 months ago you were going on rants about pc culture and people being too sensitive and the political elite and basically a great deal of talking points that many of trump's supporters stick to. and now this is happening. i guess it's like be careful what you wish for?

I'm not advocating for PC-ness

That is literally the opposite of what I'm saying

PC Culture is based on shaming people into line

I'm saying "hey, let's do the opposite because shame doesn't actually work"

that's not the point. you were advocating for some pretty conservative things not too long ago and now you seem to have changed your tune. did something change your mind or what? genuinely interested / curious

Yeah actually in the last few months I've radically changed in a few important ways

(I'll spoiler the rest cuz my posts have been super long lately)




Yeah I've been studying psychology for a while

But a year ago I dove into the psychotherapy stuff pretty hard

And I think I accidentally cured myself of being a full-time cynical sarcastic asshole

All of my social anxiety is gone

I'm actually serious about my goals in life

And I'm (working on) trying to make sure whoever's around me is having a good time

And peeling off the misanthropic crust changed some of my political views, too

Although I can't remember which ones

Anyway yeah, thanks for asking







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jfc limpy did you even read my post


also not 6 months ago you were going on rants about pc culture and people being too sensitive and the political elite and basically a great deal of talking points that many of trump's supporters stick to. and now this is happening. i guess it's like be careful what you wish for?

I'm not advocating for PC-ness

That is literally the opposite of what I'm saying

PC Culture is based on shaming people into line

I'm saying "hey, let's do the opposite because shame doesn't actually work"

that's not the point. you were advocating for some pretty conservative things not too long ago and now you seem to have changed your tune. did something change your mind or what? genuinely interested / curious

Yeah actually in the last few months I've radically changed in a few important ways

(I'll spoiler the rest cuz my posts have been super long lately)



Yeah I've been studying psychology for a while

But a year ago I dove into the psychotherapy stuff pretty hard

And I think I accidentally cured myself of being a full-time cynical sarcastic asshole

All of my social anxiety is gone

I'm actually serious about my goals in life

And I'm (working on) trying to make sure whoever's around me is having a good time

And peeling off the misanthropic crust changed some of my political views, too

Although I can't remember which ones

Anyway yeah, thanks for asking










does it come in pill form? can we get it into the water supply? 


that's interesting though. sounds intense as well. 

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*john erlichman surprise posts*


*limpy wonders if he's adequately withdrawn his projections, assimilated his shadow, and removed the obstacles to individuation. points deducted, moves back to nigredo stage*

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*john erlichman surprise posts*


*limpy wonders if he's adequately withdrawn his projections, assimilated his shadow, and removed the obstacles to individuation. points deducted, moves back to nigredo stage*

Well mostly my persona was just a sock-puppet for my shadow.

But yes lol

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jfc limpy did you even read my post


also not 6 months ago you were going on rants about pc culture and people being too sensitive and the political elite and basically a great deal of talking points that many of trump's supporters stick to. and now this is happening. i guess it's like be careful what you wish for?

I'm not advocating for PC-ness

That is literally the opposite of what I'm saying

PC Culture is based on shaming people into line

I'm saying "hey, let's do the opposite because shame doesn't actually work"

that's not the point. you were advocating for some pretty conservative things not too long ago and now you seem to have changed your tune. did something change your mind or what? genuinely interested / curious
Yeah actually in the last few months I've radically changed in a few important ways

(I'll spoiler the rest cuz my posts have been super long lately)



Yeah I've been studying psychology for a while

But a year ago I dove into the psychotherapy stuff pretty hard

And I think I accidentally cured myself of being a full-time cynical sarcastic asshole

All of my social anxiety is gone

I'm actually serious about my goals in life

And I'm (working on) trying to make sure whoever's around me is having a good time

And peeling off the misanthropic crust changed some of my political views, too

Although I can't remember which ones

Anyway yeah, thanks for asking








does it come in pill form? can we get it into the water supply?


that's interesting though. sounds intense as well.

You and the 7 billion people around you

are all running "psychology.exe"

If you wanna implement bug fixes

It helps to learn the software





A good start would be to learn basic 'modular' neuroanatomy, and then to start pouring the psychology canon on top of that, and soon you'll have learned a bunch of models of both yourself and your environment, and then start to superimpose those models onto your experiences so you can 'troubleshoot and optimize.'



As a further selling point: A lot of the recent advancements in psychology have come from (of all places) early failures in Cybernetics. (We perhaps learned more about psychology from early robots than we did from ourselves: lots of long-standing assumptions about perception, motivation and 'embodied cognition' got immediately destroyed)


It's fun shit, dive in.





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jfc limpy did you even read my post


also not 6 months ago you were going on rants about pc culture and people being too sensitive and the political elite and basically a great deal of talking points that many of trump's supporters stick to. and now this is happening. i guess it's like be careful what you wish for?

I'm not advocating for PC-ness

That is literally the opposite of what I'm saying

PC Culture is based on shaming people into line

I'm saying "hey, let's do the opposite because shame doesn't actually work"

that's not the point. you were advocating for some pretty conservative things not too long ago and now you seem to have changed your tune. did something change your mind or what? genuinely interested / curious
Yeah actually in the last few months I've radically changed in a few important ways

(I'll spoiler the rest cuz my posts have been super long lately)



Yeah I've been studying psychology for a while

But a year ago I dove into the psychotherapy stuff pretty hard

And I think I accidentally cured myself of being a full-time cynical sarcastic asshole

All of my social anxiety is gone

I'm actually serious about my goals in life

And I'm (working on) trying to make sure whoever's around me is having a good time

And peeling off the misanthropic crust changed some of my political views, too

Although I can't remember which ones

Anyway yeah, thanks for asking








does it come in pill form? can we get it into the water supply?


that's interesting though. sounds intense as well.

You and the 7 billion people around you

are all running "psychology.exe"

If you wanna implement bug fixes

It helps to learn the software




A good start would be to learn basic 'modular' neuroanatomy, and then to start pouring the psychology canon on top of that, and soon you'll have learned a bunch of models of both yourself and your environment, and then start to superimpose those models onto your experiences so you can 'troubleshoot and optimize.'



As a further selling point: A lot of the recent advancements in psychology have come from (of all places) early failures in Cybernetics. (We perhaps learned more about psychology from early robots than we did from ourselves: lots of long-standing assumptions about perception, motivation and 'embodied cognition' got immediately destroyed)


It's fun shit, dive in.







interesting.  does it come w/a time machine? i don't have time to do half the things i want to do or chase interests other than the ones i'm already embedded in. 

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Just find an area of psychology that fascinates you,

jump in,

and then try to learn the basics by osmosis.


Here's a TL;DR of Psychology so far:

William James (we use our body to make decisions)

the Behaviorists (we have a simple relationship with reward and punishment)

Freud Jung & Adler (people are full of snakes)

Existentialism and Phenomenology (you should consider the world an extension of yourself, and try to fix it)

Humanism (people will strive for grace if you let them)

Gestaltism (how to throw off your strings and become a real boy)

Cybernetic Psychology (we use our body to make decisions)

Neuroanatomy (the best metaphor for your psychology is the layout of your brain)

Neuropsychology (how so?)

Neuroeconomics (I'll give you a squirt of dopamine if you have a wank, but I'll give you two squirts if you plan your future)

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getting rid of anxiety and feeling more positive about things can't be bad. i think anxiety and fear drive a lot of the hateful and ignorant views we're discussing right now.

Well, people who obsessively try to clamp down on anomalies in their environment usually do so as a result of having a very traumatic relationship with anomalies. So every lizard is a dragon to them.


People cling to their self-concept ('white supremacist') because it offers them order and control, and heavy walls to keep out all the dragons.


The idea I'm advocating is that the way to turn them into egalitarians is to treat them with an excess of humanity and compassion, as this offers them the opportunity to make an egalitarian gesture back.

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- that people who would happily identify as racists and white nationalists do not deserve any of our respect or attention. we should only be paying attention to them in the sense that we need to ensure that they are not harming others. but aside from that they deserve to be isolated because they have made a decision to not co-operate in a globalised and multi-cultural society.

The shame and exile game doesn't work

That's what got us here

The Rogerian proposition is that if you show someone 'unconditional positive regard'...that in itself is therapeutic...and it coaxes people towards humanism and egalitarianism.

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- that people who would happily identify as racists and white nationalists do not deserve any of our respect or attention. we should only be paying attention to them in the sense that we need to ensure that they are not harming others. but aside from that they deserve to be isolated because they have made a decision to not co-operate in a globalised and multi-cultural society.

The shame and exile game doesn't work

That's what got us here

The Rogerian proposition is that if you show someone 'unconditional positive regard'...that in itself is therapeutic...and it coaxes people towards humanism and egalitarianism.



Where is here? Losing an election? Hardly to blamed solely on the regressive left.

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getting rid of anxiety and feeling more positive about things can't be bad. i think anxiety and fear drive a lot of the hateful and ignorant views we're discussing right now.

Well, people who obsessively try to clamp down on anomalies in their environment usually do so as a result of having a very traumatic relationship with anomalies. So every lizard is a dragon to them.

People cling to their self-concept ('white supremacist') because it offers them order and control, and heavy walls to keep out all the dragons.

The idea I'm advocating is that the way to turn them into egalitarians is to treat them with an excess of humanity and compassion, as this offers them the opportunity to make an egalitarian gesture back.

Well put!


Also, some interesting points in this article:


In our media-dominated society, the meaning-making process is powerfully influenced by a professional class of opinion shapers: journalists, columnists, experts, politicians. It’s important to remember that the framework in which they operate – news items, talk show formats, columns, 140-character tweets – invites them to succumb to three all-too-human tendencies:


Reductionism: Here’s One Big Theory that explains everything. (Works well on opinion pages and social media.)

Polarization: Explanations aren’t gradual and overlapping – they’re opposed and mutually exclusive. (Works well on radio and TV talk shows.)

Scapegoating: What went wrong, and who or what is to blame? (Works well in all media.)



The problem with explanations like these is that, well, they’re reductionist, polarizing, and finger-pointing. They turn media realities into real realities, and isolated incidents into structural issues. Exceptions become rules. Differences become oppositions. Opinions become essences. Traits become groups. Factors become causes. Opponents become enemies.


Such explanations allow us the reassuring but misguided belief that politics is about Causes and Effects rather than an irreducible mess of factors. They produce an exaggerated and false sense of contrasts between people – the idea that everyone (except us and our Facebook friends) has gone crazy. And above all, they give us the misplaced idea that everything’s somebody else’s fault.


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just looked into "Crosscheck" and Greg Palast...


this is insane



Crosscheck in action:  
Trump victory margin in Michigan:                    13,107
Michigan Crosscheck purge list:                       449,922


Trump victory margin in Arizona:                       85,257
Arizona Crosscheck purge list:                           270,824


Trump victory margin in North Carolina:        177,008
North Carolina Crosscheck purge list:              589,393




This is the vile republican tactic of voter suppression gone nuclear. I guess they don't know lots of people have the same name in this country. They even go so far as to assume that people with similar names are the same person, if they look like the names of minorities. Based on similar names they conclude voter fraud and the votes are purged! wherever the local government is republican!


jesus christ people, i know democrats "spend a lot", but we need to wake up to the evilness of this republican party.

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