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One Very Important (healing) Thought...


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So, I really do not want to leave on a Sick Times/Unfriendly note,

So I will spell out the Nonsense I've been trying to Offer:


a) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

'Cause I think I finally figured out what they were up to:

Does anyone know what "Geo-Gaddy" means?

It means "polymathism + healing";

This place has become more "Geo-Geddy"

(If you will...totally cool if you won't)


b) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why does Tomorrow's Harvest start with "Gemini" (so to speak) and end with "Dead Seeds" (so to speak)?

(It's a 'gnostic alchemy' riddle, btw )


Because (please don't try to drive me to suicide for this):

"Babel" "Fell"

(If you will...though it's totally cool if you won't.)


How do we solve that?

(That's like house-sitting-Greenberg asking his brother if the pool can overflow when it rains, btw)

The answer will not astound you:

-Linguistic Philosophy


-Gnostic Alchemy Polymathism (aka "that thing BOC does")

(If you will..,)


c) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why should you be a Kid for Today?

so we don't all get that whole 'dead harvest' Tomorrow..


d) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why do we not Understand this Language?

Same reason that pool overflowed...

Same reason people who 'speak in Math' get dragged away...

(If you will...)


e) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why does BoC have 'Children' in their Music

Offering (e.g.) a "beautiful place" against the sound of Sick Times?

The answer will not astound you...


f) Does anyone here like BOC?

What's that whole 'Beautiful Place' BOC seems so obsessed with?

is it..."the city of Babel"?...where everyone is Humble and Understands each other?

(If you will...)


g) Does anyone here like BOC?

What should all us Gemini Children do?

My second thread was the whole "White Cycloda" thing, btw.

(If you will...)



A Beautiful Place,


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So, I really do not want to leave on a Sick Times/Unfriendly note,

So I will spell out the Nonsense I've been trying to Offer:


a) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

'Cause I think I finally figured out what they were up to:

Does anyone know what "Geo-Gaddy" means?

It means "polymathism + healing";

This place has become more "Geo-Geddy"

(If you will...totally cool if you won't)


b) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why does Tomorrow's Harvest start with "Gemini" (so to speak) and end with "Dead Seeds" (so to speak)?

(It's a 'gnostic alchemy' riddle, btw )


Because (please don't try to drive me to suicide for this):

"Babel" "Fell"

(If you will...though it's totally cool if you won't.)


How do we solve that?

(That's like house-sitting-Greenberg asking his brother if the pool can overflow when it rains, btw)

The answer will not astound you:

-Linguistic Philosophy


-Gnostic Alchemy Polymathism (aka "that thing BOC does")

(If you will..,)


c) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why should you be a Kid for Today?

so we don't all get that whole 'dead harvest' Tomorrow..


d) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why do we not Understand this Language?

Same reason that pool overflowed...

Same reason people who 'speak in Math' get dragged away...

(If you will...)


e) Does anyone here like Boards of Canada?

Why does BoC have 'Children' in their Music

Offering (e.g.) a "beautiful place" against the sound of Sick Times?

The answer will not astound you...


f) Does anyone here like BOC?

What's that whole 'Beautiful Place' BOC seems so obsessed with?

is it..."the city of Babel"?...where everyone is Humble and Understands each other?

(If you will...)


g) Does anyone here like BOC?

What should all us Gemini Children do?

My second thread was the whole "White Cycloda" thing, btw.

(If you will...)



A Beautiful Place,




edit: do you still have those fresh richard pubes for sale?

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Limpy is completely unaware of how other people perceive him, he makes no effort to change his ways, he makes it hard for people that like him to defend him and makes it easy for the people that hate him to continue hating him


If this forum was survival Limpy would have been long dead, trown out by the group because he just can't make the effort to fit in or at least curb his behavior to make it easier for other to tolerate him


Something to think about limpy

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