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41 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

and turns out he was right. 

i'm guessing biden is having a full meltdown right about now

Only 62% in still and he's not even up by 2%, but the main thing is that Biden is way behind.

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5 hours ago, Nebraska said:

iowa caucus is turning out to be worse than the shitshow it currently is; this woman learned that buttigieg is gay and now wants to change her vote


i thought all the democratic candidates were gay? how could she not know?

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there's nothing unbelievable about the official story. seems lame to me that the media is trying to cash in on a sensationalist spin. "iowa debacle" just because the results aren't ready immediately. that's how it is in a lot of states. seems like they had adequate paper back-ups and they are proceeding with appropriate caution, given that the original reporting mechanism was abandoned on caucus night. the precinct captains realized they couldn't use the app the night of. it wasn't tested thoroughly enough.


the real story is biden. i was watching msnbc iowa coverage and they had people in i think 5 of the precinct caucuses and some had like 3 biden people. also sanders may have showed some weakness, for someone who seemed to be polling in the lead in iowa. also noteworthy that pete, amy, and warren did well. 

Edited by very honest
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19 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:

Warren's alright if you like saxophones

love saxophones

2 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

yeah if ur a lib who wants someone to kiss bill gates boots


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5 minutes ago, TubularCorporation said:


Trump just said that.


Putting this here so I remember it.

would probably make more sense to put it in the Trump thread... but maybe that's too high a level of thinking to expect from a Sanders bro tho




jk of course! :) 

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(already covered this a few pages back, Sanders supporters are mostly male but just keep ignoring facts if you want it's cool)

anyway, will be curious to see if anyone drops out between now and the Friday debate, i'm assuming at least one if not a few. should be down to the top 5....oh, just looked, Yang and Steyer will be at the debate, for whatever reason. hopefully the debates will get interesting as it's winnowing down, last few were basically useless rehashes of the same shit from pretty much everyone.

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5 minutes ago, auxien said:

(already covered this a few pages back, Sanders supporters are mostly male but just keep ignoring facts if you want it's cool)

anyway, will be curious to see if anyone drops out between now and the Friday debate, i'm assuming at least one if not a few. should be down to the top 5....oh, just looked, Yang and Steyer will be at the debate, for whatever reason. hopefully the debates will get interesting as it's winnowing down, last few were basically useless rehashes of the same shit from pretty much everyone.

pretty small gap between bernie's and warren's male/female support ratio

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20 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

pretty small gap between bernie's and warren's male/female support ratio

correct! fuckin' Biden has the highest ratio of female vs male supporters in fact. and he's leading in many (most?) polls. now that we can all read charts let's move on my fellow white lower middle class males.

those numbers only mean so much of course. i don't think anyone was expecting Buttigieg to get Iowa (as of right now the 'winner' is still uncertain obv), even knowing how much time and money he's spent there, he's been relatively low in the polling. this could really shake things up, but the media is all abuzz with the drama so maybe it's a good thing, getting everyone talking and thinking about something other than Trump

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2 minutes ago, auxien said:

correct! fuckin' Biden has the highest ratio of female vs male supporters in fact. and he's leading in many (most?) polls. now that we can all read charts let's move on my fellow white lower middle class males.

those numbers only mean so much of course. i don't think anyone was expecting Buttigieg to get Iowa (as of right now the 'winner' is still uncertain obv), even knowing how much time and money he's spent there, he's been relatively low in the polling. this could really shake things up, but the media is all abuzz with the drama so maybe it's a good thing, getting everyone talking and thinking about something other than Trump

Yeah that butt guy won even tho he has "butt" in his name and is gay.... What does that say about American voters? Exactly, they're all gay

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1 minute ago, darreichungsform said:

Yeah that butt guy won even tho he has "butt" in his name and is gay.... What does that say about American voters? Exactly, they're all gay

there's actually a lot of people like that woman on the last page who don't wanna vote for an openly gay person. probably a bigger factor in his national chances than his lack of experience or whatever else.

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I'll admit that nationally I'm going by 2016 and 2017 numbers where Sanders' support was majority female/non-white but I can definitely say on a personal level the vast majority of Sanders supporters I've met in person are white and Hispanic women.  By far.

White guys are mostly apolitical "both sides are the same" types. in my experience.

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9 minutes ago, auxien said:
16 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

Yeah that butt guy won even tho he has "butt" in his name and is gay.... What does that say about American voters? Exactly, they're all gay

there's actually a lot of people like that woman on the last page who don't wanna vote for an openly gay person. probably a bigger factor in his national chances than his lack of experience or whatever else.

Dat's pretty stupid. Why did he say he's gay anyway? What relevance does that have? If people tell me they're gay I tell them that I don't give a shit. Oh you know, I dunno anything about anything so I am going to vote da fucking TTRRUUMMPP

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