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Renoise - how to

Hugh Mughnus

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Currently enjoying Renoise more and more but I do have a question.


Does somebody know how if it's possible to edit patterns in Renoise in real-time, without the auto scrolling ? I'm trying to work like I did with Buzz, editing patterns on the go while the song is playing and hearing the changes on each play of the bar :)

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No problem, it's totally understandable considering nothing is labelled. And it seems with every update they move things around into even less logical places.

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Damnit, Redux seems like the perfect thing for my next project, except that it doesn't output MIDI. The *only* reason I want this is because I want to start using my JV1010 in tracks, but find the piano roll interface of Reaper to be largely uninspiring and fiddly.


I don't want to do any Rewire stuff just to get this working; perhaps my only option is to spend potentially weeks/months building up a library of Renoise instruments based on the JV1010 presets, thus rendering the actual hardware redundant. Obviously this would be convenient in a way, but it would take a *lot* of work in order to replicate the JV's envelopes, etc in Renoise instruments.. gah!


I realise I could just use Renoise to sequence it, but I want a solution that I can use in Reaper, and be able to edit sequences until committing the final take to a track, since I'd be adding live instrumentation as well. When I make music in Renoise alone, it always feels awkward to add live instruments, since the track seems 'finished' when I export it from Renoise..


I also looked into ReViSiT but the site seems to be down, argh

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Damnit, Redux seems like the perfect thing for my next project, except that it doesn't output MIDI. The *only* reason I want this is because I want to start using my JV1010 in tracks, but find the piano roll interface of Reaper to be largely uninspiring and fiddly.


I don't want to do any Rewire stuff just to get this working; perhaps my only option is to spend potentially weeks/months building up a library of Renoise instruments based on the JV1010 presets, thus rendering the actual hardware redundant. Obviously this would be convenient in a way, but it would take a *lot* of work in order to replicate the JV's envelopes, etc in Renoise instruments.. gah!


I realise I could just use Renoise to sequence it, but I want a solution that I can use in Reaper, and be able to edit sequences until committing the final take to a track, since I'd be adding live instrumentation as well. When I make music in Renoise alone, it always feels awkward to add live instruments, since the track seems 'finished' when I export it from Renoise..


I also looked into ReViSiT but the site seems to be down, argh


I've actually found rewire setups with reaper and renoise to be super solid. Give it a try before you discount it. At least using renoise as the master (haven't tried the other way around), it auto launches reaper with the project, also prompts to save before quitting. never had any problems with it.


Also, yeah I like using renoise to sequence hardware.


ReViSiT is pretty awesome, i used it a lot when it was in beta. Very impressive piece of software. Might be what you want.

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Yeah, I've calmed down a bit now that I've seen that the MIDI implementation within Renoise is solid as fuck. I'll endeavour to do the main composition within Renoise using the JV1010 and then figure out a way to record each track back into Reaper. That'll be the hard part, unless I can just settle with mixing everything totally within the JV1010.. at least it'll be authentic then :P

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the jv1010 only has a stereo output, so any mixing will have to be done by just adjusting volume/reverb levels on the device itself, using MIDI CC.. which really isn't too bad actually, since the sounds on the jv are pretty well balanced anyway. The project I have in mind is non-ironic new-age synth/guitar pieces so it doesn't really need to be wacky in terms of effects :emotawesomepm9:

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Ah, it was down earlier today.


I might stick with Renoise though, just for simplicity. And who knows, maybe they'll add MIDI support to Redux at some point.


One small issue, it'd be nice if it were possible to save pre-set CC values into instruments, so things like channel volume, reverb level, etc could be 'baked in' to instruments.. It's not such a big deal to set them at the beginning of a song, but it would be a great feature. Having said that, I could probably actually go in and modify the jv presets instead..

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Ah, it was down earlier today.


I might stick with Renoise though, just for simplicity. And who knows, maybe they'll add MIDI support to Redux at some point.


One small issue, it'd be nice if it were possible to save pre-set CC values into instruments, so things like channel volume, reverb level, etc could be 'baked in' to instruments.. It's not such a big deal to set them at the beginning of a song, but it would be a great feature. Having said that, I could probably actually go in and modify the jv presets instead..

I've never done this precisely before, but I know renoise has midi routing which means I think you can send midi out of a plugin (I'm not sure if it can send out from a plugin to a device.....). So you could possibly use something like this to build a custom interface to your hardware: http://ctrlr.org/getting-started/ to save your "patches" in your project state.


I figured out how to bake presets into a vst for my DSI tetra so I can control each voice as a separate monosynth. But that was with a vst designed to do this and it actually bypasses all midi from renoise and instead talks directly to the synth.


And aside, I'll just reiterate, rewire between the two apps works pretty damn well. I wanted to have a field recording playing in the background of one of my tracks and have it pick up where it left off when I was composing on top of it(not have to "Trigger" the renoise sampler). I was very reluctant to try it out until I ran out of options. Once I did, I thought to myself, "Why the fuck was I so reluctant? This setup is solid". I haven't gotten to the point where I am bouncing hardware tracks down to reaper (just doing "live" summing so far), but I think I probably will at some point soon.

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Out of pure curiousity I just loaded up the ctrlr VST plugin and it solves the routing problem! It can talk directly to a midi device by selecting a device and channel (bypassing renoise entirely). So if you set it up to do this, you just need to automate the vst parameter in renoise assigned to the fader you make in the panel UI, i think you can also set it up to do a midi-thru so that it's not conflicting with renoise.


Pretty badass, in fact, I'll probably try using this to control another synth of mine at some point.

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Yeah, I've got ctrlr but haven't tried it with the jv yet. There's not much I really want to control on it though, since a lot of the presets are usable already. I just want to do simple things like set reverb/volume levels etc, which can be done with note effects (ie. first note in a song will set it for that channel).


I'll give rewire a try once I've got a few things written and start to feel the need for live instrumentation.. I just don't like the idea of juggling two apps; I prefer having everything self-contained when it comes to software (well, and hardware, but that's a bit of a dream).

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I think you can send midi out of a plugin (I'm not sure if it can send out from a plugin to a device.....). So you could possibly use something like this to build a custom interface to your hardware: http://ctrlr.org/getting-started/ to save your "patches" in your project state.


As of 3.1 you can use midi plugins to control Renoise instruments, but there is also a tool called guru which people use to build their own custom interfaces to communicate with their hardware, not sure the jv1010 is already supported though; http://www.renoise.com/tools/guru


Renoise thread about it; http://forum.renoise.com/index.php?/topic/34760-new-tool-28-guru/




I wanted to have a field recording playing in the background of one of my tracks and have it pick up where it left off when I was composing on top of it(not have to "Trigger" the renoise sampler).


You'll lose the horizontal waveform overview in Reaper, but you are aware that you can use the 'Beatsync' option in Renoise (instrument editor/sample properties tab) to have for example long recordings synced to pattern position? So you won't have to start from the beginning of a long ass sample, but playback will catch up wherever you are in the arrangement.





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  • 3 months later...

yea midi routing is there but you still can't record midi from track to track which is annoying....of course there is hope as they are pretty good at extending features

I really hope that they keep the focus mainly on Renoise itself. Though, my gut tells me that for a while they'll be putting the DAW aside for Redux.

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I should probably take this to the Renoise forums, but I am planning on getting a Komplete Kontrol basically only because of the knob page feature. I keep hearing how difficult it is to setup in DAWs like Ableton and even FL Studio, but if anyone has any experience with Renoise and the Komplete Kontrol, please tell me :biggrin:

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I really hope that they keep the focus mainly on Renoise itself. Though, my gut tells me that for a while they'll be putting the DAW aside for Redux.


Redux is basically Renoise's sample/instrument editor, so any improvements made for it wil similarly benefit Renoise.


edit; fuck this forums lame quoting system.

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