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Everything posted by gnarlybog

  1. So I watched the four this morning and already feel a STRONG urge to rewatch everything. What a sprawling amazing thing. Every scene is captivating. The horror is truly unsettling and the comedy is unlike any other. Its a hit baby!!!
  2. Oh man i am so fucking psyched. Just bought tickets to see Fire Walk With me on the 20th, followed by a serving of pie and coffee, followed by 90 minutes of deleted scenes!!
  3. ok so this i have never listened to them before this, and this is reallllly good. crazy nice melodies.
  4. Fuck... i'm getting a bit of a tv movie vibe from those teasers...and hints of some bland art direction. Fingers crossed.
  5. R.I.P hooked me because of the atmospherics, textural subtlety, hypnotic repetition. Some tracks sound like huge sections of the composition have been muted and all you are left with is a hollow skeleton or vapour. I am not sure he is pushing the sound into new places here, but its enjoyable, if a little underwhelming. Also, his shiny robot gear comment... i love hate-reading the promo for this release cycle!!
  6. just curious - does all that blah blah about the balance between light and dark effect anyone above age 12? everything else feels good. i'll be there.
  7. I've only had one listen, but it is intriguing. While I didn't like Ghettoville at first, and still think the track sequencing is a problem, I definitely dig it hard now. I can't help but wonder why he added some of these tracks instead of including some of those wicked longform ambient minimalist pieces he sometimes gives away over twitter. Atm, the standout for me is 'There's and Angel in the Shower'. I always feel an urge to skip the latter half of "Dancing in the Smoke". R.I.P was the first album that got me into him and I really appreciated the oblique references to Paradise Lost. I would hunt down interviews for any morsel of information, and even laboured through the work by John Milton. Spoiler: It's amazing. With this record, I find myself cringing through interviews. The concept sounds muddy at best and some of his quotes are the height of pretentiousness... No one cares, but I had to get that off my chest.
  8. Not feeling any of the new tracks at all. ah well... maybe in time.
  9. Love that Entertainment watermark. I want it so badly to be the last episode of season 2 stretched out to a season. Pls be good!
  10. His output is generally so good that it lets him get away with saying shit like this: “If successful it will produce the first translucent, non-soluble communication sound pill synergised through impressionistic interpretations of technological equipment. This is the music vitamin of the Metropolis.” http://www.factmag.com/2017/03/14/actress-azd-album-ninja-tune/
  11. Jackie - great score, great cinematography, but slightly dry. I was hoping the talent involved would elevate the material somehow... If you are not down with Natalie Portman's accent by the first few minutes, you probably won't dig this. 7/10 Elle - Quite entertaining, but I wasn't buying any of the character motivations, so some story developments threw me off. I find it amusing that this is the same director who did Robocop (one of the greatest movies of all time). 7/10 Manchester by the Sea - Not going to lie, had to wipe tears away at a few moments. Affleck slam dunked it, shattering the backboard. 8/10 35 Rhum - Claire Denis is quickly becoming one of the most intriguing directors for me. Sometimes the plots are so loose they barely hold together... as if the movie is an impression or sketch. Perhaps this sounds like unbearable artsy shit but I assure you it is worth your time. I have the hots for the lead actress in this one so maybe my judgement is skewed. 8/10 Love Streams - Obsessed with John Cassavetes lately. This is one of his later movies. It is so sprawling and weird that I couldn't help but be in awe. The last half hour feels like the movie is dissolving in every way (suddenly a soundtrack appears, erratic editing, strange cuts). I described it to my friend as his 2001: A Space Odyssey? Highly recommend. 9.5/10 Winter Light - One of my favourite Bergman movies so far. Concise, deep and beautiful filmmaking. By the end you feel nourished, like when you finish reading a Russian novel. Perfect catharsis for your winter depression! 9/10
  12. I once was lost, just like you. Then I went to the Mezzanine show last year and this moment (https://youtu.be/rS735UpeIbw?t=18m55s) at 18:59 happened and it was like an audible beam of light (the Voice of God, I'm pretty sure, but God in the form of a locust) blasting into my face and it split every fiber of my being in half. Now I see your post, reflect on that moment, and shake my head, oh sweet child of summer... Haha. Forgive me, brothers & sisters, i am... a lamb that has been led astray.
  13. i will go ahead and say that from exai onward is maybe my least favourite autechre period in terms of sound design. it will probably click in a couple years but... life is busy, man. i'll follow autechre into the deepest reaches of space, but elseq is not sinking in. :-/
  14. gnarlybog

    Now Reading

    This is rocking my brain right now: It's a compilation of interviews with Noam Chomsky. His stone-cold rationalism and research-based fact dropping ensures that every response feels like a mic drop.
  15. this new actress remix. https://soundcloud.com/platform/sporting-life-court-vision-ft-evy-jane-actress-remix-boiler-room-debuts
  16. Strong recommendation for Too Dark Park, Last Rights, VIVISECTVI (in that order) by Skinny Puppy.
  17. gnarlybog

    Now Reading

    This was an incredible read, and was based on the recommendation of Henry Miller (my favourite author). Originally published in 1890, it reads like it could have come out 100 years later. It basically follows a psychologically troubled young writer as he starves on the streets of Olso. You're not even sure why! My only gripe is that it ends abruptly.
  18. experimenting with some typographic shitttt made from melted car parts and crow carcass
  19. if jared "lifeless husk" leto is a replicant, deckard is going to have an easier time in this one
  20. Just designed this album art for a friend's unfortunately named punk band. I'd love to do more cd covers.
  21. gnarlybog

    Now Reading

    While I wouldn't say the prose style is particularly memorable, his in-depth psychological assessments of characters is some of the best I have read. Consider me addicted. I remember loving his other book, The Razor's Edge, as well.
  22. Just read Dark Victory. How it take me this long to discover this beauty? The subtle characterization and dynamic between Batman, Robin and Alfred is really special. Tim Sale is a legend.
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