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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. racist how people aren't calling putin the greatest terrorist of the 21st century
  2. i'm not counting on anything, and i agree that he may end up remaining in power. but, what would that look like? it would look like north korea or syria. that's the future for putin's russia. i think he was already very squirrely and that's why he made his awful move to invade ukraine. his main motive may have actually been to attack his own army. over a half dozen generals have been killed, most by snipers, many in that odd traffic backup that occurred outside kyiv, as they walked up and down the convoy. this amount of generals dying this early in a war is unheard of. a number of intel officers have been suddenly imprisoned. other generals and officers were fired. a shake-up and purge is occurring in the military, while sending them to die so that putin can steal ukraine's wealth. the military is the 1 actor that putin has to fear. if you were putin and you were worried about your military, maybe this is what you would do. we see that his military doesn't really want to fight for him. we know russia's economy was already horrible before he destroyed it. i think he stands on unsolid ground. but yeah dictators know tricks to keep the rats at bay. and yeah, disinfo works, in its own way. he is fearful. he has been isolating for 2 years. he sits 30 ft apart from his foreign minister in a meeting between the two of them. he fired hundreds of staff for fear of poisoning. invading ukraine has already backfired on him horribly. he destroyed himself and his country. why did he do that? this whole thing looks to me like putin's downfall. but maybe it will just be him turning into kim putin. don't believe anyone who tells you they know the future.
  3. i hope the russian people put a bib in putin's mouth and bind his hands so he can be kept alive to face the hague. maybe sleeping gas before entering would be a good strategy he may be the greatest terrorist of the 21st century
  4. is there a web link for that @beerwolf?
  5. that remake of cyg x1 is really good spaceopera also sounding nice both good loud the new sc ones are great, too. viva rtr
  6. timothy snyder on the Why Is This Happening podcast [updated link - spotify]
  7. "The bodies of the people whose images have been published by the Kiev regime are not stiffened after at least four days, have no typical cadaver stains, and the wounds contain unconsumed blood." exactly the kind of strangely weak argument i see from internet trolls, asserted despite obviously being strangely weak, as though the purpose is to just lay misdirection drown out targetted info create the appearance of dispute spread counternarratives surreal to see it from russian ministry of defense, disclaiming a genocidal massacre, stylized in an infographic, the day that the news breaks. "attention. those bodies look wierd. the ministry of defense" https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-europe-evacuations-665fd06b92852547d7b27627b99509a6 Associated Press journalists saw the bodies of at least 21 people in various spots around Bucha, northwest of the capital. One group of nine, all in civilian clothes, were scattered around a site that residents said Russian troops used as a base. They appeared to have been killed at close range. At least two had their hands tied behind their backs, one was shot in the head, another’s legs were bound.
  8. the author failed to research adequately, which would have turned up the interview establishing bwe is a guy. fuck wire. impressive to do a bad job relative to music journalism anyway, love the album. maybe my favorite bwe release yet.
  9. track 4 totally not tom on bass neverever is totally not aphex sounds like a great album amazing that only 1 of these is from sc (neverever is "XM"). so many good ones on sc still unreleased.
  10. i'm not sure there is any sham. the suggestion is that it is steinvord, as the person named themself spanish guy and then the debut had 3 or 4 references in the track names, and the styles clearly match the fingerprint. i'm not sure why we need to doubt that. you make a case, but i don't agree. there were only like a dozen steinvord tracks in the first place. i think many rtr tracks surpass any of those. rules the read is good, but so is reward. untitled9 is good but so is icrashed.gen. untitled (myspace) is great but xor probably towers over it. iyff acid slow is great but 1111111111111111111 is too. it's common in an artist's catalog for releases to vary. much rtr work has serious swagger and does exactly what you describe, wielding a mastery to casually produce a solid new form.
  11. come on. rtr is one of the best right now imo. i see no reason to think it's not steinvord. they've clearly been claiming to either be steinvord or otherwise just be overtly trolling us with the suggestion. in either reality i'm fine. rtr - rules the read MFSIYFF - iyff acid untitled - untitled acyx1 - cyg x-1 their forum name was "spanish guy" (before they left) i think they've been recreating steinvord tracks all along, actually. i assume you're referring to DSDE being a nod to the old steinvord track cyg x-1? untilienx5 always seemed to me like a nod to maelstrom (maybe slowed? i never listen to the regular speed). pandemonium (soundcloud) actually seemed like another alternate reality version of maelstrom slowed. i think there's one that nods to iyff acid (aside from mfsiyff), but i forget which. then there's just continuing in the same style, for multiple distinct styles. for example, untitled follows in the very unique style of untitled97. firevolt seems to follow phorumwanky. this is another way that rtr clearly either is steinvord or otherwise is overtly trolling us about it. the entity comes across as making good techno, trolling this forum, and not giving a fuck. if they decided it would be fun to model their techno work around steinvord lore, i guess that is an interesting choice, especially 4 albums later. i just find it more likely to believe that rtr is steinvord. and who is steinvord? i mean they troll about that too. firevolt - steinbolt vbsvbswg.aqmm - VBS.Redlof.B & W32.Mydoom.AU@mm Gator.D@mm - W32.Mydoom.AU@mm plus there are tracks that sound straight out of drukqs or a recent tom album my guess is tom and rich on a remote max system. tom always wanted a band. i think it's not a coincidence that so much of it sounds like tom's custom max system. i think it's not a coincidence that aphex rolled out with a max patch for detuned pitches last year (at the same time that rtr put up the detuned track lemno). planetx production sounds close to damogen furies, which released around the same time. anyway, i've now deeply taken the bait, and i'll add that i'm very hype for the imminence. will check out the new tracks more closely later.
  12. oh heck thought patronen was dead this is some patronen
  13. if i'm wrong then i'll be wrong. i just think it's worth calling out it out. on twitter, where inauthentic posters are more of a thing, with many of them it's really easy to spot them. there are combinations of behavior patterns and characteristics that can fill in a tell-tale picture. i'm not saying i'm certain, but: the behavior is the same, regardless of the intent of the individual behind the keyboard. whether he is or he is not, he is acting like one.
  14. motherfucker lays outright poison like a tick, but i don't think it's a tick. even if he were voraciously devouring dreck from troughs of vile poison, it's hard to imagine how a workflow could emerge of him so consistently populating the thread with trash. he is acting exactly like someone tasked with corrupting info. in lieu of mods moderating this purveyor of murderous war propaganda, people should not engage honestly though it's disappointing that we have to allow the shouting shill to disrupt discourse. moderation is censorship, but chengo doesn't want to censor people. it's a nice theory but it fails in cases of disinfo agents and extreme jerks. throwing a guy out of a bar is not authoritarian, even if tucker carlson and alex jones would have you believe that.
  15. You seemed to be using that to defend a claim that it is appropriate to be focusing on neo-nazism in Ukraine right now. The fact that it is being used as a pretext by Russia for their very unjustified invasion makes it specifically very inappropriate to be focusing on that right now. It is utterly absurd for the Russian military to be carrying out an operation with the objective of denazifying the government that is not nazistic in the first place. It is nonsensical and yet here you are seeming to be defending it. Do you agree with me that the stated objective of the Russian military is utterly nonsensical?
  16. here you are spreading russian propaganda. denazification is an absurd pretext. it is clearly disingenuous, manipulative rhetoric deployed for deceptive purposes, in order to aid in this violent campaign to seize by force that which is not theirs, because the putin regime is a decrepit demon. this soldier was part of a political party that was associated with neo-nazism. the party won no partliamentary seats in 2019. the ukrainian government is not nazistic. what's nazistic is russia invading ukraine. “There are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, just as there are in the U.S., and in Russia for that matter. But they are a very marginal group with no political influence and who don’t attack Jews or Jewish institutions in Ukraine. Putin’s propaganda is so far from the truth that it doesn’t survive the first contact with even a little knowledge.” https://www.adl.org/blog/why-is-putin-calling-the-ukrainian-government-a-bunch-of-nazis do you concede that you are wrong to characterize the ukrainian government as nazistic? will you paper the thread some more in response with cherry-picked, misleading anecdotes? will you move your goalpost? reality exists. and here you are in it, working for some vile cretins.
  17. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/24/microplastics-found-in-human-blood-for-first-time extrapolating for human carelessness, and considering the effect on sterility, we may see a population collapse starting this century
  18. i sometimes wonder if he is an operator but seems more like a schizoid dupe who has a taste for the spice. i notice that certain people just have a taste for bullshit. they fucking love it
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