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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. he says he told the navy. as in, actual chain of command, not just a tweet. there was a missile exchange 4 months ago with casualties on both sides. i'm not saying a conflict is more likely than not. obvously there are incentives against it for both sides. but people should be concerned because war often happens by unforeseen events and escalations. iranian speed boats like to charge US ships and have been doing it for years. why? because they want to be shot, so they can blame the US. and they will retaliate. and who knows what trump will do, then. maybe iran would prefer war time, politically. trump, too?
  2. i'm liking s3. easier to watch than s2. s2 was kind of hit and miss, probably because they alternated directors for each episode, but also because they were kind of straddling the challenges of maintaining loose ends from s1 and bridging the story with the inevitable breaking-out from the park. also the samurai stuff seemed obligatory because they teased it in s1, when it seemed like an awesome idea. maybe it will pay off with the big maeve vs delores matrix-esque samurai fight that i think is coming.
  3. i see what you mean. yeah, the FBI investigating to prevent fraud is defendable. that article touches on FEMA bidding against states, but doesn't mention that it results in orders being cancelled. manufacturers/distributors seem to be defering to the feds.
  4. i'm still getting to know the material but i found the transitions to be natural, not wandering, and the sections seemed to be part of a whole. the original AE_LIVE composition, though it was also well composed as a whole, was more all over the place and i got less of a sense that part A was attached to a distant part B. AE_LIVE 16-18 is like an alien mafia chem lab noir. maybe it's that AE_LIVE was more aggressive or something? maybe s&b were going for more of a chill thing that flows more smoothly, here.
  5. google "governors ppe order canceled because fema" and choose your own sources. every day a governor mentions it.
  6. The White House Has Erected A Blockade Stopping States and Hospitals From Getting Coronavirus PPE In this instance, the executive managed to secure the supplies, but what is most horrifying about his account is that this experience was not all that surprising to him — he expected interference from federal officials, and did everything he could (including staging the shipment in food-service trucks to avoid detection) to get around that interference. Those measures do not seem unusual, horrifyingly enough. Last month, 3 million masks ordered by the state of Massachusetts were seized by the federal government. Last week, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that the governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, was arranging secret chartered flights of supplies as a way of outmaneuvering federal interference. “The governor has clearly outlined the challenges this administration has faced as we’ve worked around the clock to purchase PPE for our health-care workers and first responders,” a spokesperson for the governor told the paper. “The supply chain has been likened to the Wild West, and once you have purchased supplies, ensuring they get to the state is another Herculean feat,” he continued. “These flights are carrying millions of masks and gloves our workers need. They’re scheduled to land in Illinois in the coming weeks and the state is working to ensure these much-needed supplies are protected and ready for distribution around the state.” A source “knowledgeable about the flights” told the paper that the governor didn’t want to be more open about the shipments “because we’ve heard reports of Trump trying to take PPE in China and when it gets to the United States.” This is not just the federal government telling states they are on their own, as it has done repeatedly over the last few weeks — a sign that the president, often thought to harbor authoritarian impulses, will invariably choose to unburden himself of responsibility even when seizing it would offer remarkable new powers, and itself an moral outrage demonstrating incredible political sadism, given that states lack the resources of the federal government to pay for this stuff. That’s in part because, in many cases, states are legally barred from deficit spending, which means in times of crisis, especially those producing huge budget shortfalls through collapsing tax revenue, they are functionally unable to respond at all. In such situations, the federal government is designed to serve as a backstop, but over and over again throughout this crisis, the White House has said states will get little to no help — that they are entirely on their own. (The federal medical stockpile isn’t meant for the states, as Jared Kushner has said, as though the country is anything more than its states.) On top of that outrage, the Feds are bidding against states who are trying to buy their own supplies, and refusing to interfere in those auctions between states, which have driven prices up by ten times or more. But while you might think that was as bad as federal management of this crisis could be, it is not. This new outrage is deeper: Even those states that are trying to manage their own resources, buying equipment themselves with incredibly scarce resources to aid in a time of crisis, are being stopped, and those resources seized on the way to delivery. You could call this piracy. You could call it sanctions. The federal government is choking supply chains to states like it chokes supply chains to Iran and North Korea. These blockades aren’t as complete as those surrounding sanctioned regimes, of course, and some amount of the disruption may be honest confusion in a time of crisis. But the disruption is being brought about by federal interference, and unlike the kind of disruptions you’d want to engineer against antagonistic states, the purpose seems completely unclear — indeed the policy is inexplicable and indefensible. Which may be one reason why no explanation has been given. We don’t know where these supplies are going. We don’t know on what grounds they are being seized, or threatened with seizure. What business do the DHS and FEMA have with ventilators and PPE purchases by governors and local hospitals? “This is like a story out of the last days of the Soviet Union,” David Frum wrote on Twitter, of the NEJM letter. “This is what it means to be a failed state,” wrote the essayist Umair Haque, echoing him. In the absence of an explanation, it is hard to come to any conclusion other than that this is simply mafia government, exerting control for the sake of control, not in spite of but because of the crisis-led demand, and squeezing the American people, as they die in hospital beds and attend — with inadequate protection — to the sick and scared. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/04/hospitals-face-a-white-house-blockade-for-coronavirus-ppe.html?utm_source=tw so trump is intercepting orders and shipments of PPE on the way to states who badly need it. and the observed pattern is he distributes them to red states disproportionately more than blue states. for weeks i've been seeing the individual reports of states getting their orders tossed because the feds stepped in, and i've been seeing stories about red states getting abundant supplies and more than they asked for, and blue states getting nothing or much less than they asked for. glad to see the overarching story covered.
  7. In 2013, Maddow did an MSNBC documentary called "HUBRIS: Selling The Iraq War" about evidence indicating that the stated rationales for the invasion were cooked up as pretense, as well as what the real intents may have been.
  8. each song is an alien prism. you may not be wowed by them all at first, but they will change over time. if you follow the right path in life then you will be initiated into each song, separately. also if you don't follow the right path in life. report back your findings.
  9. hehe, yes, i remembered it is the crazy one when i listened. this is a really cool dump. jodey is one of the musicians lately whose music will get me to pull over the car and listen. wtflol and avro prat could have been releases.
  10. 22 studies agree: 'Medicare for All' saves money warren's m4a plan cited total healthcare costs for 10 years around 50 trillion. estimated overall cost reduction by going to m4a would be multiple trillions over the same period.
  11. trump is digging a strange grave for himself. biden has been making smart moves every week, but he doesn't really need to try anything risky to wow people. he's leading in polls, and right now florida and pennsylvannia are getting swamped in covid. it's well documented that trump froze like a coward, fool saboteur for 70 days, allowing the virus to spread, shepherding the virus to the place where it is taking tens of thousands of american lives. it seems like he's trying to double down on his bullshit line that he didn't fuck this up by continuing to fuck this up, so people can't contrast the difference...? specifically: testing. we continue to need an extensive and sophisticated federal testing regime. forcing the states to fill that gap instead is an imbecilic idea, but the GOP's new carnival barker is going to see if he can get away with it because if he has his shit-show team try to create an adequate testing infrastructure, they would struggle and it would take forever and then people would say "why didn't you do this in february." so Epstein's tan friend just won't try and will instead bullshit the public when the question comes up, because the media, even the "liberal media," is happy to amplify his lies for ad money. the bullshit strategy has been working incredibly well for the GOP, so it's understandable that the new, incoherent GOP leader would try to continue pushing it. maybe it's not smart to bet on the right-wing scorched-earth deception suffering it's first major loss in recent times. but over here in the states, we have over 30,000 dead, with numbers still rising. biden has been playing things skillfully, this whole time. he's the one who cleaned up without even having a ground game or an ad game in most of the states. and now he is putting out ads about covid and ads about trump and is coalescing support. biden doesn't need to out-sensational trump, he doesn't want to, and he wouldn't try to. trump's whole thing is making a spectacle of himself so every news outlet in the country covers him and every citizen reads the headline like "oh god what now." meanwhile, trump has the attention and can deliver his messaging, and it only has to work on 40% of people. you're never going to see biden try to knock him from that place. it's nice to see obama back in the game. he's been restraining himself over the last 3.5 years, and he didn't want to weigh in before the nominee was chosen. it's not a coincidence that obama endorsed biden a couple days after bernie. he knew the bernie division in the party was a problem and it needed to resolve itself as much as possible without the appearance of anyone who could be construed as a democratic elite wielding undue influence. reportedly, word from obama camp had been that he would not endorse any candidate until the convention. but now trump was deploying some messaging that "obama won't endorse biden because he knows something," using that fox news liability-free suggestion innuendo. obama knew that messaging would continue for 3 months if he waited until the convention. obama's always been masterful at verbal formulations and speeches. now it is time for him to campaign with biden to supplant the failed new york conman as he is allowing thousands of deaths in a pandemic. obama will drink trump's blood.
  12. duude. big thanks to jodey. haven't listened to WTFLOL (which is I guess what this will be called) yet but i see white lion is there, that was jidomatix. just giving AVRO PRAT a proper listen now. it's very good. here's what jodey wrote about it:
  13. seems like hour-long compositions, as opposed to solutions to the what to play live question. like it seems like they wanted to do some long-form pieces and it just happened to be a good idea to use for live shows. great composition. some kind of autechrean pinnacle. sounds great on monitors.
  14. i would argue that they are deceived as to what he actually does, but yeah. the successful brainwashing of vast swaths, especially in red states, is really a feat to behold. i'm all too familiar with how it was carried out, and it really speaks to the fallibility of the typical human mind. our operating systems need updating, we need to increase skepticism and empower each individual node to be capable of logical analysis. a large percent of people are susceptible to the Appeal To The People fallacy. simple messages are workshopped and distributed widely, through multiple channels, in ways designed to appear organic and to appeal to organic sharing. the right-wing bubble deploys active measures to nullify messages that threaten right-wing narratives, preventing inconvenient information from reaching consensus by providing counternarratives. for example, they preempt anticipated attacks with mirrored messaging, so they fog the topic with "both sides claim the same thing." and they've entrenched the identity politics, capitalizing on the difficulty of knowing how veracious various entities are. trump tells his viewers that nyt, cnn, and wapo are biased, and fox news tells its viewers that the democrats attack trump for selfish, political reasons. i think reality is more that fox news and trump are literally fraud operations and cnn, wapo and nyt are examples of good journalism (the latter two moreso). but, if the disinfo is deployed widely enough, and is shared by enough of your friends, you don't know what to believe, if you don't have the skillset for analysis, or if you haven't been exposed to enough actual journalism, or if you don't feel like getting to the bottom of things yourself.
  15. "You said when someone is president of the United States their authority is total. That is not true. Who told you that?" wh press starting to strike the right tone damn. i don't watch these anymore, because i'm learning what it's like to be physically revolted by the depravity and evil of a human, but i see why #trumpmeltdown was trending yesterday
  16. this is perfect for the new form of tai chi i am developing
  17. yeah. it really is like a very good EP. the songs are psychedelic af.
  18. worth releasing twice. 7:40 - 23:20 is a 15 minute live acid composition that's fucking sick and unlike anything, and it seemed to fly under the radar. and the sound mix is good. edit: actually i think 1:30 to 23:20 is one long live piece
  19. is this just boxing day broadcast piped through the warehouse project channel? or is it something new?
  20. Temporal circuit of macroscale dynamic brain activity supports human consciousness https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/11/eaaz0087
  21. yeah. days 5 - 10 are when the first wave of symptoms typically happen. apparently there is like a second wave when people all of a sudden get slammed, after day 10, sometimes. but day 9 and no symptoms is good. that must be scary af, marf. i hope he pulls through.
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