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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Somewhat related but I was fired from my first job doing asbestos removal/glovebagging when I was 14 years old lol (when they found out my age). Minors aren’t supposed to be doing this kind of work and obviously (as the article points out) this wasn’t an oversight, clerical error. Pure exploitation of cheap child labour. Kids going to school with acid burns etc? jfc…
  2. A couple years!? Curious as why you moved. Knowing some of your background I imagine work ofc. Just that’s a big move! You’ve always been pretty mobile though. I would love to visit Japan someday it’s top of my list after Iceland.
  3. Love it, prob my second fav track on here. Uneasy feeling but constrained acid track.
  4. Happy to have stumbled across this thread. Digging in as on initial listen this is something up my alley; any recommendations or fav tracks etc lmk if you would be so kind.
  5. Bit of column A, bit of column B... it's a designer drug yeah. I'm not sure what you mean RE "Shitty Designer Drug", do you mean like the cliche "spice" going around the US? Some of my fav substances are "grey market/designers" (such as all the 2Cs, 2CB, 2CI, 2CE, 2CT-7 etc etc etc). Anyway HHC-P is like a fentanyl version of THC. Carbon sidechain modified, extremely potent. I'd be super cautious, it's relatively new and there's no saying you're actually getting HHC-P. Being so potent I'd think there could be some pretty negative side effects I'm not sure. I personally would not try that one until there's more info out there, or bare minimum you have a kit that can test to at least ensure you're getting a cannabinoid.... Even then it doesn't mean a heck of a lot. However I know you didn't ask for my opinion; just sharing my thoughts. My initial reaction is, perhaps I'm severely underinformed or actually devolving into an old boomer though: Stay safe.
  6. Was going to say this yeah, listening on headphones now sounds really nice.
  7. Mr ?; ufababoon is better than damagedfurries! See it wasn’t a question so I’m good lol.
  8. I think this track is my only exception to that sentiment, I’m sure I’ve plugged it here 500x before lol but this is a post ed & andy black dog win in my books. Reminds me a touch of the Ratcliffe rmx of Hot on the Heels of Love. Just has a certain vibe I like, not sure if it’s angsty or melancholy etc; prob not for everyone ofc. https://youtu.be/LraOPIiTs64 Somewhat unrelated but there are some good dave tipper remixes of Elbow out there somewhere; know it’s a different vein/vibe though. NP: Spanners
  9. What’s a eurovision ?
  10. Looking forward to it, Ascension is really a great album we’re still enjoying it a lot. Eyes peeled for the EP m8
  11. Canada; Calgary Alberta to be exact! Pretty safe place in general. Spot on. I am guilty of this to an extent in that I purposefully manage my *cringe* personal brand. But it’s with an understanding of my environment and what I need to do to be successful. I don’t need any back patting though I am aware I’m just a useless cog or number in a system. Sometimes it’s hard to find self worth.
  12. Interested but the project is not the same since Ed & Andy left ages ago; ironically my fav material from them being the black dog and not Plaid. But it sounds promising I’m going to listen again.
  13. With a gun. Still trying to figure out why. Sounds like a petty argument someone escalated. Funeral was saturday and was p rough. The pastor that did the service was the son of the pastor (who has now passed away) that put our other best friend, his older brother, to rest in 2018. All around p messed up.
  14. Might be my fav track on there now; not sure if you're having a laugh lol.
  15. Pretty classic Gasman. That's a good thing imo.
  16. Always unironically enjoyed this track, apparently friends with wow;
  17. I always figured it was more a case of "escaping licensing rights so that I can release my music in places other than warp"? Use a pseudonym with little likeness other than the music and they have no rights to it; I've read Warp is actually pretty aggressive in these regards, artists have to hand over their next 10 albums or whatever.... Edit: we could actually be saying the same thing tbh lol.
  18. Yeah this is my fav acid style Vibert in ages. I’m not always into his more minimal stuff (grit for example) but this is up my alley. Not that it’s about me ofc but this one resonates. Great alboommmm. (My fav tracks are the same btw, Taming of the View standing out in particular)
  19. Thank you, it really is. It’s happening everywhere and to so many good people. Even up here where we’re “statistically safe” or whatever. I just found out an hour ago. Processing. We lost his brother who was also a lifelong childhood friend of ours to fent some years back. This family has been through so much trauma. I didn’t know where else to vent. Wife is asleep hasnt seen the news yet.
  20. A lifelong, childhood friend of mine was shot and killed today.
  21. If you’re into the vintage game feel free to PM as it’s my passion ?
  22. Crusing for fake high def on Deezer ?
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