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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. It's a fetish. And a ritual. It's hard to explain, you either get it or you don't. Don't worry you are not necessarily missing out on anything. It's an artefact of something digitally made pressed on a medium that doesn't require electricity to produce sound (but it fucking helps). We'll be jammin' dem NTS sessions in the future post-apocalyptic world, ya know? I find with vinyl I'm much more likely to listen to a full release rather than skip tracks or anything like that. Like you said, it's a ritual - you put on the vinyl, sit back, listen to the release the way it was intended to be listened to etc. Edit: I may actually appreciate this NTS release when I get a chance to listen through on vinyl (currently it does absolutely nothing for me, throwaway tracks).
  2. Mine is flawless. I'm just pointing out people have a reason to be angry. It's a very expensive item (relative to earnings more expensive for some than others). Not shipping a perfect item at this price point is a rlly shitty thing for warp/blerp to do. For many this was probably their disposable income for a month or more. I find it lacking of compassion that you would tell people to suck it up but you can complain about it being delivered a day or two late. Anyway, no need to derail the thread more. I'm done.
  3. It equates to not getting what you paid for. Did I mention that some people have a perfect condition boxed set and others have damaged ones? Why is that fair again? Some people get a damaged box and warped vinyl and others get a perfect box and non-warped vinyl? Definitely no argument to be made there, you're right.
  4. Nonsense. Did you know cardboard is combustible and can be used as a fuel source? Maybe they should have just sent the burned remains/ash of the box? Oh, wait we paid for a cardboard box in good/new condition, that's right.
  5. *whines for days about his shipment being late (temporary problem)*snarks to others pointing out the shoddiness of the actual physical product (permanent problem) I complained because (reasonable) expectations that were set by Bleep were not met. This includes notifying what appears to be the entire UK order-base that their delivery would take place on Monday, when in fact DPD hadn't come to collect the packages. Bleep could've sent another email to say sorry that DPD let them down, and that the shipment notification was no longer correct. Anyone expecting cardboard to stay rigidly straight during the 2018 UK summer, and under the weight of 12 vinyls, is expecting too much. Getting what you paid for when you're buying a collectible (a couple hundred dollar niche collection of vinyls) IE an item in mint condition is not expecting too much. Ludicrous idea that people should expect to get their collectible physical item in less than perfect condition.
  6. Is inbreeding that common in the US or what? They seem... well extra chromosomes. edit: in the same vein as azealia whatever and that one white chick with the ass injections that thinks she's black? Iggy or igga or something.
  7. hey guys, did you hear how steinvord is actually skillrex and deadmau5 collab with tiesto?
  8. best way to have ice cream imho tbqh fyi byob bbw
  9. well yeah I saw that lol. I'm just not so sure. I hope it's really time for shit to head south for donaldo.
  10. So Manafort, guilty. Cohen, pleads guilty on several counts.... Is shit finally hitting the fan? =/
  11. I mean, the label IS Warp records right? (hope they issue a replacement or give you your money back, that's crap)
  12. wow I didn't even know this was a project/upcoming game. Looks incredible.
  13. Oh I did! That's actually part of what is frustrating - they won't show me the surveillance video. They said "if you have to pick the guy out of a lineup you'll be biased if we show you the video". Makes zero sense to me really, I didn't see the burglary happening or anything. I just want to know what the guy looks like so if I see him in the area around my work or around my house I can call the police. I figure they're just worried about vigilantes or something. =/
  14. Fair points guys... I'm just angry I guess. Short term. It will pass.
  15. Maaaaybe got a fake? Do you hear footwork-y stuff on track 2 and 4? explain please You got the real deal gaf. 100% certain.
  16. No no, I know you were joking! But you hit the nail on the head. Now I feel trapped in my own home... Is someone going to be breaking in tonight? When they can't get into the garage are they going to note the bedroom window? The patio door? Will my GF be safe working from home the next few days? etc. Some people are so shitty. It really bothers me because I try hard to be a good person IRL... I volunteer time and money to various causes, would never steal from anyone and try to pay things forward etc. Definitely questioning karma at this point as I search to try and find a reason I could deserve this. >=( hope this never happens to anyone else on the watmms.
  17. It's tough yeah, doesn't mean I don't have a few. ;0 All legal and I'd never use that type of force unless my life was in danger. A fentanyl addict can try to steal all the shit he wants, I wouldn't kill him for that. Have a Louisville slugger here though for non-fatal force. I realize this is probably a controversial post. But if someone is breaking into my garage (someone that just completely violated me by stealing my identification, banking info, family photos including one of my deceased father etc) I may just break a leg or two... edit: post written in anger. I really hope it doesn't boil over into a situation like that. I don't really know what to do.
  18. Yeah I disabled it and took some other measures. Still a real pissoff, feel violated some lowlife piece of shit is going to be creeping around my house...….
  19. That sucks mate ! Realized today the guy also got my garage door opener... nothing missing yet, thankfully the wife has 2 vehicles and one was left in front of the house all day today (probably spooked the guy). But now I have to worry about the guy fucking prowling - he's obvs got my address since he has my license. ugh. So shitty....
  20. Is this a bad time to say I've received my boxed set?
  21. agreed lol. I use Jamaican style ginger beer in mine for something a bit diff. So good.
  22. I love fresh mint. Good use of it too, a good mojito is a perfect summer drink.
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