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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I read before that the budget was 150-185 mil, but everywhere I read now says 150 only? I imagine that 185 included marketing etc. Or maybe that figure was just an estimate and the 150 is known to be actual now?
  2. Me and Osc were talking about that on discord. Fucking EMOJI MOVIE, universally panned by critics and consumers as being a really shit movie, box office = 200M USD. Blade Runner 2049, critics and fans praising it, box office = 160M so far and likely to be pulled from theaters in a week or two.
  3. Glad you're alright. Some people just shouldn't be driving....
  4. What about people who lick sac while driving? What should their punishment be?
  5. chastises steve for not understanding how warhol commands hundreds of millions of dollars* doesn't 'get' white rice lol spi
  6. aren't most craps bigger than dongs? you'd think ringus muscularis gets a daily workout that way
  7. aside from every car sounding like a vacuum cleaner, Gran Turismo is the best racing series. Challenging, tuning etc, massive amount of vehicles all with a different feel.
  8. nowadays you can't even throw your crying baby out the window without all sorts of questions from the cops ugh liberals
  9. good point, yeah also I have no art smarts, I'm talking strictly from the perspective of an art-uneducated pleb
  10. Agreed. I think he just developed an aroma of hipness and cashed in on it. He definitely left a lasting mark on the art world, but not for the better imo. Yeah man, can't believe his works are sold right next to da Vinci etc. Pop art (like warhol, banksy does some similar things with commercial objects etc doesnt quite qualify as pop art I guess) I find.. just odd. Meh, just not my thing I guess.
  11. I don't understand Andy Warhol's works. I find them neither interesting to look at or thought provoking, and I'm scratching my head trying to understand how they're worth bajillieons of dollars. Most I've seen of his just look like he picked a random object/person/face, duplicated it x amount of times using a relatively cheap and easy method, and then boom worth 100M. Great, you silk screened a bunch of elvises or soup cans. How is that thought provoking? 60 last suppers is kinda cool though. edit: I mean, I couldn't do it myself.
  12. You are taller than, and with more knobbly knees than, I imagined.
  13. It should be in a spoiler, I think goDel meant more because lots of us browse from work etc.
  14. Step 1: Be autistic Step 2: ???????? Szechuan Sauce Step 3: Profit
  15. Do we have an alcofribas review of the movie yet? Or do you save your expertise for albums only? Alco review pls
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