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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Actually yeah, thank you. You might be right!! But none of my key bindings are set for those keys and my language is set to USA. I bought the game on steam btw, it's not cracked or anything like that. Weird lol.
  2. I know a fair amount of you guys played the new Deus Ex... Question: wtf are the "origine" and "fin" keys on your keyboard? My language is set properly, I checked key bindings and there are no such keys, etc, but it's asking me to use those keys on my keyboard for ending or restarting tutorials. I pushed all the obvious buttons and googled this shiz but found nothing.
  3. lol... suspicious steve is suspicious.....
  4. Thanks for this, I'm thinking I missed the piece of paper and it got into the recycling along with the envelope. I'll clear out the bin later and check! Much appreciated whew, found the DL code in the recycling.
  5. ? Seems a bit harsh. Edit: ohhhh, you're consuming dick. my mistake, thought you were calling beer a dick.
  6. awe, I thought you actually had some rabbit chilli going lol.
  7. Thanks for this, I'm thinking I missed the piece of paper and it got into the recycling along with the envelope. I'll clear out the bin later and check! Much appreciated
  8. isn't this guy just making shit up in every post? Beerboss? or me? huh, maybe you're right lol I always figured he jumps into this thread when half drunk but thought half the posts were honest. stupid stephenG
  9. Is a "cheesy pig" a UK term or are you literally eating pork covered in cheese? Rabbit chilli as well! Sounds like a wicked feast. No pics?
  10. lol I didn't smoke any drugs unfortunately. When I get home I can post a pic of my "8 digit code". The only thing I see on my card looks like 16 digits and it's written in an incredibly weird font, nothing resembling 8 digits or English, looks like symbols, like the symbol font in MS word?. Also, did everyone get a bracelet? I got one that looks like the paper bracelets they give you when you're in the hospital, or when you're attending a rave or something. Is this just an "artefact" or does it get me into a colundi event or something? lol
  11. ok... fuck. So I've got my art card etc... I can't even come close to understanding this download code? tips? I just want to dl and listen to what I paid for :(
  12. 500g homemade turkey soup 125g cottage cheese 100g cantaloupe
  13. I really wish the new amplitude had like..... a feature where you could use your own library of music and it would generate a level for you to play. I still had a ton of fun with it but the music sucked big time (expected it to anyways but still).
  14. It's actually good? The videos I saw looked crap. If you say it's good I'd buy it, me and u seem to like the same games overall. I'll grab it after my new computer is built, paying for the parts tmrw =)
  15. What's hilarious is that it's a new engine. It's Dice's Frostbite engine. lol even worse! Bioware come on!
  16. what the.... Yeah that looks like shite. Those characters don't seem to have any.... character =/ I'd be playing on PC, wonder if the framerate is better? That's all choppy and the facial animations etc look like dog shit. I can't understand how the facial animations would look WORSE than ME3? Wouldn't they have made improvements to the engine etc since then? grrr
  17. =( do you have a video or something I can check out? Why do we think it's gonna suck now. That sucks if they screwed up man, I really loved the ME trilogy and was super looking forward to this.
  18. Never preorder. Also yes, it looks like they completely missed their mark. How about that Zelda though. Not buying Mass Effect has made me want to buy a Switch what? I'm out of the loop on ME. What happened, why is it shit all the sudden?
  19. not sure! might post a general US suggestions/rollcall thread so I can visit some people :DI want to check out new york, seatlle, portland etc but also maybe some uncommon/pretty/small town stuff as well Seattle!! There's a deece amount of forum members in that general area. I'd fly down for that. Some Canadian members in Vancouver would have easy access to Seattle as well. juss sayin' =)
  20. I'm sorry but fuck me sideways donald drumpf and his team is so fucking retarded and inexperienced. It's like voting in the colonel and just giving free fried chicken to everyone, I figure a shit ton of people would be down for that not fully understanding the consequences of voting the colonel in. I'm very sorry I'm not more eloquent
  21. u so fine mr modey Hope to make it to one of your shows one day. Any reason you aren't playing in Canad-ialand?
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