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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. "Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe" Bugs, plants, animals, etc shot in high def. From what I recall there is actually no narration (the trailer has some explanation in French), just the sound of the bugs etc + weather. Here is the trailer for it. Hearing bugs and stuff walking = trippy. Watched the whole thing on shrooms once, it was absolutely entrancing! surprised it is from 1996. Actually, does it qualify as a documentary with no narration? I don't know. I felt like it told a story though.
  2. Good find. The similarities are too many to be by coincidence! And this one is apparently by him also? https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8326/8425267645_0bf03e37dd_b.jpg
  3. Good find. The similarities are too many to be by coincidence!
  4. oh noes national super canada problem important #1 http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/canadas+maple+output+fell+again+2015+nino+raises+questions/11579270/story.html
  5. This disease of a thread provides some in-depth analysis http://forum.watmm.com/topic/73682-women-and-the-idmz/ u were supposed to let that thread die m8, let it fade into history lol quietly. Just read through some of that thread. Ho-hum. :/ I not only listen to, but make music. That's great! Checking out your soundcloud now. =) edit: squelchy acidy stuff. i like
  6. This disease of a thread provides some in-depth analysis http://forum.watmm.com/topic/73682-women-and-the-idmz/ u were supposed to let that thread die m8, let it fade into history lol quietly.
  7. lol anyone want to venture a guess on who "Poopfuck10" was?

    1. Joyrex


      Anomiystol or however he pronounced his name

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Oh! Lol thanks. That's surprising, he was gone a long time ago. Didn't think he'd try to come back. =P

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      But really, naming your account "Poopfuck10", pretty conspicuous!

  8. shit man I hope you turn out to be alright? No lasting damage I hope. what a douchenozzle that guy was
  9. That's where I'm at with it. Need to get my heart healthy, losing some weight is a good part of that. I've been working out daily now which makes me feel a lot better. I've not lost much weight but I'm down about 2.5% body fat. Blood pressure is coming down a lot. Good luck man! The holiday season is tough, so many treats and good eats.
  10. Isn't it? I'm still digesting ultrecht and dublin Haven't heard Krakow or Brussels yet lol
  11. Isn't that just the last track off Ultrecht? I mean it's slightly diff the way all the tracks are a bit diff on each set but it's the same track yeah? still great tho
  12. But we still got some awesome beers out of it? =) Edit: but yeah I don't know why they even moved there. It's only a block away from the original location. More visibility on inglewood road maybe? =/
  13. That looks REALLY good. It's just straightup beet? Interesting. I wouldn't say no to trying it. The earthiness of the beet would probably go nicely with the beef.
  14. Chicken caesar salad with bacon. The chicken is some chickens I slow smoked Saturday for about 4.5hrs. They are delicious.
  15. Pineapple is fairly common on burgers, usually bbq'ed/grilled with a slab of bacon on it. Egg is also fairly common on burgers. ^^ around here in Canad'er anyway But you're right the combination of pineapple and eggs is strange. And I've heard of pickled beetroot on burgers, but never in combo with pineapple and egg! weird
  16. I'm legitimately confused on how someone hasn't attempted an assassination on him yet for all of this ridiculousness. I'm not suggesting it, I'm just surprised someone hasn't tried that's all.
  17. Congrats man! We've been talking about doing iceland next year. Can't decide though...
  18. Really? I've had that hawerchuk - camel toe/canned peas release for years and never once suspected it was snares. Kind of makes sense now that I think about it.
  19. Worked out every day for 2 weeks, only to be thwarted by a pulled back in my muscle today... hurts loike hell if I move the wrong way.
  20. I think the person said that their office had ordered donuts, and they took that one... and then "fuck it", they went back and grabbed another. I can't remember who it was but I'm sure it was in that thread! Can't find it again. Also your avatar is dank. Also Phoenix is pretty dank.
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