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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Sadly I can’t seem to view it in my iOS browser - says I need to download the Reddit app lol. We were hoping to watch it for dessert as we just finished dinner ?
  2. For sure - so far me and my gf have no symptoms and I wouldn’t expect any for a while. I’m worried but there’s not much I can do right? We have very intensive sanitizing and other measures for covid at work so I’m probably ok...
  3. One of my staff I’m in close contact with daily just tested positive. So far he’s doing well, no real symptoms afaik. Wondering if I’ve got it though.
  4. At 1:10/the end of the video the cafe there advertises they sell “hot Asian buns”.
  5. Sad and fucked up perspective these people have. Lends credence to the cult perspective... grateful I’m on the outside looking in but this is a very sketchy situation that has global implications of course. Way to go 2021 ?
  6. Kind of disappointed that only 50ish people were arrested and 4 died tbh.
  7. Would anyone with more than one chromosome expect to not be shot when breaking into the capitol with a group of violent domestic terrorists? edit: yes I understand how chromosomes work and a human can’t have 1 lol.
  8. My CD arrived today!! Time for another listen this weekend methinks. Haven’t had much time to listen to tunes lately ?
  9. Oh, the RtR releases come to mind as a great example. If they weren’t marketed as steinvord stuff I’d definitely have appreciated them more. ?
  10. I don’t disagree at all - there’s a ton of albums that I love (your material included) that aren’t genre defying necessarily. It’s mostly the combination of sounding like a direct copy + this poopy marketing gimmick of omg is this aphex pusher?!?! that some labels and artists are putting out that gets tiring (especially to all of us that have ears). No different for genres like dnb/jungle where artists like kid lib and phineus ii unashamedly put their tunes out and own their thing. Amazing music but if they were to put it out pretending to be 1993 AK1200 etc it would lose a ton of my respect? Theres nothing wrong imo in presenting your take on times or genres past but damn... own it. Don’t pretend to be someone else! ?
  11. yessir! Much more enjoyable and original content (than this copy paste "unreleased oh who could it be oh me oh my?!?!") coming out of our EKTers IMO including yourself of course. AF has some amazing releases on it though. Just find this trend of Guess Who really really tiring.
  12. Did I dream this? I thought there was a new (new new, not new old trax like 1995) jega album announced like last year (2020 lol).
  13. This series in particular has been awesome. I’m walking less lately (Canadian winter lol) but I’m still trying to make time for all of these!
  14. +1 And ftr I'm usually these days in camp "it's too much".
  15. Lol... happy new year buddy hope 2021 is amazing for you and the fam jam.
  16. This. So much this. The regret kicks in so hard when they’re gone.
  17. heh, I was just being a simpleton when I described the walls shaking - I can tell the subs are now working properly not just based on the volume and low ext etc but the sound quality of the system overall. ? Yeah I honestly have no idea - I moved a while back but never changed the settings on my system despite this room being much larger. I guess it's not a big deal as long as everything is now sounding better - I'm just not educated in some of this stuff, not sure where to start. lol cheers, happy new year ?
  18. Question for you smart peeples. Was playing around with my subs lately as I noticed I wasn’t getting the chest crushing bass I used to out of them. On a whim I decided to switch the phase to 180 and sure enough my walls are back to rattling. Any simple reason they would be out of phase? Only running main speakers with one sub plopped beside each of them. Intuitively Id think the subs should be set to 0. Ultimately I’ve solved my problem since the bass is back to where it should be. But I’d like to understand why they were suddenly out of phase ?
  19. It’s the worst in the morning when you get that major sleep inertia? Where you’re physically nodding off and trying so hard to stay awake. ?
  20. On this note - I'm working my first graveyard shift in my life. 9PM-5AM. It's only temporary but goddamn it's messing with me big time. =/
  21. All very good points, yeah! I'm kind of weird, for consoles I really like to have a physical version of the game, but for PC you're absolutely right I only buy digis these days. Maybe I should look at the new consoles more like Steam, where I can always download the games in the future if I have my PSN/PS+ account. ? Merry Christmas btw, cheers from Canadialand. : )
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