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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Did I dream this? I thought there was a new (new new, not new old trax like 1995) jega album announced like last year (2020 lol).
  2. This series in particular has been awesome. I’m walking less lately (Canadian winter lol) but I’m still trying to make time for all of these!
  3. +1 And ftr I'm usually these days in camp "it's too much".
  4. Lol... happy new year buddy hope 2021 is amazing for you and the fam jam.
  5. This. So much this. The regret kicks in so hard when they’re gone.
  6. heh, I was just being a simpleton when I described the walls shaking - I can tell the subs are now working properly not just based on the volume and low ext etc but the sound quality of the system overall. ? Yeah I honestly have no idea - I moved a while back but never changed the settings on my system despite this room being much larger. I guess it's not a big deal as long as everything is now sounding better - I'm just not educated in some of this stuff, not sure where to start. lol cheers, happy new year ?
  7. Question for you smart peeples. Was playing around with my subs lately as I noticed I wasn’t getting the chest crushing bass I used to out of them. On a whim I decided to switch the phase to 180 and sure enough my walls are back to rattling. Any simple reason they would be out of phase? Only running main speakers with one sub plopped beside each of them. Intuitively Id think the subs should be set to 0. Ultimately I’ve solved my problem since the bass is back to where it should be. But I’d like to understand why they were suddenly out of phase ?
  8. It’s the worst in the morning when you get that major sleep inertia? Where you’re physically nodding off and trying so hard to stay awake. ?
  9. On this note - I'm working my first graveyard shift in my life. 9PM-5AM. It's only temporary but goddamn it's messing with me big time. =/
  10. All very good points, yeah! I'm kind of weird, for consoles I really like to have a physical version of the game, but for PC you're absolutely right I only buy digis these days. Maybe I should look at the new consoles more like Steam, where I can always download the games in the future if I have my PSN/PS+ account. ? Merry Christmas btw, cheers from Canadialand. : )
  11. Congratulations!! Well deserved I’m sure! :)
  12. Any particular reason you're not into the one with the disc drive? I don't think they charge any less for digital versions of the game, why wouldn't you want to have the physical copies when they end support etc for digis?
  13. Well! Lol I was born in 89’ so I don’t remember listening to anything in 1990 lol. But the first two albums I remember... I got a Sony Walkman in 1995, for Christmas. And my two first albums were cassettes No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdoms and Skee-lo’s I Wish. Actually still love those albums to this day ?
  14. I'm not sure what the official numbers are, but by the time I left for work at noon it measured 43cm/17" on my deck (not a snow drift either, straight snow!). And it was still snowing until about 5 or 6pm? Apparently that's more than 1/3rd of Calgary's annual snowfall in like 24hrs.
  15. We got hammered with about 10” of snow over the last 14hrs with another 3-5” expected in the next 7hrs lol. Lots of people are snowed in and won’t make it to work and I expect volume to be quite high today. my first gong show at the new job ?
  16. huh! I didn't know that, never heard that even until now. Thank you!
  17. Bandcamp - not a fan of streaming at all but occasionally use bandcamp to stream to my stereo at home if I haven't had a chance to sync the albums recently purchased to my ipod.
  18. Has Gene Rodenberry’s estate sued them yet for the blatant rip-off of the Star Trek insignia? ??
  19. I miss our burger babe. Hope he's alive and well, and simply taking a break from the watmms.
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