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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. If both of you are endorsing those that's all I need! thanks ?
  2. Just did a quick search apparently the bandcamp release isn’t the same as the FE vinyl ? Oh shit you’re right sorry Yay full release is avail digi
  3. I’ve had digis for a long time. They’re on his bandcamp? https://rolandosimmons.bandcamp.com/album/human-touch Do I have the wrong release?
  4. Sorry for my ignorance - new artist for me. Where should I start my journey?
  5. The amount of talent in these forums is bonkers. Those snippets sound amazing.
  6. He’s come a long way since his early stuff (which I also enjoy)
  7. Just grabbed this yesterday, and he put out a 2 track mini ep here - https://stazma-the-junglechrist.bandcamp.com/album/voltage-songs-ep ^ the two tracks are stellar, haven’t had a chance to listen through the album yet though.
  8. This is not true nor a confession. *disqualified*
  9. I never said I wasn’t! ? takes a huge heart to feed all these massive muskles ? let’s socially distance arm wrestle over zoom ?
  10. No no it’s still alcohol fucking with my heart I just watch my macros because I don’t want to cut back on my suntory whiskies ?
  11. Yeh we would after its cooked and drained. We typically only buy lean though - price premium on extra lean vs the extra 5% of fat or whatever that's missing isn't worth it + for some reason extra lean isn't very common here? Regular beef if you're draining and rinsing ends up being equally as expensive or slightly more than lean (based on final yield in g/$1. ... maybe this counts as a confession I don't know. No piss rinsing of beef involved. But when I was first doing this I tracked yield and cost etc in a spreadsheet to figure out which grade ground beef was most cost effective. To save essentially pennies...
  12. smetty come back 



  13. Oh lol that could be it then! Yeah the slaz releases are intentionally like that. I love it. It’s like watching a 70s or 80s movie and seeing all the stereotypes of that era but... in album form. ?
  14. Lovely view! Jealous you’re so close to water. Looks temperate there - those birch... are you on the lower island somewhere? If so how were the wind storms the other day? Cathedral forest etc damaged?
  15. dont you burger react me babe >=( ? I've had enough burger reacts this week I'm about to have a qintrubletribinary coronary
  16. lol I take it this is your first slazenger release? =/ Or have you been following the tracks/lore etc for the last 27 years? I don't want to make any assumptions on your age or anything. But the slaz releases have always had some intentional cheeze. Basically the best track of all time (except trail quest and hector's house which were released under u-ziq of course)
  17. Reminds me of the rdj equation track in a way? ? Beautiful song
  18. A lot of people find it really strange and are weirded out by it lol. But try it sometime if you want your recipe to be a bit healthier. ?
  19. Reduce saturated fat (I have heart problems/hypertension so I keep an eye on fats) and calories. The rinsing gets rid of a ton of the fat. In a lot of recipes like soups and chilli I also prefer the flavour and texture of the leaned out meat. And studies have shown that key nutrients from beef like niacin and iron are unaffected by rinsing. ? edit: I should correct myself. I don’t use boiling water, just very very hot.
  20. Here’s a confession. I rinse my cooked ground beef (mince) with boiling water. *waits for caze to tell me what I’m not allowed to do with my beef*
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