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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yeh I love that show lol. It’s so ridiculous and over the top (it gets crazier in later seasons). But I love it. Danny Devito makes it gold
  2. Lol their incompetence really knows no bounds. It’s like a Charlie Chaplin silent film, a bunch of morons running around.
  3. Mind if I ask which ones specifically? I’d like to direct my attention to them (I haven’t heard everything new maybe I missed a few gems!) ?
  4. I thought foley room was great! ISAM is where stuff started to fall off (in my books). I’m not writing him off at this point, and not even sure how to best articulate what is irking me about the recent releases... it just feels like they’re churned out en masse and they’re missing something, they don’t sound like Tobin. I guess you’re right he’s stigmatized by having a certain sound early in his career. Sorry didn’t mean to derail the thread btw. Glad you’re enjoying this! ? I’ll give it a few hours and give this another listen. ?
  5. Have to agree on TLoU part 2 though - that game looks bootiful
  6. Ah I don’t know how “average” it looks to me, screen space reflections and some of the textures are pretty insane... per usual I expect the PC version will look a decade ahead of the console release? aside from ssr it will prob be one of the first games to properly use rtx
  7. Oh wow did it ever! I didn’t know we could look up bid history like that, thanks! The typical eBay last min bidders Lol. I’ve been there, smashing that button right before the item closes so I guess @hijexx’s estimate was pretty close. I’m truly surprised it wasn’t higher, curious what the reserve was. Why not just start the bidding at the reserve so as to not waste everyone’s time like that? Wouldn’t that guarantee the owner gets at least the min they want + it would still get bid up (albeit by a smaller pool of ppl)
  8. Interesting - yesterday when I looked it said 16500 USD (12400gbp) and 65 or so bids? Did it shoot up suddenly from that? Or am I mistaken?
  9. I’ve been extremely underwhelmed by his output since moving to the Nomark format, and this release was no different. Which is a shame because he used to be one of my favourite artists. theres the odd track on “Fear in a Handful...” that is p amazing but aside from that... like it’s all extremely well produced? But all the other releases including this one sound soulless to me, like it’s all music for car commercials pumped out by the corporate media team. I’m just picturing Mathew McConaughey in each track here... anyone else hearing what I’m hearing? /rant (haven’t had my coffee yet this morning ?)
  10. I saw, I can’t believe that, especially right at Christmas like this! What a dick landlord (it’s a “management company” or something innit? Not like an actual individual?). hey if they’re going to be illegal shits then it’s time for a little counter squatting ?
  11. He's just trying to do as much damage as possible before he leaves, give the dems a bajilleon things to fix in their first year or more of office, to make them look worse come 2024? Or what?
  12. what the actual fuck? Is there any sort of legal process in the US where that can be challenged? That is ridiculous.
  13. Hehe https://www.instagram.com/p/CHrFU6qgMZ7/?igshid=9dfluuchdemy edit: not sure why I can’t embed. Srry. It’s worth a quick watch though lol
  14. It’s true. I’m a butterface. The mask requirements with covid have finally allowed me to be in public with confidence because I can cover most of this heinous front facing flesh thing we call a face.
  15. Oh for sure! I didn’t get tested as the Alberta uh diagnosis tool online said if there’s no fever don’t order a test. We self isolated for 2 weeks just in case. Thankfully we had a full fridge and freezer and lots of whiskey ?
  16. I just got over a cold that lasted 3 weeks. Wife got the same cold and was better in 2 days. P positive it was just a cold though, no fever or anything weird. I had pneumonia a couple times which I think damaged my lungs and makes colds last forever... I hope it’s just a cold for you and nothing too serious. The island has v few cases of covid right? Pretty likely it’s not covid. Feel better soon!
  17. Actually I have to backpedal a bit on my comments about artwork not mattering at all - if I had a cool cabinet like that I’d definitely enjoy displaying my vinyl artwork and switching it out from time to time!
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