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Everything posted by dumplings

  1. "Outta place like carpet in the kitchen" This is the most laid back Danny Brown album for some time. It's really good and has a lot of replay value. Very pleased he has this platform to put out solid releases, he deserves it.
  2. Glad you also enjoyed it! I've not had a chance to finish it this week but have a day off next week, so will do so then. It really is great.
  3. Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix. Half way through at the moment and the story is really good, animation is lovely.
  4. From the past albums I've listened to alva noto, it's been via headphones to hear the little micro-sounds you might not usually hear on a more 'open' system. Cranking Hybrid II in the car though has really been hitting. The low thrums in some of the tracks are nearly ripping the doors off. He really knows how to create meditative spaces in his music and this latest release is really resonating with me recently.
  5. This is a Partridge-ism if ever there was one.
  6. This feels like his most accessible album. I like it.
  7. Had Priori's stuff on recently and finally bumped into this album.
  8. Seeing the latest release pop up, I wanted to give this guy a listen. Really nice album and had it one today.
  9. This just slaps in all directions.
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