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Amen Lare

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Everything posted by Amen Lare

  1. Angst by Gerald Kargl. So i finally saw this definitive psychopathic murderer film, a huge influence on the debut of Gaspar Noe (Seul Contre Tous). Some spectacular camera work, true, otherwise i haven't been touched. What separates it is the tone, nobody to my memory and experience did it so realistically clumsy and life-like absurdly. The tone and the innovative style eats it as an attempt at long-form though. Can't say i'm joining the ranks of those who think it will be rediscovered as an iconic film of Psycho magnitude. Shame that the director went out of business as he put all his own money at stakes, sometimes going bizarre doesn't work - Lynch was on the edge too.
  2. Your comment is ignorant to the history of electronic music, throwing in names like Eno, who's practically nobody in terms of exploring the sound. Or you need to be far more specific in your descriptions. Almost the whole 20th century was dedicated to not only exploring, but confronting the foundations of Western music, with electronic music serving as an important method to try and find not a "new thing" within known borders like all these niche producers do, but "new music" in itself. Autechre didn't come to an empty space at all. It isn't the subject of this thread though, it's about producers who create within a similar aesthetic attitude. For example, for me Oberman Knocks makes generic stuff in that field, yet Sean Booth said it makes most Ae sound like a posh garden party (clearly not because it's "darker" as some death-metal would undoubtedly be, more like darker while being in the same vein), which is pretty respectful. Quote from here: https://boomkat.com/cds/549880-oberman-knocks-beatcroff-slabs
  3. Yeah, that would be great. Just like Dead Set. It actually looks more like a movie than a tv-show - at least compared to original The Walking Dead show. But hey, the first episode of The Walking Dead was good and had diverse settings. The next 800 episodes didn't. So the first episode of Fear the Walking Dead might end up being awesome and the next 800000 episodes might just take place in a forest. From 'pedia: The pilot episode was filmed in Los Angeles and the remaining first season episodes will be filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia. Anyway, it has a chance to be decent as it was reportedly written in full by Kirkman and Dave Erickson (writer for Sons Of Anarchy, who will be the showrunner). Probably Kirkman's not that good - comics tend to drag on as much as the TV series and he wrote a couple of episodes too, but he's still an outsider to TV and has an opportunity to set up a sort of consistent long form.
  4. Agree, it sounds completely Lazar aside from added percussion (which could really be subtracted without damage), it was also recorded in like a day. In principle it's very similar to the earlier collab with the violin guy Sandro Mussida that Fell did for his new 7-inch label: Fell does the drum machine treatment on top.
  5. It's based on the same authors' fiction as was Stalker by Tarkovsky, also loosely. It's not really sci-fi aside from a premise of what if Renaissance never happened in the Middle Ages of a planet similar to Earth. The director was heavily censored in Soviet times and was considered among the biggest local auteurs.
  6. Is that English? !5 133+ 3|\\|61!5|-|?
  7. Me, if i wasn't clear, not Montand. Though it was more about intensity, not looks. I saw that movie as a child or maybe teenager, yet i recalled shit was intense, so i took it as a compliment.
  8. 1 of my old man's favourite filems plus Yves Montand (sp?) is ex-police marksman Jansen in Le Cercle Rouge, 1 of the greatest crime films of all time Yeah, old friend of my deceased father once compared me to Yves Montand's character in The Wages of Fear. I was kinda proud, thought i'm not that ugly son of a bitch after all to even think about such comparison.
  9. Obli kek at above 'hop Why the fuck would you apply Polygon Window title to "journalistically describe" Ae, other than being half-sensitive. It's the same as taking Sun Ra vocabulary to describe Miles Davis (they actually used Sun Ra vocabulary for Sensational cover, who slipped there about a decade late than it was needed).
  10. I haven't seen it yet, but yeah, that's a common thing. Every time i had to deal with a script idea (not really my aspiration), producers with good taste and erudition slapped me on the arm on this subject specifically. Conflict being not clear enough, rules of storytelling abandoned etc. It's like if you are letting nothingness to flow in the script in terms of events, it's bound to be uninteresting. I believe it became a professional habit to conform to these structures as some type of multiplication table, hiding behind indisputable authority like Aristotle or Shakespeare.
  11. Yeah same here. Really like that quote about explaining yourself to cockroaches.
  12. Through a couple of further assumptions we conclude: Ae fans tend to mass-murder people. And i like this hat...
  13. I loved Cosmopolis, captivating robotic style. The only movie i was seriously tempted to walk out of was Tulse Luper Suitcases, don't remember which of the three parts, probably first. What an unreal bore fest, i constantly looked at my watch surprised as hell how easily my patience got to the limit, yet kept composure coz it was kinda weird and i didn't want to lose that battle. Life highlight if i think about it, i'm a winner by nature. Another one is Film Socialism, stayed mainly in protest to others who left, i think like 50%. Some old jazz-loving man (you get to know people on these quiet screenings) stayed till the end to comment to theater's staff that they really shouldn't screen movies like that to people.
  14. I mostly went to low attented films, so i don't have a lot of experience of watching people in theaters. What i can recall is one dude slamming the door during Inland Empire coz of a series of disorienting stops of projecting the image - not sure why that was happening, nothing of sort was on DVD cut, someone fucked up with a projector maybe. I felt part of rage was to do with a movie too. And also during Coppola's Twixt and to a lesser degree McQueen's Shame some teens were clearly out of place laughing all the way, not giving a shit to what's on screen by the end. That actually happens a lot of time with Auteur cinema which isn't properly marketed. At Cosmopolis screening one dude fell asleep so deep that he didn't react to his phone ringing loudly, i had to interfere. He stayed until the end though.
  15. Amen Lare


    I think it is what it is. In essence, a basic play on the use of word "untitled". I always attached a sort of "still relentless, stiff, uncompromised" meaning to it, but it could be my limited english vocabulary. There's typically some technicality to their titles though, so you can subtract whatever implication you feel sure about.
  16. Amen Lare


    http://www.conspirazzi.com/prodigy-jay-z-sides-with-evil/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_foU9B5AUTE
  17. Vin Diesel and Keenu are the same overacted performers, well, maybe Keeny a bit less so. "High brow arty cinema" reviews just that, they generally try to keep it the most naturalistic way possible, even if it means more silence than real life.
  18. Amen Lare


    Fixed with more rationale.
  19. Dying to read about 90101 series next, dying.
  20. Great nation, new Roman Empire. For every disgusting behaviour there is something wonderfully marginal.
  21. For me, he delivered a bunch of neo-colonialist cliches, exactly boring nu age yawnsville. If mankind (world, age and other bullshit generalisations) needs anything, it's to get rid of these idiotic pretensions, this way of dealing with problems is just a part of the problem.
  22. We were experiencing the birth of Clint Eastwood Bitch. Sadly the transfer was not complete, coz she was supposed to bang everybody in the building with squint, instead she got mentally lost very soon after realizing how powerful she was.
  23. So now you can fuck Will Smith right in the pussy
  24. When God created Rotterdam he was all like fuck this, i'm tired as shit, do whatever you like, Lucifer, and Lucifer was like, i have a nice idea... to put a donk on it!
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