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Amen Lare

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Everything posted by Amen Lare

  1. There's so much cliffhanger after cliffhanger done so poor and dropped so instant it feels like there's no cliffs and no hangs anymore.
  2. Yeah, i don't know what else should they do to throw me off finally (got addicted coz of comics - black & white! - and probably the first episode/season), even if they address me through the screen like fuck off already bitch ass escapist you eat our dicks. The problem i kinda liked the spin-off series in comparison.
  3. If lyrics mattered they would be distinguishable, the remixer took it out of another song where lyrics wouldn't be so exciting to make you want to decipher. Check original D-Breeze songs on soundcloud I'm not sure how it became known who did what, but the record has "AE 14601/A" etched on the side with this track. Add to this the fact that the original is an unreleased song from Bola's archives. It's either Ae or Bola himself. I would bet on Ae, just older/early production.
  4. fuck reviews, seriously, what a bunch of words hence a thread for discussion relating to the album, among other things. that DD review is something of a showpiece, but it's still relevant to the album, and it's got some funny bits. also, it's a little more creative than "i like this. i think _____ is special." it's like... duly noted, bud It's a little too creative, or should i dislodge every word with a fancy yet empty synonym to make it mean heavier.
  5. Amen Lare


    Russian Tretyakovka gallery experts very recently discovered that Black Square by Malevich contains author's handwriting of "Battle of negroes in a dark cave" possibly referencing/trolling earlier French painting. I'm like "alright, this is shitty now". (in fact, i'm not, but you get the joke, yeah, common yeah? The news isn't a joke afaik)
  6. If anything, it was not so many cliches for a modern horror. It clearly followed a nightmare logic with all the mixed historical details and sometimes nonsensical actions - yet those were not the same stupid bullshit you see in every fucking horror. Tarantino gave it an accurate description in my view:
  7. Amen Lare


    Ya know, reading latest analysis in this thread, this set might not be that good after all
  8. Sean's well known 'im gonna cut you' look. And he sure has a knife with him re: cygnus story
  9. Amen Lare


    I, too, hear penis-formed sounds everywhere in there.
  10. That would actually make more sense. Anyway, Faucon-Titane must be Syl Kougai, but who could do twels? I have no idea, Devine doesn't sound like this, it has the chill quality i've never heard in his tracks.
  11. Sorry, we're not into music, just behavioral research.
  12. Not everyone agrees with this dichotomy. I think people often confuse style with, i'm not sure what, tactility, sensibility. Noe bases his works on instincts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_Interpretation
  13. glad you mentioned 28 days later since i'd argue that movie holds up incredibly well for a couple of reasons (ones that jump to my mind at least) - they showed that if zombie blood was infectious (as it is in walking dead) that getting any on you is not a smart idea. The part where the droplet of blood falls right onto the guy's eye was pretty genius. - the 'bad guys' of 28 days later weren't just generic 'we want power' Governor style bad people, they were sex starved military brats who wanted to repopulate the world and hold females captive as sex slaves. Pretty clear cut and realistic motive. To me the lack of sexual assault or even borderline rapey stuff in Walking Dead in and of itself is unrealistic. Any remotely good looking or fertile female in an apocalyptic situation would be in danger Yeah, it was an exceptionally great take in terms of realism for such movies (they even showed the cause of infection in a couple of minutes in a pretty smart way, blaming both of the sides - those who secretly experiment and those who boldly fought against animal abuse, a bit overly moralistic yet still cool), aside from miraculous transformation of the protagonist into ninja to defeat the bad guys. Writer Alex Garland went on to debut as a director for Ex Machina with some style. Would be interesting to see him do an action written by himself like 28 days later.
  14. It'll sound crazy, but one night i saw a moth who spoke with me (with a creepy accent similar to Bane from Dark Knight). He said he's actually a prince and got a royal education, which explained his polyglot ability. So we talked for a while mostly de-mythologizing moths, i asked for his name and he said human friends just call him Mothy. We shared our views on music among other things, he thoroughly recommended Ae "all insects are into this shit". I had no chance to thank him.
  15. https://boomkat.com/products/a-rational-tangle That's a recent release by his son.
  16. Amen Lare


    I was going to say that in comparison to concert halls and theaters club is an ultra new environment, but, seeing pics from Manchester thread, i would say go seated rooms with white walls, if only for grandpa Sean's sake, man deserved a break. Build an Ae chapel.
  17. Amen Lare


    More like Sean Booth practicing his rap skills in both cases. I also hear "djent" prog metal technique in there (and i'm not an active listener of it). Let's check our ears together anyway, familiar with sexy ways?
  18. It's the opening melody line; also, too melodic and straight-ahead for Autechre IMO. I generally like the harder, abstract stuff. I guess that was kind of a narrative for this track to be cheery at first then delve half-cock into idm dirt as previously mentioned.
  19. I am mostly reminded of Kubrick's 2001 towards the end of it, with that Ligeti-esque choir manipulation. One of the coolest bits of this album. The child-like motif never went well for me.
  20. wow, that would be amazing if they pulled something off that cheap. Reminds me of that soap opera from the 80s where a bomb blew everyone up and the episode after showed it was actually all a dream [youtubehd]BqsDKf3FZcI[/youtubehd] Good morning! Btw, it was all a dream! How is my cock? If only TWD was this imaginative in its cliffhangers.
  21. lol. i liked it but i see what you mean. i'm just so starved for good sci-fi that i'll take something half-decent gladly. i was pissed that they made mars look like arizona. this is the one planet that we know what it looks like, and quite well. it wouldnt have been hard for them to figure out how to make it look like mars, but they decided it needed to look like a funky arizona. some producer or effects manager decided mars doesnt look enough like arizona. one of the cool things about mars is that its so small, you see the curvature of the planet by looking at the horizon, but they never had a horizon shot because matt damon was always inside a canyon wherever he went. and mars doesnt look like narrow canyons everywhere, most of the place has a very vast look with very gradual inclines, and very distinct, gnarly rocks (not gnarly like those funky arizona rocks, gnarly like you can see millions of years of a different kind of erosion), but fuck that, sand and weird canyons is what we're going with. Funny how your technical remark from the standpoint of liking it makes the film seem much more shittier than Herr Jan's description (i didn't watch it). What the actual fuck, couldn't they make Mars look like Mars in 2015, fuck me. I recall David Lynch was very complimentary towards this director's previous film Dogtooth, like it was one of the best films he saw in years.
  22. Yeah, it just happens so that this IDM stuff with its "overly-masculine templates" is best done by two sexy looking blokes.
  23. fuckin mint, when their raft boats are covered with monkeys at the very end......the horror the horror grip everything you can find by Popul Vuh Yea I watched it cuz of Popol Vuh but the sound was pretty shitty on the rip I got. I only have Bruder des Schattens but I really love that. Herzog made really awesome intro with that track.
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