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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Kale in kimchi. It's this "organic" variety I purchased @ Costco. But none of the Korean restaurants I know in town would ever put fucking kale in their kimchi. I only want the real deal from now on. No more of this pretentious "organic" bullshit.
  2. I believe it. I'm pretty sure you guys are about on par in terms of progressive attitude with us Los Anchorage folk. I know we've had an Alaska Independence political party for a while too that never really gained any momentum. Dutch Harbor is one of the locale where Deadliest Catch was shot IIRC. And there's pretty much no reason to live there if you're not in the fishing industry. We still get the PFD every October as residents but it varies every year. I think it was as low as $600 back in 2005, but in 2008 it was more than 3K. This year it might be $1600. As for Palin, I pretty much never hear about her anymore in the context of current affairs. She had her fame about a decade ago and then faded after that.
  3. Frogs tend to scream like young pigs do when picked up, albeit more like a deflating balloon than outright squealing.
  4. Depends on who's in the WH I guess. I could see Cascadia and California being some of the first to secede, as well as Hawaii. Not sure about Alaska because the majority of locals here are conservative af, even though we're a satellite state - unless there were another Democrat POTUS in office. War may be unlikely, at least across new borders. Because humans have typically fought each other over primarily over territory or resources throughout the course of millennia. It would be more likely to happen from within, because we've gotten so physically integrated at this point despite our political differences. It may lead to scattered migrations though. Might be more or less like the USSR collapse in 1991, although most of us would still be speaking English. At this point a fracturing of the continental US would depend on how much we would actually benefit from it.
  5. The fact that they're willing to pay people to attend his rallies is telling. Also notice how most of his rallies are filmed close up, as if to conceal the actual number of attendees (or lack thereof). Also lol @ this part of one of the posts
  6. TBH he's looking more like a male albino African elephant's scrotum these days
  7. Just snagged the original System Shock for 50 percent off on Steam for 5 bucks. Apparently it includes both Classic and Enhanced Edition. I'm assuming the latter is the recent source port that Nightdive Studios just announced (who are also still working on a remake on a modern engine) I fell in love with this game back when I was 10 years old, at a time when Doom was still king in the PC game industry. And I still have the original CD-ROM somewhere. But at the same time this new source port should make for a smoother gameplay experience by the looks of it.
  8. That does sound tasty. I've never had an authentic naan that I didn't enjoy.
  9. Just print his mug in the center of your toilet bowl.
  10. Whether or not sarcasm is intended, I am uncertain...
  11. Never imagined I'd hear about miniature pooches used in a night club context until today.
  12. Speaking about Doom... I love this channel First video is genius. The note he hit when firing the shotty even sounds like it's in the same key as the E1M3 music. Second video, which was uploaded 1 April 2013 IIRC, is what introduced me to Brutal Doom. Haven't gone back to vanilla since. Also Doom came out shortly after Crystal Bepis Pepsi went extinct.
  13. Hmm.. Next year is already looking to be a good year for the game industry.
  14. So apparently the white supremacists devout patriots of this nation took it upon themselves to torch Nike shoes in protest of Kaepernick being their latest spokesman. I don't believe Nike is above questionable ethics in terms of employing cheap labor in overseas sweat shops, but this latest butthurt from the reactionaries is just lol.
  15. Maybe we shouldn't impeach him after all. Maybe we should continue to let this dumpster fire that is the latest Republican presidency run its course for entertainment value if nothing else, at least for the next two and a half years. Besides, I keep hearing that Pence would be worse if he were to move to the top.
  16. A buddy and I decided to try a new Hawaiian poké bowl (not ball) restaurant in town. And damn was it good. I ordered the set with kimchi cucumber and pickled onion. But there are still about seven other flavors to choose from next time I go. The tiny, local hole-in-the-wall joints are the best.
  17. Well, that explains the lack of stories from The Onion lately
  18. Maybe. I reckon it's the homo sapiens equivalent for caterpillars metamorphosing in cocoons before they come out as butterflies. Latest FWP is I saw two vehicles today that said "princess" on them - one via a vanity plate, and the other a bumper sticker. I guarantee they ain't from a royal family. They probably have unplanned coitus without protection and then have the man who impregnated them pay all the child support money for the next 18 years once they split.
  19. Do what you have to do. Obviously I consider him our president by title only. If you guys manage to drown him out in protest, drive him out, humiliate him or whatever, you have my approval.
  20. I kinda want a Sennheiser RS 165 RF wireless set now. Good reviews and ratings from what I've read.
  21. Might try this method then if they persist. Cheers
  22. Twitter is dog shit, regardless of users' political affiliation
  23. Yeah and they're so small they're nearly invincible, can't hit them with damn near anything. But just big enough to annoy the shit out of you, especially in a swarm. If I was younger and dumber I might jury rig an Aqua Net flamethrower to eradicate a cloud at a time. They're like those damn swarm thingies from System Shock 2. Except they don't actually harm you, thankfully. They're just a nuisance. An incendiary weapon would be too dangerous I think. But Tinactin athlete's foot spray on the other hand...
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