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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Yeah like I said, if the hornets leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. They'll only get the hive drop if they start to harass me.
  2. Yeah the ending of RAGE was a huge letdown. Seems like Id Software broke with their tradition of concluding their games with an epic boss fight on this one. It does imply the possibility of a sequel tho.
  3. Alternating between UFO: Enemy Unknown and the first F.E.A.R. game right now. Never played the latter until last week, but I think I'm close to the end now. The special Slow-Mo ability is pretty cool, and definitely comes in handy during firefights.
  4. Game of Thrones? Neither have I. Then again, I've always preferred sci-fi over fantasy themes anyway.
  5. My roommate mentioned to me the presence of a hornet's nest nearby our cabin. Last night, I discovered that hornet's nest to be about twelve feet directly in front of my bedroom window, hanging off a tree branch. So I'm faced with a dilemma; should I knock it down, or should I leave it alone? So far the hornets haven't bothered me. But "kicking the hornet's nest" is beyond reach. I wondered about buying a pellet gun, but it seems unnecessary to attack it if the buzzers aren't bothering us. I'll leave it alone for now. But if they start bothering us, I'm gonna drop their hive like it's hot.
  6. Another random newly-discovered Ae remix [youtubehd]okKFz-lKTg0[/youtubehd]
  7. Vitalic - Rave Age: 8/10 I'm kind of crap when it comes to being a critic, so I usually name my favourite trax on the album, which are Stamina and La Mort Sur Le Dancefloor in this case. Never thought I would get into EDM until I discovered Vitalic last month. I think he's been active for eight years now, but he sure puts the Top 40 wannabes to shame. Rave Age was released less than a year ago. Other than that, it's the two albums by Warp titans Ae and BoC we've been buzzing about this year.
  8. aT the e/nd of a bzzer goes a

  9. Playing the original UFO: Enemy Unknown by MicroProse again. I also just noticed Mercenary Kings is available for purchase on Steam. It's a new 2D platformer that looks Metal Slug with a Borderlands-style RPG influence. Not sure whether I want to buy it yet tho.
  10. Boba Marley vs Pikachute

    1. Uniret



  11. Surrounded By Silence is my favourite, hands down. One Word Extinguisher is also good, but any Prefuse after 2006 is mostly meh.
  12. My landlord is trying to evict the crazy coocoo lady who's been living rent-free in my duplex for the past 1.5 months, and called the cops over last night. They visited for about ten minutes and left, taking no action. 10 more days in that nuthouse and I can finally move 20 miles away from the city. Can't wait.
  13. hurry up with my damn croissants sacrebleu XD
  14. Nice. I would much rather be house-sitting right now than renting my current room for the summer.
  15. I'm very much into New Seeds lately, after several TH listens. Seems to be the perfect fit for my life right now.
  16. Damn, Routine looks amazing. Almost makes me wish I hadn't sold my desktop.
  17. Listening to TH again because it's a cool, cloudy day again and it seems a good fit. Cold Earth is very much a throwback to previous BoC, more so than the rest of the tracks I think. My playlist preference is very much dependent on weather lately.
  18. El Lucy the Funky Homo Erectus The Lawlflowers Baddie Mob
  19. After I sold my high-end desktop, I'm back to playing older PC gameness. My latest play is Deus Ex: Nihilum - a mod for DX1. It's been in development for years, and was just released a month ago. It's all new maps, story, characters, a few new guns, etc. Supposedly it also adds over 10 hours of gameplay over the original. I'm still in Hong Kong though, where the mod begins. It actually feels more like a DLC. Pretty cool so far, but sometimes it feels like a maze, and it's easy to get stuck in places. I do overall recommend it to DX1 fans tho.
  20. I'm kinda late to the TH party, but my copy finally arrived in the mail the other day, and I listened to it in its entirety about two or three times now. After BoC's seven-year hiatus, it sounds like their direction has changed to more of an ambient, desolate approach. Reach for the Dead keeps reminding me of Surripere on Ae's Draft 7.30 - might be the synth pad and chords. Can't think of a more detailed analysis ATM. They have changed their rhythms up a bit from previous works tho. Alright, back to lurking.
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