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Everything posted by chronical

  1. jordan peterson sounds like someone is blowing up a balloon inside his ass every time he opens his mouth
  2. ever since I read a book about the darknet pedophiles have ruined the term pizza for me on the net. thanks, I hate it.
  3. for the next gig the watmm crew is rocking silly hats only mister
  4. https://streamable.com/6zps7 this too! hope my posts get merged. there's prob a full set out there already but i kinda like these snippets. unreleased afx ja?
  5. so gutted i cant teleport hope some of you nerds are having the time of your life right now though<3
  6. snareup why are you trying to troll watmm?
  7. this just in; watmm now a cross-dimensional nun portal ! be the light that radiates with spergs like you and me : - ) ALL
  8. CPU records is so stupid they just release the same cover over and over
  9. Game Of Thrones got really bad when it started to change to appeal to the fanbase online. At least that's what it felt like to me
  10. believing space is fake is probably one of the most depressing things ever. imagine looking up and thinking "nyyeh, this is fake!"
  11. Is that a day-late april fools joke? wait what
  12. bought sekiro and holy shit the 2nd time you meet the tutorial boss is just ridiculous. I was so happy to have beat his 2nd health bar and he just turns into enel and zaps my ass. what the fuck? that's where progression stops, right?
  13. Because emulating something like a N64 or original XBOX (geez I need to play Jet Set Radio Future) is hard to do properly. The open source emu releases aren't more perfect, they're the same or worse than current emus due to older builds and whatnot. The small SNES doesn't even come with Chrono Trigger, lol
  14. watched this as well. besides being too long, it looks too clean. also the story wasn't haunting- which was a big thing about how twilight zone episodes left you feeling, and instead was just an hour long ripoff this story minus the okona. also, i hate how jordan peele is basically imitating rod serling minus the cigarette. the whole thing seems disingenuous and almost like a parody of what it's supposed to be remaking I think we should be happy that we're getting a new Twilight Zone at all. Judging it from the first episode which is, I think, made to introduce people to the concept of The Twilight Zone is a bit much.
  15. Do you have the link to where you found it ? unfortunately not no, I just checked the tracks section for new things and this popped up, managed to save the cached file but it was gone right after didn't even think of that!
  16. found this on the bleep store today.. wtf is this? bergbs2bit1.mp3
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