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Everything posted by marf

  1. I liked the film. Plus got to see Mckenzie Davis nekkid
  2. I get get it, I don't. Its supposed to be set in 2049? This to me looks like a hundred years from now or more. Flying cars (again). Robots that are totally human seeming. 31 years from now? I greatly doubt it. Unless Im missing something. Does 2049 mean something else?
  3. he had a 1-900 number too. For girls to call. It had it's own commercial. ah yes, maybe its been posted
  4. Trump is proving we don't need a president. A president is a slow moving target.
  5. you've been disenfranchised of Cracker Barrel. Do you have Crate and Barrel? The secret to America. What it all comes down to is vinyl siding
  6. Idea for film; New Alien film reveals that the company really wanted the face grabbers to sell to asians as a delicacy rumored to increase virility.
  7. guys who own distortion pedals. all sounds the same. The old heavy hitters are still the best
  8. I heard Varg burned churches, but I had no idea it was the 900 year old viking wooden STAVE churches! It's enough to make me sick . All because Christians worship a Jew I presume. Really really sad
  9. you don't have to look down your noses on the poor. They often live more fulfilling lives than the rich. They usually have relatives all over their county and are super tight. Rich, or upper middle class shut themselves out from the common experience where you can just be you and not put up some artifice of decorum. Families are spread out all over the world. Id much rather hang with a funny redneck than some snooty self appointed intellect or someone born into the top of the class system. Always some front people put up. I hate it.
  10. if you want a republican to see your side make them go through it. Thats the only way for them to empath. Like Dick Cheneys. lesbian daughter. They aren't capable of lateral thinking. They have to live through it. The worst people are the ones born with gifts and think the earned it all by themselves. Which is bullshit. All things are down to luck. Just being born is down to luck
  11. i feel sympathy because 21 year olds do stupid shit. I did, but the drugs weren't fucking scary then. You sort of knew what you were getting. Spend a couple years acting stupid and move on. The drug scene is very different now me thinks.
  12. I watched it in 4K which makes almost anything good,. He's pulling a star wars story line, but lets admit this was way better than those shit films post the first 3 pre 1990
  13. yeah. I was just too lazy to get into it. I see Opiates as a true gift to humans. Now we will have speed bumps in the parking lot cause of couple assholes who want to drag race. Now, a lot of people who really need them won't get them, sadly. I knew the cold turkey crack down would just bring in heroin and worse stuff. We approach the problem in the wrong way. White people from good families are dying so now it's a sickness and not a crime. etc etc.. It is a sickness, it all is, humans are humans. Opiates make you feel like you are in heaven and it made people who otherwise wouldn't try Heroin get addicted, but hard and fast cut off is not the way to go. Like 7 day limits on opiate scripts. Good people are hurting. Blaming drug companies and docs I'm not sure is the way to go either. They aren't fortune tellers. Like the CIA invented Al Qaeda.. Well yeah, I guess, but by accident not design.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5UlRlPKzlo
  15. Yeah, Ive been buying meds from germany and I noticed how plain the packaging is. It's a business here, and that is the heart of the problem.
  16. I watched all three in a row last night. Excellent docs.. The heroin one, jesus, with those guys in the tents, it's like a movie
  17. everything is a conspiracy now. Fake news. You'll never get through to those people. It takes a LOT to de-brainwash a person
  18. Why? A few of the monsters we have could wipe out the world. WTF. Now Im scared Trump Wanted Tenfold Increase in Nuclear Arsenal, Surprising Military https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/trump-wanted-dramatic-increase-nuclear-arsenal-meeting-military-leaders-n809701
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