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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. I just wanna say that I am finally off ALL 'medications' and 'drugs' that my depression in late 2015 kinda influenced me into trying. I had to spend 6 months tapering off my SSRI and nearly the 80% I was in a bleh mood. The SSRI would only work for a few months after each dosage increase till I got to the max. No more SSRI's. No more kratom. No more MJ. No more alcohol. No more cigarettes. No more anxiety meds (which was more caused by withdrawal from the other drugs I think), and no more of a few other things I'd rather not name here though they more effected me in 2016 and 2017 than now. And this is the most consistently I've been in a good mood since before depression started in 2015. I'd forgotten how being 100% "sober" felt, and forgotten what it's like to be for your mood to be mostly influenced by environment and not medication.
  2. lol. And AOC was hired from a casting call. Even if it's true Bernie did what you said, the establishment has done worse to Bernie. There is a nonstop 'hitjob' on him on CNN and MSNBC and have lied about him in so many ways. It was the reason I didn't vote for Hillary in 2016. I don't trust centrist dems who spew platitudes in place of policy. They are empty suits. Oh and we have plenty of evidence of ol' joe sniffing hair so if it was a hit job it is one based in evidence. And look I know I'm crapping on them, but I still think if they win democratic primary (which is a probably going to happen after their rigged primary in 2016) I will go vote for them. It feels like a moral imperative this time around, since if Trump stays in office and repeals obamacare in it's entirety, millions of people will lose health care. Trump will deregulate industry to climate change will become accelerated, etc. The thing is they are making it harder for me to want to go out and vote when choosing narcissistic chameleons who change the way they act based on how well it polls and focus groups and will change their accent to better appeal to the composition of a crowd.
  3. Joe Biden is eww. Why does the establishment always choose their worst candidates to prop up... yeah pick the guy who was paid 200k to sing the praises of that one house republican. Definitely makes me feel he cares about the voters.... I get the same yucky feeling thinking of Biden that I get when I think of Hillary. And I only get that feeling with a few corporate dems. Also Beto with his platitude sandwiches. Joe and Beto are the two I dislike the most, and they're the two the establishment has chosen going by media coverage and donations. At least this early in the race. There are several centrist corporate dems currently in the running I'd vote for over Biden any day... you know until it comes out they were paid 500k for some speech. That neatly describes the difference between conservatives such as trump and centrists such as biden. Biden smells women. Trump 'grabs' them. Both are sexual harassment, but one is a kind of half measure and the other is all the way.
  4. I was conservative during my pre-teens and early teens, and something between a political nihilist (and a nihilist in general) and a libertarian (like 10% libertarian but thought libertarianism would never take over as an ideology in US so I didn't bother) ) in my edgy teen years. I'd repeat that quote by George Carlin about "Bucking the system" and enjoy watching people eat each other, pretending I was above them. Then my guardian lost their job literally the week after graduating high school. Lost health insurance after a few months. Then I had to pay a massive premium for the same health insurance I had taken for granted before, which I couldn't afford if I wanted to start university. I somehow made it work that first year, then insurance still didn't help out when I got really sick due to "pre-existing conditions" which was not the case. So I got nothing from insurance since suing them would have cost too much. Though doctors got me on SSRI's really quicky, and insurance jumped on that. Wasted 6 months on that. Also got into heavy drinking and smoking. Wasted 2 years on that and only quit at the time because it stopped working.... idk how I did well in university high or drunk half the time. Though i know I could have done better if I wasn't doing either. So I basically had to admit to myself it was a bunch of hot smoke. And even in my teens I kinda knew in the back of my mind the nihilist stuff was a dead end, as my then middle class lifestyle enabled me to afford being able to think that way. That's my two cents anyway. Thinking back to it makes me realize just how fast the nihilist stuff fell apart when the issues people like Bernie talk about became a reality instead of it being a vague thing that affects poor people.
  5. ooo has it been continually bumped since its inception (if you can even remember it) or has it ever completely died just to be resurrected? You just know this thread will never die while Trumps in office.
  6. yes and no, yes b/c I agree it's one of those things where the pop culture definition equating it to aliens is now so solid it makes even those interested in the subject forget it's original literal meaning no because if you actually get into the history of it there's so much overlap with both other unusual and unexplained visual phenomenon (will of the wisp, auroras, sun dogs, swamp gas, st elmos fire) as well as post-WW2 technological developments - low orbit rockets and missiles, satellites, high speed jet aircraft, high altitude spy planes like U2s and SR-71s being spotted by civilian planes, etc. A plethora of completely unprecedented aerial objects filled the sky in a mere decade. hell until I lived by an airport a few years ago and commuted by it regularly I had never seen planes take off and land during fog and mist at night: they literally looks like typical UFOs - no blinking lights, bright auras, hard to discern shape and size, and seemingly hovering Foo fighters still fascinate me though - they really buck the whole post-WW2 / post-Roswell alien contact narrative. A lot of UFO/paranormal speculation surrounds late 19th century events - things like the Aurora TX incident, mystery airships, or the Tunguska event. Futher back and you get into really gray area like Ezekials Wheel in the bible and a variety of UFO-esque descriptions in various religious books and myths. Erich von Däniken milked that stuff for decades. Oh yes I agree that it now implies aliens. People probably don't even use the term outside of the context of aliens anymore. Just thinking of the original meaning compared to 'aliens' there was definitely a shark jump moment when the phrase was first used to mean aliens. I was actually about to say before I looked up what foo fighters meant, that my 'favorite' ufo sighting are the ones by pilots where they will see objects zipping at incredible speeds while airbourne. I agree they are fascinating and there's always this idea of 'maybe' after hearing these stories.
  7. won't matter though. orange man will keep on doing whatever he wants and the 'publican brotherhood will continue to be too scared of him to take him down. Ruskies are gonna fuck with the 2020 election and we're gonna get this thread to 2000+ pages before it's all over with... That makes me wonder, if Trump gets another term, then will this thread become the longest continually bumped thread in watmm history? Probably going to last 8-10 years.
  8. Have you ever thought it was odd that UFO simply refers to a flying object that isn't identified, and has nothing to do with aliens?
  9. Are you one of those people who can study after smoking? One of my friends gets a little hyper after smoking and he used it when he wanted to cram for exams.
  10. In b4 it turns out Trump is a veritable angel and we were the evil ones all along.
  11. Not really related to the current topic at hand, but a nice overview of election fraud and probably the reason why Bernie won't win, even if he is the most popular democratic candidate.
  12. Not surprised in the slightest. I never really paid attention to the collusion stuff. It just feels like something the media latched onto early to keep from talking about... anything important. But I guess I always thought it might be worth investigating by people more in the know than I. Turns out to be a bunch of nothing. It does make me dislike the mainstream media even more. Despite the incredibly vague evidence they still kept talking and talking...for years... about the Russia collusion. CNN needs to stop trying to be like Fox News. They aren't as good at their game. Many conservatives where I live are still convinced Obama wasn't born on American soil, which was in large part propagated by our current president. You know how you keep up that lie/belief? You harp on it for years and never really investigate it, because your base already in large part believes the lie, so why ruin that? If he did anything my money was always on the Cohen related stuff. That's what has my attention anyway.... oh and the fact that Trump has fired what seems like dozens of people around him for doing despicable things and is somehow not being looked at as the obvious common denominator. I will be genuinely surprised if it turns out all of that is a load of crap.... tbh this post probably won't age well.
  13. maybe shouldn't have said incredibly common, but it's definitely common. A google search comes up with tons of people mirroring what happened to me in around the same time frame (and Luke and his buddies). Though i think I smoked more often than most a few years back which probably is why. Can't wait to try it eventually then. Smoked for like 4 years almost straight even though it was anxiety inducing, but was still preferable I think due to a psychological dependence on it. Then again I'm grateful to be away from that roller-coaster. I think I used it too much as a crutch due to stress of university and having to work 30-40 hours a week.
  14. ^^^ yeah it was a typo, meant 650 billion or so, and even then that's 2017 I'm referencing. Second place is China at... a little under 150 billion. Could pay for college many times over.
  15. .... dude I love carrots.
  16. They are indeed the old guard. Old but still relevant. Yeah I was thinking they should at least do free community college which would allow people to go to college without worrying about loans that you would have to pay off if you ended up realizing it wasn't for you. Free 4 year college would be around 60 billion or so (from what I remember maybe a few billion more) and the defense budget is currently 643 billion. I can only assume the people who make the most money from your school loan are really paying their lobbyists well. I wonder what the political landscape will look like in 20 years. A great majority of people who vote for bernie are young. So I wonder if many of the people in their 20s will become more conservative as they age and the millennial demographic will mirror the current preferences of boomers and such.
  17. Eh I doubt that. Trump won the presidency by copying a lot of his populist rhetoric from Justice Dem types. And Obama had a lot of the same populist rhetoric before he revealed himself to be a centrist. Though I think the biggest contribution to winning is not Justice Dems or Corporate dems, but how much you can excite your base. Hillary did not do that and honestly being a corporate dem these days has got to be harder to excite your base since a lot of what your base wants are things like universal healthcare or free college. Btw, what's stupid about the whole free college thing is that if you slashed the military budget in half you could pay for college 6-7 times over, and we'd still be spending around twice as much on our military as compared to China... and even though free college for people would pay for itself over time since people would on average be more educated putting more money into the economy. It's absolutely ridiculous we spend 11-12 times more on our military than Russia, and 5-6 times more than China. It's called investing in your citizens. Instead they'd rather make you a debt slave.
  18. Corporate Dems = Expired Leftovers. If Bernie gets the carpet yanked out from underneath him again by DNC leadership for the sake of shoving a Corporatist down our throats, like what happened on June 7th, 2016, then it's pretty much guaranteed a second term for Trump. it'll be close. a lot of little pockets of people would plug their noses while voting democrat to get rid of trump.. but we'll see. it depends how much stink happens between democrat candidates. I wouldn't say they are "expired" quite yet since people age 45+ or so tend to like the corporate dems over the Justice Dems. And about Bernie , I think it's up in the air currently in regards to not voting for Trump in that case. Most of my buddies who didn't vote for Hillary because of the BS the democrats pulled (such as closing polls 6 hours early in areas more likely to vote Sanders) deeply regret it, as do I. That said tensions were very high in 2016 and at the moment tensions are low making that decision seems incredibly foolish. In a way not voting is dooming the planet due to republican's stance on Climate Change. And Obamacare health insurance is still better than none. Reminds me of that one comment Obama made about being grateful for your half slice (of bread).
  19. Did your tolerance ever decrease enough to where you could enjoy it again? I haven't smoked in a few months but I'm fairly certain it'll just have the same effect. Oh and did it ever make you kind of irrational due to things being more intense? Major anxiety seems incredibly common. First year or two is the 'honeymoon' period, then enjoyment tanks. Actually now that I think about it, I think I did have some kind of withdrawal when I was smoking the most 2-3 years back. I was super irritable and short fused when on it, and remember being still more irritable than my sober 'baseline' if you want to call it that. Smoking makes everything more intense now so I end up over-reacting to things. Whereas it used to make everything less intense. So I suppose now I know why many people in their 30s-40s+ who like weed have a blunt or two hidden around the house for special occasions. I used to figure they just got bored of it and grew up, but many of them probably experienced what I'm experiencing now.
  20. Yeah... The Corporate Dems at the moment are trying to keep the status quo which is incredibly uninspiring. Thinking about when Hillary rebutted the MAGA saying with "America is already great!" and who would never really go in depth with policy, which is what Dem voters care more and more about these days, and less about the personal stories corporate dems tell in order to avoid talking about policy.
  21. Yeah, I can't anymore. First two years were fine with intended effects. But for some reason these days it causes massive amounts of anxiety. Fight or flight. Which causes me to become very irritable/short-fused (I wanted to punch a hole in the wall because I couldn't open a jar after 10 seconds) and even artificially depressed for the duration. Occasionally I'll get that relaxed feeling but 95% of the time it's fight or flight. A buddy of mine suggested I try different strains, but I get the same effect with every one I try, so I just quit a while back. I think it has something to do with my tolerance level, which even though I've only smoked a few times the past year, I still have to smoke several times more than in the beginning. I'm thinking that when I wasn't smoking much whatever 'extraneous' effects weren't noticeable, but over time the effects kind of 'transitioned' over into anxiety and anger and away from chillaxing. My tolerance hasn't decreased noticeably since I stopped completely a few months back. Probably a good idea anyway since I have a job lined up when I graduate in may and I know they test regularly. So I've decided to quit for a few years while hopefully my tolerance resets. Or just stop it all together. Has anyone had this same issue? Will tolerance decrease considerably after a few years?
  22. I've been wondering. I really think Donald Trump most likely 80-90% will lose the next election (do you guys agree?) And if Trump is gets in trouble for anything it will probably after this next election. At that point I probably even wouldn't care what happens to him, since after thinking about Trump for 5 years straight (counting initial campaigning time to end of his term) I'd probably just ignore anything to do with Trump the same way I've basically ignored 98% of the 'news' about Hillary these days. Imagine if he won another 4 years. The area of my mind dedicated to Trump will probably be fried.
  23. ^^^ lol an algorithm picked that for you? BTW duly noted for that documentary. In terms of real mysteries, you guys ever hear about the "Wow" signal, where they found an potentially artificial signal ? And do you guys remember that news a while back about that anomalous star who's light was much dimmer than it should have been, and people were speculating on how it could potentially be a dyson sphere (even though it's probably a massive cloud of space dust or an incredibly dense asteroid belt. Even though contact with aliens would likely spell either our doom, there's still this want to not be alone in the universe.
  24. He literally has nothing to gain and he still does it. Yeah, if he has it I'm sure he will. Though if it's pre-dementia IDK if he'd have a case or anything there since he still can do most things. He also took a test that tested for dementia recently, however the test apparently is incredibly easy. "Count Backwards from 10", type questions which tests for gross dementia.
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