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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Well I'm not 100% certain, but there sure are a lot of major red flags. It all could just be the stress of being the president, and he just needs more "executive time". I think we will have the answer to that question within the next couple years, and until then it's all just speculation. I'm trying to find this video where a psychologist lists the symptoms of dementia and you see that he checks 90% of them off and states that many of the traits weren't descriptive of Trump 10-20 years ago. There are actually a few videos with psychologists who basically all agree he seems to be showing the classic signs .
  2. Thanks for posting those Josh, literally was about to go do the same thing as a reply.| Btw the speculation is that Trump is currently in a pre-dementia state. Pre-dementia state can last anywhere from a couple of years to decades and basically never advance past that. Originally I thought the dementia thing wasn't real as well. There's also insider info that states he retells the same story over and over, and will do it every 15-20 minutes or so... and when he came into the white house he had that same issue but it would be repeated an hour or two later. Now he can't even remember who he ate lunch with the previous day There's also other random little tells, such as his doctor, when being asked if Trump about trump's general health (not talking about dementia), he replied by stating the fact that Trump's father was about the same age when he was diagnosed with dementia. Also, his massive overuse of superlatives is a major sign of his dementia. If you watch him these days he uses them an INSANE amount, whereas during the republican primary it's like he played the other candidates like a fiddle, and watching him now, I think he wouldn't be able to pull it off in quite the same way.
  3. Snowpiercer was good. Also watched They Live and Big Trouble in Little China for the first time and really enjoyed it, then re-watched The Thing for the 20th time. Captain Marvel was okay.... Though I have the feeling I won't see it again for a long time, Maybe if I ever do a marathon of marvel. It really felt like a Marvel phase 1 film... maybe slightly better than Thor 1/The Hulk. Which sucks because it's more fuel for the people who wanted it to fail because of the made up "controversy" surrounding her. The whole film felt like a tv drama, down to the cheesy skrull make up. You just know they will be giving her character an overhaul for Captain Marvel 2
  4. Brisbot

    Brexit :(

    I feel bad for you guys over the pond. The analog of this debate in the USA is over the wall... and whether or not the wall goes up, most people won't really be affected. The problem is child's play compared to that.
  5. Has anyone seen this series of videos about Trump's possible dementia? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZo0Ete1MgI Conservatives use Trump to get conservative judges in court. They think that's more important than all the other crap. Should have been equally obvious, btw. Yeah totally agree. I am not looking forward to perfectly benign left wing policies in the future be shot down and declared unconstitutional. The Republicans are on the wrong side of history. And you know in however many decades, when shit hits the fan, the republicans will pretend they were there all along, just as they did with civil rights in the 60s even though they were part of the issue. They will get away with it. I call BS on the talks about another civil war. It was just an excuse to post the picture and make Republicans feel good about themselves The only thing I ever hear about is Texas wanting to secede. Also I'm sure democratic states have tons of guns.
  6. yeah I have the same issue. Love the explanation about how the ancient pyramids are actually a re-charging station for aliens. I also love their use of language in those documentaries. They never explicitly state anything as fact and will instead use a question that suggests something could be a fact (such as the pyramids) and then go off on a thirty minute tangent about their suggestion, where they ask more questions and then answer those questions with more questions. And you end up in like 4 or 5 questions deep where you realize what they are talking about is based on assumptions built on more assumptions.
  7. afx mode is an unlockable tutorial to learn how to design sounds like aphex.
  8. ^^^ IDK.... if they know the Mueller report won't damn the president then why not? Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but that the report will be positive for president, and this could be proof. So Republicans know it'll look good if they 'play fair' when there is nothing there. Then later they can turn around and say they're all about fairness (and ignore all the times they weren't about that which is pretty typical). And Trump doesn't own the GOP. The Koch Brothers and their ilk are their sugar daddies. The whole republican politicians disliking illegal immigrants thing is just virtue signalling for their base. They are totally fine with them. And I'm sure Trump is 100% okay with illegal immigrants. It's sad how conservatives think Trump and other republicans actually represent them. They don't seem to get just how much they're being used. And how obvious it is for anyone paying attention.
  9. well now I'm incredibly curious. You don't see many new ideas in the synth world, much less on a fairly straightforward synth. Looks like microtuning was added a few months back.
  10. It was an somewhat abstract joke to show the broken link between your reasoning and Rubin's wall comment... Okay I'm just making stuff up.
  11. It sounds like she cares more about retention of patients than the truth. This really should be a sign of how big anti-vax is getting. I'm starting over the past year or so see the anti-vax meme in real life a life... or a few posts by people I know on FB anyway.
  12. Lol Bulk, Rubin is talking about Trump trying to stop all the people from leaving USA to Canada.
  13. I really think Trump doesn't care about the wall. He is just virtue signalling for his base. He didn't even address the wall for the longest time until he was reminded and shown that he might only be president for another year.
  14. I didn't see the link. My computer half downloaded the page.
  15. How can a cult just be anti-lgbt? Is that all they do?
  16. "A Collusion Witch-Hoac". flol. Maybe the pressure of the walls closing in is getting to him. He probably things Bladerunner is a documentary sent from the future to warn us.
  17. I mean when you gotta go, you gotta go. Sinks usually closer isn't it?
  18. you can save a few seconds of your life if you start your toilet flush moments before you're done using the restroom wow that's an impressive observation imho
  19. Finally watched Bladerunner 2049 again since it was in theaters. I thought it was okay when I saw it in theaters and was kinda bored at times but I enjoyed it way more this time. I think it will end up being a classic alongside the original if not even more classic-y.
  20. omfg 0:28 the guy in the background totally looks like a creepy aphex smile circa ICBYD, even kinda looks like he has the mask on.
  21. ^^^ Deus Ex 1 predicted 9/11. Came out not long before and has the new york skyline in 2070ish and guess what's missing? Also like fifty other things predicted it ... yes including The Simpsons. And one of the spider-man games. Of course course no one actually predicted anything https://youtu.be/hpeHkJAIl1o p.s. pretty much all her videos are a train-wreck at varying degrees of stupidity. her motto/slogan is "Oooeww Rock on" omfg
  22. This is pretty funny. Conservatives like extrapolating from a few cases and pretending it's a widespread thing when no I think most people are against this. (Some) conservatives playing the victim card. Yet they also play the alpha male card. Which one is it? I guess the beta liberals just gang up on alpha conservatives in numbers. Betas unite I guess. The difference between conservatives and liberals seems to be more focused on aspects of agreeableness, and open to new experience (also read how fearful you are of new things or the unknown), than IQ. IQ seems somewhat irrelevant actually. IT seems every study I've seen has conservatives and liberals within 2 IQ points of each other and I've seen both sides have the higher IQ. Most people are born into their political party whether they are conservatives or liberals because of the surrounding culture and parents constantly harping on it throughout their youth. I know mine did and I was a conservative till I got old enough to spot the BS. People don't really make that decision for themselves but assimilate into their culture better as a result I think. You know I'm basically the only liberal in the family. The closest liberal I know to me are some cousins I never met who live in California. My family thinks they're weird because they're vegan. So I guess they aren't open to ideas? *shrugs*
  23. ^^^ woah that line delivery make it feel like an onion bit. I can't believe that. You can even hear the poor guy in the background. fuuuu Now that I think about it, this is entirely the dispatcher's fault. A dog just doesn't call 911 without a reason yeah?
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