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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Brisbot

  1. Please add in a trigger warning before you post those kinds of pictures.
  2. I can see many people liking Tuca and Bertie more than Bojack. Yeah I saw the Rick and Morty teaser. I'd normally say I'm looking forward to it but my IQ might not be high enough this season.
  3. You know the characters in superhero movies have themes and arcs and stuff and it's satisfying to see them come full circle. If the MCU was just about escapism I wouldn't watch it because it would be boring. They really pulled off Tony Stark's arc. I missed the "I love you 3000" line the first time I saw it and teared up pretty hard when I noticed it the second time. Captain America's Arc was fine. It was definitely time to end it. It feels like he's been waiting in stasis for several movies to get an ending. He was the only avenger I guessed the ending for....well him and Hawkeye. Thought Tony would end up differently but when I saw he had a kid early on in the movie it was all bets out the window. Besides that I wanted to see more from Hulk and Thor, but they're alive so I guess maybe later.
  4. I think he should stop making music and make a career out of uploading satanic stock photos.
  5. She's just an RDJ superfan. For a time people thought she was RDJ's daughter which is pretty funny.
  6. Trailer for season 5 of Black Mirror I love Black Mirror but this looks worrying and seems we'll get an episode copying the anime film 'Perfect Blue' but with social media. IDK how much further Black mirror can go before it just recycles old ideas from a slightly different angle.
  7. On Netflix. I really liked season 1 of mindhunters which I just finished up. Partly headed by David Fincher so if you liked that movie from 2007 "Zodiac" you'd like mindhunters. Also if you like Bojack Horseman you'd probably like Tuca and Bertie, which is a more surreal take on Bojack Horseman and not quite as depressing.
  8. That fan made video was really good. It's more visceral than the fight's we've gotten in the current trilogy, which is what I'm looking for. It captures the intensity of that last vader scene in that one recent movie. Love those lightsaber hitting the wall bits. Reminds me of that old Star Wars game... Jedi Knight 2. The only reason so much Star Wars is bad is because of the mixed quality. Maybe they should bring some people over from the MCU to make some solid popcorn flicks. I hope they do Knights of the Old Republic. It honestly would make the best new star wars trilogy and would immediately re-invest me as a fan.
  9. I can't believe Love 7 is a bonus track. It's one of the best when compared with all the analords.
  10. Probably updates with new tracks as they come out. Memories: http://user18081971.watmm.com/
  11. Maybe it is. The touring and the being around fans might have him interested in taking another massive sonic dump into our earholes, and onto our eardrums, mapping onto the grooviest parts of our auditory cortices. Ya. I like your use of the word 'we' when you mean 'you'. It makes me feel involved. Make sure to mention I said 'ya' on its 'about' page plz.
  12. i wasn't disappointed but letting a few days pass I do realize it's a bit of a mess in comparison to infinity war. doesn't really matter tho, it felt like a fitting end to the story. Satisfying but not perfect. But w/e it's a marvel movie. It's just fun. Which movie did you like more of the two? I should rephrase the disappointing thing. I meant that in comparison with Infinity War, which is my favorite Marvel film. For me the movie was something between decent and good, but I feel like I need to see it again knowing how it plays out to figure out my final thoughts on it. I just had different expectations. I thought it would be a smaller movie and focus almost exclusively on the original avengers, two of which are kinda sidelined for the movie. Their arcs don't really move during the film. I really wanted to see why Hulk was where he was in Endgame, which is what his arc was building up to since Ragnarock, instead of it being explained away. I felt Thanos was under utilized, given how important he was in Infinity War. But he kinda feels like a secondary antagonist in this movie, even if he technically isn't. However I was intrigued by his "personality difference" between these two movies, and it makes me wonder what besides gaining the infinity gauntlet in IW caused him to change. He felt like two somewhat different characters in a good way. That said I was engaged the whole movie. I don't think it ever got boring, even within the first two hours, and I still want to see it again. It's impressive what the Russo Bros have done with the MCU. It's because of their work since Civil War that I'm a MCU fan. Whereas before I was just a casual movie goer who skipped half the MCU movies. Yeah I was thinking that. Endgame does feel unique in that regard with many fan service moments from the comics. Kind of like when Loki said he was the god of mischief in IW before Thanos killed him.
  13. Endgame was unexpectedly disappointing on first viewing, after really liking Infinity War. Best moment in the movie involves a taco. Though I still feel like I need to see it again to know my final thoughts since things happen faster than you can think about them at points. Most people in the audience seemed to be really enjoying it though so most people will probably dig the movie.
  14. I think most of debates between "public intellectuals" is just to get their message to a wider audience, considering most of the time they just talk past each other. Reminds me of when Richard Dawkins came to a city where I used to live for a debate. However either before or after the debate, Richard held some kind of luncheon where people could meet him, and he charged a few hundred dollars just to get in. If I remember right it was around $800-$1000 for his 'foundation'.
  15. Jordan is very good at strawmanning to the point where I'm genuinely impressed by it. He sets them up and knocks em down. Agree. Before he got famous for standing up to college kids I enjoyed some of his lectures on psychopathy and such. You just have to be wary of when he goes from psychology to talking about the mythology of Disney movies within a single paragraph.
  16. Favorite science documentaries are the ones with Brian Cox. Wonders of the Universe, Wonders of the Solar System. In relation to that Neverland documentary, there's another really good one on netflix called 'Abducted in plain sight' which focuses on the "grooming process" from perspective of a neighboorhood instead of from a famous musician. It's ridiculous how much the guy got away with. He played everyone like puppets and basically got to live to old age before getting caught. I'd watch this documentary. FLOL I thought I was posting in the 'post something controversial about you' thread or whatever. This is better though. I've started working on the documentary. Slated for release in 2020. If you think you've seen someone hit rock bottom, think again.
  17. Once or twice a week I'll eat meals in the wrong order. Supper for breakfast, lunch for lunch, breakfast for dinner. And maybe once every month or two I'll have desert for breakfast.
  18. I like what they were going for in the trailer. Anyone notice that there's a new trend in trailers that show you bits of the movie but doesn't tell you anything about the plot?
  19. Freaks (1932) pretty good film. Very interesting to watch and only an hour long. There's an incredible scene toward the end during the climax of the film with the 'freaks' in a rainstorm. Here's full movie on yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdKJaQS5-Fo Phase 1 is okay to meh but watchable. Most movies in phase 1 aren't bad, but aren't good either. First Marvel movie I felt the MCU was finally hitting it's stride was with Civil War. Then the majority of movies since 2016 have been really good. Spiderman was good. Love the scene where the falcon finds out and threatens Peter. Next movie looks promising but I am getting "Spiderman 3" vibes from the juggling of villains here.
  20. If you're saying it's low hanging fruit to criticize the hijinks trump and republicans get up to on a mostly liberal leaning forum and thread, you'd be right. Thing is the low hanging fruit controls most of the govt. and the beach is overrun by beach balls. Don't even care if dem nominee is some platitude spewing, war mongering centrist, at least they won't cut social security (well Obama suggested it once so idk), throw millions of people off Obamacare, waste money on walls for imagined threats, throw out the paris agreement, kill the EPA etc. etc. etc. There just isn't room for doubt after the primary. People need to come together to cut out the spray tanned tumor. You'd be surprised how many republicans dislike Trump because of his 'unprofessional use of language'... however thinking back to 2016 almost every Republican candidate was just a more 'abstract' version of Trump when it comes to use of language. Seems it came down to, do you like the straightforward candidate or the others who say the same thing as Trump just through dog whistles. And even if they disliked Trump they still went out and voted for him because as has been said before republicans are very party-minded. If you have to give Reps credit for anything it's that. They are a strong party even though they're a minority compared to democrats who could solidly win every election cycle at this point if they voted as religiously as republicans.
  21. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  22. I can't tell if it's dementia or if he just isn't interested in what he's talking about so he expends minimal effort talking about it, leading to him rambling about raking the floor, the "35 doors" of the Mexican wall, and now Disneyland. lol. Thinking back to 2016/2017 I just don't remember him talking THIS much nonsense to where you had absolutely no clue what he meant.
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