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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. pre-order done - cheers for the heads up Rubin, 2 of their finest creations getting the full love & attention to detail with the quality of pressings they deserve Norman are cool as fk too, last order of Astral Disaster went amiss in the post & they sent a 2nd free of charge w/out hesitation, cant say fairer than that love to see/hear the Sonar gig from Barca in 2000 get this kind of treatment, possibly my favourite live set of theirs, different criteria to a studio re-issue/re-press but if these last few are anything to go by there could be more on the way, fingers crossed
  2. genius and fuck that cat too
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/apr/27/my-partner-still-has-some-of-his-exs-underwear
  4. we can engage in this thread too you fucking twat now now, Matron
  5. it was Twitter what won it
  6. engaging w/the Jordan Peterson fred morons post dentist when the pain killers havent quite kicked in yet soooon my pretty tablets, soon
  7. that intro music was almost as bad as Donny's bs
  8. Scotland & booze are interdependent though jokes aside, booze can be insidious so go to your GP, be honest & try n get a referral to either your local CMHT for an assessment, or detox if its raging both will have a local option & if your GP is a cunt contact a local health advocacy service, GP's act v differently when 1 is present & in a good way
  9. chuckle visions is Jones jawing a bit here n there like you might after a bump or a couple of lines?
  10. https://soundcloud.com/cwmbran-city/the-golden-verses-of-pythagoras
  11. Robins seem to be bold little birds, there's one that lives in my folks garden that will come hang out near you if you're outside and has no problem landing in an outstretched hand, or even the top of your head. Beautiful little thing, so much personality. not had a robin scalp dance yet lolol, sounds chill as f*ck, but if i seed my bonce this one might oblige given time aye, they're pretty ballsy & far more foreword than wrens or jays, think its slow exposure to humans in outdoor domestic environments like gardens & regular food supply, but they dont spook easily & one specific red-breast creature/craythur here will scare off doves, squirrels & all sorts to maintain its boundary wall section awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  12. when Britain gets strange very hot weather b4 May Day's Beltaine revelries, you go to the supermarket & 9/10 cunts in the check out line have trolleys loaded with temp bbq kits, burgers & sausages when rain is forecast overnight & for tomorrow plus weather envy, when its hotter here than Rome, but only for 56hrs
  13. Atlanta's choice of showing individual stories this series was a wicked move....was Paper-Boy's Mum a ghost or a dream or just a random call in while dozing? Either way, the mix of farce, satire, tension (that stanley blade), relationship stress, music, gummy bear face-melts, Darius dropping philosophy/pasta, humid steamy shady woods etc = good shit The Terror - couldnt give a fuck about the creature/craythur effects, the cast & story were strong enough to carry it thru. The shifting angles of the ship getting pushed out of position stuck in the ice added a warped sense to the unfolding chaos. Plus that ending. Really well adapted, maybe Lady Silence's role wasnt quite as developed, but small elements in a grand piece of story telling
  14. go to the store & kill them all, see 20th April plot, say that to the police, sure it'll all be fine & you can keep some of the body parts as magical amulets
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww38sDBlxTo fuck yeah, mint, muchos appreciados
  16. cos no-one else has, this is an electronic music, there's a Coil fred & yet no AOS? image extension nightmare, must be the sidereal elements & sigils wanna stay quiet after all
  17. this thread has given Alex Jones crying like a cunt & now news of impending legal action and its hot as FUCK & its not even May, cheers thread
  18. its a rip off of Breton's "Nadja", but still a damn good read
  19. A Room For Romeo Brass - not quite Dead Man's Shoes, but aged really well. Paddy C does confrontations like few others, just add Nottingham accents plus an oddball who latches onto a pair of mates....
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