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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. Finally finished Mirror of the Marvelous by Pierre Mabille.....intriguing & lucid rabbit hole into myths & transcendentalism, with a succinct set of critiques/analysis of historic & fictional anecdotes. Recommended for anyone with an interest in psychotherapy, levels of consciousness, animism, voodoo initiation/magic & mythology. The kind of book which psychotherapists like Jordan Peterson could never conjure, because Mabille was both a medical clinician & an anthropologist of paganism. Well worth the shekels for traversing the intersections of objective science, subjective experience & humanity's collective mythologies. Andre Breton's foreword is the cherry on top.
  2. @Usagi - no doubt, the outcome is another matter, cue footage of dead kids & slaughter, gives Russia a propaganda boost, or worse these cunts never learn
  3. agreed v different filems, but in terms of that compressed & warped sense of scale, rather than theme, mood or story they both seem to constrict & disorientate through that device, the theater set & city compared to the isolated house & unraveling intensity of the wtf ruckus as it spirals inward keep in mind i watched Synedoche on xanax & some unknown Merkin opiate, so things were slightly skewiff to begin with
  4. it tried to be the Roman invasion done as an Apocalypse Now type psychedelic trip there are dreadlocks & the Druids are new-age travelers with a penchant for over-acting, that cunt from the Walking Dread shouts a lot as the Roman commander, there's a good character called THE Outcast who's an ovate/seer & pulls a few divination moves that are well done, everyone's on drugs & it captures that in flickers, its just loose n the titles w/Hurdy Gurdy Man is the best bit wanted to rate it for you, but Time Team has better jumpers
  5. edit for phogot, more contemporary: Clare Woods paints on glass & other reflective surfaces, her moods gives me the creeps in a good way almost the polar opposite, Craig Kauffman's pieces using light, transparent plastics & bold colours are MINT. Only knew of these cos a friend dragged me to his recent Laaaandan exhibition......visual art that, somehow, you wish you could eat last but not least, there was an exhibition on "light" art @ the Hayward a few years ago, some of it was pretentious wank, but one "exhibit" by Leo Villareal was possibly one of the greatest works these eyes have seen (just hope these re-scale) personal fave (with different photographic hues), Leo Villareal's "Cylinder" better than drugs
  6. personal faves start with Max Ernst for that alchemy of collage, frottage & all manner of rubbings. A print of Birth of a Galaxy is in my living room & Europe After the Rain still punches you in the guts Leonora Carrington for her strange figures in scenes like something fetched back from a fevered dream. Read the few texts that make an attempt to draw interpretations of her world views & still only vaguely wiser Unica Zurn's story is utterly tragic, but her works pull you in like incantations going all the way back to Paleolithic cave art + that period's penchant for figurines all blow my fkn mind, with the figurines i cant help but be reminded of strange dolls.....self perception & representation in paintings from 40,000 - 25,000BC
  7. someone photo-shop Trump into a Dr Strangelove still pls
  8. Finished & no, it marketed itself on the pagan influence more than it realized & working in archaeology i had to watch it loads of potential, didnt deliver, kinda fun if you like disposable wank & dont expect too much
  9. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=ekLJWu__KcGZsAHytpGoBw&q=get+right+on+one+matey&oq=get+right+on+one+matey&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.1292.9726.0.10268. I see. The pirate lingo is an interesting choice. In the few results I scanned I couldn't find an actual meaning for that phrase, just that it was a phrase in the rave scene. Partially pioneered by the hirsute Lord Sabre of Weatherall when writing in the original Boys Own fanzine, before being appropriated in specific tunes & then spreading out into the broader cultural milieu Locations of use - mainly "southern" areas like Berkshire, but focused in the capital, unlikely to be heard north of the M25 Chronology: 1988-1993 Producers where use of exclamation most appropriate - Bocca Juniors & One Dove Cause of expiration: collective societal comedown, mirrored by transition of styles of Sabres of Paradise & Two Lone Swordsmen
  10. 2020 vision, who is gonna launch a fkn campaign & flush this excrement? Dropping more munitions on Syria, jesus christ its like 1984 meets the circus Bernie writes polemic critiques in the Guardian which are worth a peruse now & again, but shouldnt the opposition/dem candidate race be up n running by now.....2years will fly by puppets & their masters & controllers aside, maybe its the media bias here fixated on Russian sleight of hand, it just seems the 2020 election is idling along & the American "left" (center right for the rest of the world) continues to look divided, at least from afar
  11. cwmbrancity


    the "its all kicking off" & litter objection dialog were mint, he's motivated enough to do it on his own if he has to which is good news all round proper chuckle visions, which was nice
  12. https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=ekLJWu__KcGZsAHytpGoBw&q=get+right+on+one+matey&oq=get+right+on+one+matey&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.1292.9726.0.10268.
  13. from one House's lost souls, wish there was a way Gemini could produce again & his unreleased works get a round of decent vinyl pressings, there must be an archive somewhere scloud is being a length, so right click open the blue text https://soundcloud.com/nickfactor-1/spencer-kincy-aka-gemini-radio Masters At Work dubs never fail Ashley Beedle, no relation to Jeremy, and the Junior Boy's Own crew at their peak
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