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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. does that really happens in stalker? i must have watched it 2 times and i couldn't make out nothing out of it, apart from the atmospheric experience... when people praise the movie it just makes me feel dumb... lol maybe it's a good time to watch it one more time... to be an elitist, uber-pretentious cunt, Stalker is fuck all like Annihilation & while the comparison might appear fair enough on one level, on another its absurd one is a metaphysical confrontation with the eternal invisibly visible mystery of this universe & our unfathomable existence in it, all done on a minuscule budget, the other is a solid enough bio-horror however, the thing that stuck w/Annihilation was that segment with the thing melded with the dying scream, that was fuckin creepy, not many recent productions have leveled that degree of the heebie jeebies to the extent it made me put the light on taking a piss, Stalker didnt manage that the comparison is fine but you are definitely a pretentious cunt
  2. have yet to see a better depiction of PTSD & the story is tone perfect, best film seen for a long while, zero fat on it, tight & cohesive, came out of the cinema blinking in a frazzled mood Morvern Callar is another Lynne Ramsay collectable worth the watch if folks havent
  3. does that really happens in stalker? i must have watched it 2 times and i couldn't make out nothing out of it, apart from the atmospheric experience... when people praise the movie it just makes me feel dumb... lol maybe it's a good time to watch it one more time... to be an elitist, uber-pretentious cunt, Stalker is fuck all like Annihilation & while the comparison might appear fair enough on one level, on another its absurd one is a metaphysical confrontation with the eternal invisibly visible mystery of this universe & our unfathomable existence in it, all done on a minuscule budget, the other is a solid enough bio-horror however, the thing that stuck w/Annihilation was that segment with the thing melded with the dying scream, that was fuckin creepy, not many recent productions have leveled that degree of the heebie jeebies to the extent it made me put the light on taking a piss, Stalker didnt manage that
  4. not junglist fan but it had an interesting evolution & for some people locally its journey from hardcore to jungle to d&b was the zenith of western civilization there was a transition, sorta 91/92, subtle if u were more of a House-head....about the same time Fabio & Grooverider switched from playing House to breakbeats, then LTJ Bukem & Alex Reece broke not long after with Logical Progression & Pulp Fiction & a more subtle sound my younger brothers & their mates would cane LTJB & Mickey Finn's mix-tapes cos of that early jungle influence that crept in around this time period, memories of car loads of folks pickled as fuck on journeys home to continue avinit, cos "we never lost our hardcore 5 E's crew" mantras probable reposts but fuck it and for the more 'ardcore minded, admittedly @ a major pay party but dont let that put you off
  5. the last few years supermarkets really raised their game with the range of brews, not quite the dodgy off-license yesteryear selection of Special Brew and ciders that contain zero apple ingredients for sunday afternoon/mon/tues comedown fodder cant read this thread any more must. resist.
  6. home alone so did an edible infusion cos of boredom from the fkn fluuu, theory: keep it to a low dose, curl up, get into it & maintain. got the dose slightly wrong, 6hrs later its getting heavier by the hour, eyes are still bleeding so lean proteins have helped, good for films doe mummy
  7. dvd orgy cos of lurgy: Point Blank - havent watched for eons & its lost none of its punch. Is it a dream, or the visions of a dying man? Who cares when the ambiguities & ambivalence leave the questions wide open & multi-layered, plus the editing is such an entertaining world of its own. Lee Marvin is the man & Boorman's Deliverance, Zardoz & Excalibur are all up there too. 9.5/10 Cross of Iron - Peckinpah & James Coburn do WWII from an alternative angle of the Wehrmacht. Another watched after a decade or more, although WWII filems have some incredible competition with The Ascent or Come And See. Not in that league, but still a solid 8/10 Paths of Glory - last but not least of this particular binge & from 1957, when US film-makers were collectively knee deep making Cold-War propaganda bs, faking myths & archetypes of a fictional American West w/John Wayne et al, Kubrick sets things str8. The advance wave attack through a cratered Luna no man's land is as good as it gets, plus the fkn ending, ooooph, 9/10,
  8. one of the better documentaries on The Troubles in the north of Eire, profiling a series of events that illustrated sectarian violence at its worst & most futile https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b09wfrk0/the-funeral-murders
  9. remember a fruit themed DT from early 2011 (been a while), twas lush, heady & exceptionally more-ish, like this booze porn
  10. check list: GP appointment asap, full disclosure, ask for referral to your local "primary care mental health team" for assessment (CMHT) get an advocacy service to attend, google "mental health advocacy + your home location" = voila, they're the only people a GP will listen to if you're not forceful enough, because there's a "secondary care community mental health team" for medium/long term options & you usually need to see the primary care dept first friends, family, talk now the system is a cunt, hence the above, just trust me there's an alternative way out of the head labyrinth, but you need a map for the matrix GP's are open 8am on first come basis, get the fuck there asap, if you aint in the mood for an early start, ask for an "urgent appointment" later in day are any of the English crew or moderators familiar with this member?
  11. repost from youlube & hauntology vids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGTd3HR62fo
  12. do what works for you, better to know yourself & not force the issue takes maturity (and common sense) not to follow things that dont help you, cannabis isnt for everyone same as any intoxicant, i dont like alcohol for similar reasons as you've cited for shrubberies
  13. it might depend on the diagnosis, a friend was diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder which, if you knew him, you'd have called for a 2nd opinion he did & the diagnosis was binned EMDR is something that can genuinely help you reprocess past experiences which may contribute to an individual's levels of anxiety & depression: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=2n26Wuz0FcfXgAbRybn4CQ&q=emdr+therapy&oq=emdr+thera&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i131i67k1j0i67k1l2j0l2j0i67k1j0l4.2990.4416.0.6078. i've been doing it off/on since autumn 2014, highly highly recommended although a long way to go the way it can dredge up memories of traumatic experiences & gradually reframe them, through reprocessing, is something thats the closest i've had to a religious experience or should that be revelation its savagely brutal, so you're not talking your way to healing through this method or just riding along with it through pharmacology, because the "life map" element is the main talking/reference point, in the same way you dont kill a weed by spraying the foliage, you target the main root stems themselves part of the reprocessing (i'm convinced) happens in dreams.....if i kept a post-emdr dream diary it would make Twin Peaks S03 look like the Telly Tubbies point is, it can work v well on reducing anxiety because its usually done in conjunction with a bit of DBT & you'll be amazed how the mind can recall events from decades ago in such clarity - smells, textures, images, thoughts, sensations, moods, things people were wearing etc, as long as you're honest with yourself & communicate with the EMDR therapist clearly, they can guide you through the darkest murkiest shit in the world out toward something resembling normality problem with public health programs are the waiting lists & disruptions through staff shortages, but it was only after i was well into the sessions that buried and more recent events began to make sense, if that makes sense, and how they accumulate it might read like snake oil, but the evidence base is growing & already extensive, if it had the faintest whiff of bs i wouldnt preach it, but its efficacy is staggering, honestly shudder @ where i'd be w/out it if you're finding cbt isnt quite clicking yet, this route might be an alternative, cos while everyone has shit to deal with in this life the cards dealt can be truly vicious for some do you write yourself off & curl up in a bottle? fuck no, you excavate your own psyche with the help of a pro & get busy exorcising out the demons, they wont like that, its their home after all, but everyone deserves a fair crack @ healing & EMDR is one of the most profound methods out there thats why, with more entrenched & embedded forms of depression, EMDR might be the breakthrough therapy for certain client profiles
  14. cheers ears, grooving & bumpin to take the edge off the end of an unholy Monday
  15. spiders are cool as fuck - eating mosquitoes that could give you cellulitis, moths that eat your clothes & those wee flying bastards that nearly always find their way into your drink by drowning & depositing the germs they just transported from the latrine if i see one i fist-bump the cunt cos i know they've got our backs place 1 in each corner of the room ideally (as a witch would with salt), so the full eight-legged MMA tag team militia is fully deployed & mobile, just wish i could whistle commands like a shepherd does with sheep-dogs
  16. This, attacking Iran was so foolish that the hawks attacked Iraq instead. It was the lesser of two stupids. Also, they sold us on Iraq with WMD claims and the "link" to Al-Qaeda. It was a long game to topple a secular dictatorship that was already weak and that we were technically still at war with (Gulf War ended in ceasefires and international sanctions), attract and then attack various entities that flooded in. There's no way we could of done that from peacetime bases we have in the Gulf. There's also no way they could of sold that to congress or the public, but that's the realpolitik strategy of why we invaded. Geographically and politically it was the ideal target: not Syria or Iran, nor any of the other regional countries that were allies or neutral (I should note the US and West sells arms to literally every other country in the region). chocolate honey heroin sprinkled with valium and jesus. after dinner 1 evening during the height of the Iraq fiasco, an ex US military C.O./veteran & DOD contractor queried that if you wanted to destabilize Iran, 1 method would be to forcibly destabilize its foe & immediate neighbour as a way of semi-justifying US policy w/Iraq the clear morality angle aside, he had a point in terms of intention if you fast-forwarded to a situation where Iran may have become severely compromised & bogged down fighting a sectarian crisis in Iraq. Keep in mind this was 2010, pre Arab-Spring, when no-one outside of specific military intelligence & charitable agencies could have foreseen what would happen in Syria & Iraq with I.S. Iran kept going through all the trade embargoes & in the end got a sizable chunk of change from the O'bama admin with its nuclear deal this is where another attack on Barry's legacy might lure the right wing of the repubs to act on Iran, to counter-act perceived progress made through a previous administration's gains....the Saudis & Iranians are already knee deep in Yemen so its identifying where another "front" could be developed w/out recourse to large scale US troop deployments given its a saturday & how much work i've done today i have no fkn clue where or how such a front could develop & that mixing opiates & benzos isnt recommended, unless yer really in the mood ps: not to be dismissive of the gun rallies today, but how much press is the Cambridge Anal-lick-ita's expose getting your side of the pond?
  17. that bass intro & the ott vocal outro, savage & funny, shit still rrrrrrocks too not to be played around Celtic supporting relatives
  18. aka the rolling collective defense upgrade Britain just did a deal with the Saudis to sell 48 aircraft, lots of cunts are at it Bolton is a worry, but can he last long enough when you look at Trump's staff record so far? the environmental agenda never being further away from a standing US presidential concern is something far more scary, because this form of legacy has a much wider geographical & temporal scope to it in the coming decades maybe humans are due a cull
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79_xwxrjoCw
  20. the US, even with Bolton in post, will do as it always does with nations who follow agendas of non-alliance....draw resources away thru funding regional opposition like the Saudis, which will probably mean more strife for Yemen, continue funding Israel, support its covert operations & hope to bleed its foe to a position of more malleable compliance cue Iranian nuclear goals back in media cant see direct military confrontation between the US & Iran (although nevert impossible with Merkin military history since WWII), but will greasy, corrupt, malicious men of blood play their games of subterfuge? of course, same as its ever been
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