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Everything posted by caze

  1. Samsung's are shit phones, get a Nokia.
  2. Alec Berg is behind Barry too, and that show is full of those characters, and a big reason why it was so great (he also wrote for Seinfeld and directed some Curb episodes). Jared deserves some love too, I liked his hate boner for Richard's new assistant. I agree with you on Dinesh too, he became more annoying than funny in the last season.
  3. The Unsworth guy was being a prick in fairness, not enough to justify being called a pedo of course, but 'he started it' would have been a valid justification for a less libelous response.
  4. jesus fucking christ diatoms. just stop. please.
  5. I think poor diatoms is just reposting links from his favourite reddit thread.
  6. They're just lying to themselves so as not live in a constant state of regret for being the massive dumbasses they are, they'll twist it into a sign of strength. I've seen a few of them get mad at him for a few things where he went back on his campaign promises or something, but it rarely lasts long.
  7. I'll miss his hair. I never knew Richie Hawtin went on to become a US congressman.
  8. drinking a couple more Rochefort 8's today. has been promoted from the nicest beer I've had recently to my favourite beer of all time now I think.
  9. I've been drinking a lot of Coronas in this heat, squeeze a bit of lime + a few segments in there, salt the rim, great fuel for working the bbq.
  10. No, that's not his name now, his name now, and then, was Captain H. M. "Howling Mad" Murdock. He used to talk to his imaginary dog all the time, maybe that's what you're getting the 'dog' from, or just misremembering because dogs howl.
  11. Drank too many beavertowns last night. Guy in the beer shop was giving out about them at the checkout, lol. I just told him I hope they get cheaper.
  12. I have no memory of either, presumably that means it just sprang into existence out of the void two seconds ago when I read your post.
  13. Wow Awesome! I believe it's magic! magic magic
  14. Yeah, it's been pretty dull so far. If you've read the comics they've done a good job with Jodie, but aside from that and that one appearance from Herr Starr it's been pretty disappointing
  15. the directing was definitely far too heavy handed, think they're hot shit. hopefully they tone down the stylistic flourishes, but I'm guessing they won't. I'd watch anything with Amy Adams though, ever since I saw her in Junebug, she's great.
  16. I've mostly been listening to Haroumi Hosono for the last few weeks, digging through his pre-YMO days, things like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_GEREJSVpY this one is recentish (from Jim O'Rourke's Burt Bacharach album):
  17. how about we go back to using 'sanctimonious' instead? compromise?
  18. I lived in the south of France for a few years a good while ago, one summer around 100 elderly folk died from the heat just in the region I was in.
  19. caze

    I need a DJ name

  20. Bought tickets to the Beavertown beer extravaganza in September, looks like half the breweries have pulled out of it though, protest against Heineken buying a stake in them? Seems kinda lame, as long as they keep making tasty beer I don't care who owns them.
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