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Everything posted by caze

  1. just watched Bad Influence, late 80s sleazy thriller with rob lowe and james spader. decent.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Giant-Meteor-2016-Bumper-Sticker/dp/B01G4FRUTI?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&linkId=2717777e713412f62126c9ce825fdeec&ref_=as_li_ss_tl&tag=downandoutint-20
  3. Watched the last three Horrace & Pete's over the last two nights after taking a break from watching it for a few months, pretty great. It was quite an effective and emotional ending, and then I happened to watch that live stream of the guy getting murdered for having a broken tail-light.
  4. yeah, blorp download seems to be broken on the release page, but works when you get it via your account page.
  5. It wouldn't have been nice to see how the nuclear race between Iran and Iraq would have worked itself out either. The Iraq war certainly wasn't the last resort to preventing that nuclear shit from spiralling out of control, but I think there's a pretty decent chance it would have become necessary at some point. That's just speculation on my part though, it may not have, and so I'm not trying to justify the war based on that speculation.
  6. caze


    even after seven layers of irony, cricket is still shit.
  7. that will create far more genuine horror than most actual horror movies tbh
  8. caze


    yeah, keep that cricket shit to yourselves pls.
  9. The margin of error is 2.4, so it could be close to zero. There are at least these two crazy ladies though: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug1cL7vmUvYooOjXyHjsxQ/videos
  10. do you think Time is suppressing Trump's massive support amongst black americans, or are you just shit at jokes?
  11. lol http://time.com/4389251/donald-trump-1-percent-support-poll/
  12. caze

    Go Corbyn

    and on Salmond... it's important to remember that Corbyn remaining in power suits his purposes for two reasons, first a weak labour party keeps the SNP the dominant force up north, and second Corbyn's probably pro-Scottish independence (he's pro united-Ireland as well, and a republican), or at the least indifferent to the prospect (it'd be one less thing to worry about down south, and his positions are closer to those of the SNP than anything in mainstream english politics).
  13. caze

    Go Corbyn

    nice conspiracy theory, doesn't explain the fact that it's not just the Blairites that have abandoned Corbyn, and not only has his support amongst the leftier labour MPs dissolved almost entirely, but even his support amongst union members seems to have radically dissipated since the referendum. the union leadership still supports him, but if they were to put it to a vote I don't think they'd be able to any more. it also doesn't make sense for another reason, why would the current batch of MPs give a shit if the report was critical of Blair? the vast majority of them had no positions of power at the time, the worst they would have to answer for would be voting for the war, but pretty much everyone else did as well, so that would hardly matter. many of them weren't even MPs at the time. you really think they'd jeopardise their careers just to save Blair's reputation? it's true that there are a group within the PLP that have opposed Corbyn from the start, they have done so primarily for ideological reasons. the current situation has gone beyond that though, they rest of them now realise they have no hope of any electoral success with him at the helm. it's gone far beyond his domestic policies for them at this point (which is why we've seen multiple overtures to retain his policy platform with him resigning). they've had a chance to see how him and his cabal operate up close now (milne, mcdonnell, livingstone, various external groups with no history of labour affiliation), no surprise they've found out they're completely incompetent. his failure during the referendum, and their realisation that he probably really doesn't want britain to be in the EU in the first place, was the last straw.
  14. yeah, I mentioned this before. cirklon 1 in particular.
  15. caze

    elseq 1-5

    and to think, I was mildly disappointed when I heard it first, thought it was too similar to the live stuff and that the rest of the release was going to be too similar as well. that obviously turned out not to be the case, and I now think it's one of the best tracks on there.
  16. batjerk vs superdude lots of terrible bits, a few good bits, mostly pretty bad.
  17. lol, cheeky press release from Dortmund...
  18. caze

    Go Corbyn

    head, stuck in sand.
  19. caze

    Go Corbyn

    I don't believe for a second that he didn't know who she was, that website you linked earlier even had a conspiracy article dedicated to her, every online comments section I've come across has quickly jumped to denigrate her as some zionist plant in the labour party, this is obvious common 'knowledge' to these people. And he didn't just say she received something from them, he said she was working hand in hand with the Telegraph (in order to undermine the labour party, that bit was before the start of that video you linked). That is a clear use of that particular racist trope. The fact that you go on to complain about Zionists show you're part of the problem here. Zionism is simply the belief in right of the state of Israel to exist, this isn't an extremist position, and it's something that's enshrined in international law. Whether extremist Israelis use claims of anti-semitism to attempt to shut down debate or not is not the point here, the point is that many on the far-left really are anti-semitic, believing in all kinds of ridiculous conspiracy theories about jews and their plans for world domination. Groups like Momentum and the SWP are full of these people, and they're currently doing their best to infiltrate the Labour party.
  20. caze

    Go Corbyn

    when something positive happens in the world of politics come back and let me know, then I can talk about it.
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