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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. in Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex they could've given the Major some pants.
  2. i think it's just a card they use when interviewing people to get their contact info adn now it'll have space for social media information. so, "Social media site: pornhub.com. ID: cumDumpster69" seems appropriate.
  3. there's no fucking water. coloado river about to run out. shit is fucking drying out. why fuck up the desert for some bullshit? of all the things that can be done w/billions of dollars a city in the desert seems low on the totem pole.
  4. it's the official church of satan though. not a random group. https://www.churchofsatan.com/
  5. i think that's all open to interpretation. i'm not a member of the church or anything.. but know someone ordained. it's not really what we think. also they dispute the accepted narrative about satan and all that.
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. he also produced a documentary about prison life. can't recall details but he has some family who were locked up. the interviews are good. it' san interesting one. for his acting work. 'The Wire' of course but also Boardwalk Empire, The Night Of... he's got bit parts in a bunch of stuff. Haven't seen hist latest but he's emmy nominated for it "Lovecraft Country" the IMDB tribute https://www.imdb.com/video/vi229819161?ref_=hm_hp_i_1&listId=ls025720609
  8. fuckn sucks. he was so good. apparently a drug overdose.
  9. currently listening to an interview on NPR w/an author whose book is coming out soon and chinese government pressuring him not to publish it even though it's too late i guess.. and they've got his wife in custody and using her to force him to stop the publication some how... by saying she'll go back in custody and she asks him questions like "how would you feel if something happened to our son". and he's talking to chinese officials essentially negotiating w/her kidnappers. https://eminetra.co.uk/the-mystery-of-a-missing-woman-who-attacked-a-chinese-red-aristocrat/679135/ After months and years without information about Duane, Siam decided to write a book about their year in the dangerous link between business and politics in the world’s second-largest economy.Worried about China’s direction Under Xi, Siam decided to leave the country in 2015. He hasn’t returned since Duane disappeared. “When I get in there, I don’t come out,” he told the Financial Times. Red rouletteWhat’s coming out next week is primarily about what Siam sees as a “golden age” for Chinese entrepreneurs. Since the mid-1990s, they have been more free to work than decades. But it’s also about the decline of that vacancy period when the resurrected Chinese Communist Party became convinced that it had the upper hand over its western rivals, especially the United States. A unique and incendiary memoir from an entrepreneur who rose to the highest realms of power and money in China and whose wife was disappeared, Red Roulette reveals the truth of what is happening inside the country’s wealth-making machine. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Red-Roulette/Desmond-Shum/9781982156152
  10. good point.. perhaps it uh.. still exists? [looks at apple devices]
  11. ideology in the modern world mostly seems like a cloak that leaders have adorned themselves with to justify their policies. not to say that places aren't firmly capitalist or totalitarian or whatever.. but ideology seems really unrestrained.. sort of like how american evangelicals keep moving the goal posts to whatever suits them at any moment. the systems are old though and seems like a lot of them have outgrown or developed evolved/devolved beyond their foundations. plenty of core principals still exist but what does all that mean today? i'm probably lost on it all really.. just thinking out loud.
  12. I forget his name but the general who ran the air campaign against Japan said (paraphrasing) “either we win this war or we’re all war criminals for doing this” when discussing the fire bombings of Japanese cities which were all made of wood. I forget the numbers but something like 80,000 civilians were killed each time we dropped incendiary bombs on a Japanese city. There were atrocities on all sides. There’s pictures of Japanese soldiers with babies on bayonets. The rape of Nanking. And on and on it went. WW2 is often referred to as the good war and it’s just fucking stupid. About 3:30 into it he gets into something relevant here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sounds promising and I like that it’s presented in a realistic way instead of overhyped clickbait. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. give them time. but yeah.. USA's 400 years of slavery is hard to top. not to mention all the global 'outreach'. china's hands aren't clean though.. i doubt many if any country has clean hands.
  15. might cringe your dreams though. which could be fun really.
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