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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. re: furniture.. check 'freecycle' sites for where you live. for example.. in portland on reddit there's: https://www.reddit.com/r/PDXBuyNothing/ and i'd guess there's a craigslist 'free stuff' board for pretty much every city. a decent way to get some basic furniture if you check it a few times a week. coffee tables, night stands, desks, office chairs etc.. seem to be everywhere. https://portland.craigslist.org/d/free-stuff/search/zip edit.. also there's 'community warehouse' type places in a lot of cities.
  2. lols Trump/Rogan 2024 also, wtf. need one of those animorphs but it's joe rogan morphing into alex jones. also, "The foundation that this country was founded on" redundant much? foundation of this country would suffice. also, go fuck off joe rogan w/this nationalism bullshit america #1 etc. eat a fat bag of horse dicks.
  3. same. i managed to get the quaristice versions metal CD edition somehow when it was announced. it's a pain in the ass to get the CDs/cardboard out of it and get them back in w/o ruining it but the tracks on the Versions edition are fantastic. i have doubles of some of the vinyl releases but i can't recall how that happened.
  4. because it's a selfie show. people's lives are pretty boring i guess? idk. people don't interact and discuss shit. online is viewed as where things are happening even though it's not actually happening there. so, people want to put their 2 cents all over everything and get sucked up in drama because drama is what's missing from their lives? they're pacified.
  5. true.. but at a minimum they should forced to regulate all the shitshow that happens. they just aren't willing to do it. w/o some kind of new tech-regulation bill they will not change ever. also, seems like it'd be fun to make zuckerberg miserable with regulations. though i'm sure industry insiders would be brought into congress to help write the regulations which seems typical for everything congress does. still.. what a shit show.. it's only going to get worse.
  6. facebook should be shutdown or something. taken apart or put someone in charge who's going to tackle problems. zuckerberg sucks.
  7. https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/internet/china-erases-billionaire-actress-zhao-wei-from-history/news-story/94100f6569377078cfeee411f5fc3538 wot? wild. another viewpoint https://thumbs.gfycat.com/EarlyJadedJerboa-mobile.mp4 "stars and Stripes" article. i'm sure unbiased. lol https://www.stripes.com/theaters/asia_pacific/2021-08-31/japan-record-defense-budget-f-35-china-2727340.html
  8. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    haven't had much brexit news over here lately. haven't looked for it either. a friend in scotland says it's turning into a sort of fire sale to corporations in efforts to privatize things. but i didn't pry for more info. what's happening over there? trade deals taking shape yet?
  9. i still think the most satisfying end for trump would be for him to have a stroke at one of his rallies.. live for all to see. so that he becomes unable to take care of himself and has to hire someone to change him and feed him and collect the drool from his chin. unable to speak properly. he'd hate it as he would become one of the things he despises which is disable people. ever since he made fun of that reporter that way.. mocking his movements.. i've hoped this for him.. that he'd have a stroke or similar and become disabled.
  10. trump's only a symptom though.. sure a lot of people would probably bail out w/o him but he only seized on what was there and used it. if he goes or not what he used will still be there. the rise of alt right nazi types and fascist types aren't going away. some of them used him as much as he used them. all these far right military type groups are recruiting and using these events as tools to show that 'something is coming' and they just roll all that shit into their messaging. no one knows how this will go but there's various predictions which seem possible. it'd be a mistake to under estimate how shitty things will get.
  11. nah.. i misjudged. not an echo chamber.. i just can't hang and shouldn't endeavor to have such conversations with people who've put in tons of work to figure shit out while i'd rather chase self serving selfish things and don't care to go around around in discussions about all the things regardless of how fruitful they might be. i guess i'm not so interested in politics
  12. i think all those state legislatures that changed laws to give them power to throw out election results weren't done as a bluff. they'll use them everywhere they can. there's intention there.
  13. natural progression of america is probably fascism and we'll likely get there sooner rather than later. the coming election chaos is going to be bewildering and most people aren't ready for it or don't understand that it's coming. it's not a leap to expect armed alt-right assholes at vote counting sites to start shooting. all very stressful but here we go. the left isn't ready for anything like what's coming. also, it's hard not not to think that it's the wallpaper in the room as the house is burning (climate collapse) which no one wants to deal with.
  14. blaaerg also from the memes thread.. so relevant to me. i'd add "i don't care"
  15. pretty much. i do think if the $3.5 trillion budget bill passes it could do a lot of good. a generation of children getting free pre-k and free school lunch and afterschool programs and stuff would be nice... early education can change someone's life. there's a ton of progressive-ish programs in the infrastructure bills but i'm not optimistic the bills will be passed. right now it seems the dems will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and shit it all away while being out maneuvered by the turtle who shifts blame for no gov't funding bill + not raising debt ceiling and whatever fallout comes from that on to biden and setting stage for trump's return.. or some other loser... as thee US inevitably slides into fascism.
  16. yeah. i don't think trump made it above 50% for his entire presidency did he?? i'm sure there's a fox news or similar poll that has him at 78% or something but gallop and similar and him peaking at 49% or something. lols.. not that it matters really. trump will probably run again.. he's kind of campaigning already.
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