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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. could be stress. stress is taxing on the immune system. might be ticking you over the edge on the inside.
  2. such a huge piece of shit. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-election-2024-biden-inauguration-b1763221.html god.. this all sounds horrible If he does run a 2024 campaign it would likely thwart the presidential ambitions of Mr Pompeo and possibly Mr Pence. His own son, Donald Trump Jr, is enjoying the "Trump Jr 2024" hashtag, and considered a possible contender.
  3. pre-cycling photo from a couple weeks ago. ithink i was somnambulant
  4. wtf that's crazy. my electricity bill at it's highest in the summer when running central AC a lot is only around $120.
  5. plug in alliance $29.99 coupon for any plug in. bought the elysia Mpressor which blew my mind. the ant-log release and autofast settings are ridiculous. very creative compressor especially when in unlinked mode. didn't expect to be impressed by a compressor but it's got some magic in it.
  6. idk.. i listened to the first few minutes of the LP5/EP7 episode and it wasn't awful. the one guy seems to get it. i scanned through some of it. it still makes me feel like i'm listening to people sitting around talking about the show "The Big Bang Theory" and for some reason i find it really frustrating. i wish i could hand them a joint and turn up the music so they'll stfu. not that they aren't listening intently. sounds like they're both attentive listeners. idk. i'm a curmudgeon. it's not for me.
  7. the people who do this podcast post it on reddit in r/autechre. I've never listened to it. seems like younger people who are just getting into autechre and discovering the lore. I hate ratings focused reviews so won't listen. there's more interesting podcasts i'm sure. it's inevitable though. autechre podcast. i'm sure by next year they'll "take another look at (insert album)________" and have different thoughts. I think it's rare for a younger person who didn't live through the evolution of a thing to really have anything interesting to say about it as a first impression. not knowing the context of something etc.. blah blah. edit: but whatever floats your boat of course. not trying to be harsh. it's probably useful podcast for people just getting into more experimental type music. i'm just a fuckn curmudgeon.
  8. countdown to dehydration caffeine headache...
  9. that hashtag is trending on the tweeterverse.
  10. supreme court w/amy coney borat can fuck off.
  11. he called in to that mock hearing today in PA. such a shit show. all these republicans had it trending on twitter like it was some kind of official testimony. it was a bunch of people presenting 'evidence'. it was nonsense. it was essentially a press conference stage show. no one under oath, not in any court or whatever. such bullshit. anyway.. finger crossed all these shits get rolled up in a big rug and tossed in the nearest river. LOL. fucking hell. i'd have search for voter fraud for half that! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/fred-eshelman-donald-trump-lawsuit-voter-fraud-b1762554.html
  12. it's going to be a mixed bag at best w/biden's cabinet picks. edit: making climate change a national security issue might be the only way to sell it to triggered amricans. all the military bases in danger of being swallowed by the sea etc.. not to mention general vulnerabiity of american cities and coasts and interior to floods, fires etc. the army corp of engineers can suck though.. they do shit sometimes just because they can.
  13. i'm hoping Biden is the type of president with a vision and sticks to it.. but also finds people to appoint to cabinet positions who also have a vision and understanding of the importance and seriousness of their work. hire good people, delegate. let them follow the law and directives of the president with room for some interpretation to deal all the pressing circumstances. Mostly i'm hoping they aren't shills for this or that. john kerry to head a climate change office is questionable to me.. but we'll see. there was talk biden would pick merrick garland to head the DOJ. that would be interesting. attorney general garland. whoever it is my sincere hope is they don't let any of these traitors off the hook. it'll be an interesting first year for the biden administration. thinking about prosecutions.. i'm reminded of the savings and loan scandal under G HW Bush.. when that happened the DOJ went after all the people involved and sent people to jail. after the financial collapse in 2008 this did not happen and the shenanigans continue. i heard a podcast w/a guy who was a prosecutor who worked during both scandals.. he said it took time and effort but we had all the evidence and it was a message to the banks and institutions that this behavior won't be tolerated.. he said they could've done exactly the same thing in 2008 but the directive to do was not there. he framed it as a huge mistake and i totally agree w/him. people should've gone to jail and the dirt and dirty laundry aired out. so, the DOJ and attorney general is very important and I hope whoever gets in there isn't afraid to mount cases and get the work done... otherwise we just end up in the same places again.
  14. gonna be nuts. a big distraction and shit show. if they can't navigate it well then there will be room for biden's DOJ to reopen the case or file charges etc.. at least that's what the various articles say. fucking crazy.
  15. https://www.ktsm.com/news/city-of-el-paso-hires-legal-counsel-to-help-collect-trump-campaigns-outstanding-debt/
  16. this picture and other pics of his kids remind me of that movie w/jason schwartzman and bill murray.. when bill murray hates his kids or is disappointed by them... except the whole family is that way and they don't realize it
  17. you can get swabbed for strep and it's a rapid test. they get results while you wait. takes like 7 minutes or something. you should go get swabbed. strep can turn into scarlet fever if left untreated. scarlet fever can be deadly. i've had strep so many times in my life. the sick always went to my tonsils. last time was about 2006 i think. i felt exhausted and i could feel my tonsils in my ears. they were gigantic and had funky junk on them. ugly. if you do test positive for strep see if you can get the Zmax antobiotics. it's the entire course of antibiotics in one dose. it's powder you dissolve in water and drink. i did that and the next day i was already on the mend. night and day. otherwise they give you the Z-pak which is a 5 or 10 day treatment of pills. hope you feel better.
  18. A shake down makes sense as a trump tactic. https://www.salon.com/2020/11/24/fox-news-mogul-rupert-murdoch-may-buy-trump-off-to-avoid-losing-fans-to-rival-network-report_partner/
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