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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. when he dies i'm going to fucking dance. what a weirdo. he's said more about this guy wrestling than he has on the COVID.. not to mention.. did he say anything about attack on pearl harbor memorial? a mention even?
  2. listened to SIGN for the first time in a while. enjoyed it a lot. i got to r cazt and it's like a lasso or something. "hey .. remember Vletrmx21? you do.. good because we're gonna do that to you again with different language and for this time. after you listen r catz you can listen to Vletrmx21 then r cazt again then wonder how it all taps into your ears and makes you want to lay down on the floor and remember that one time..."
  3. america gonna go buckwild with many conspiracies about the vaccines.
  4. personal best w/fixing an ingrown toe nail. only took a few minutes. my technique must be improving.
  5. this might make people, men, wear a mask. need to get the word out.
  6. grabbed this T from a friend who has a label and a podcast. related to an upcming release i think https://formthehead.bandcamp.com/merch/apartment-fox-tfinh-t-shirt also grabbed a T from analog industries.. chris randal has some nice Bersek designs. https://analogindustries.com/products/berzerk-three-baddies-t-shirt
  7. who will Twin Peaks residents buy medical equipment from now? RIP Squig.
  8. theory is he's sending troops home so erik prince mercenaries can come in
  9. if i'm sampling a sound i tend to do every note with in a few octaves of more depending on what it is. but that's if i'm just sampling to sample so i can pull the sound into other environments. if i'm doing a track i'll write w/midi then when i have the parts sorted i'll record audio. but some times i'll do a bunch of passes w/midi recording knob turning etc. and edit that some and then record audio after. also sometimes i'll just do the jam thing and record audio while turning knobs. also can do takes that way; all this just depends on the song and the intention. sometimes i'll sample the modular when i find something i like and want to save it.
  10. can't make this shit up.. well, they are but i mean.. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/giuliani-michigan-carone-computer-crime-b1766472.html
  11. the people he got rid of. somehow.. were on a business advisory board. so i'm sure it's another angle of grift and sabotage. get some shit rushed through for someone while he can. there's a pending pentagon/defense budget bill.. theone he threatened to veto if they didn't get rid of the section 230 protections for social media/free speech on line etc. he's mad because twitter makes fun of him w/hastags like diaperdon. edit: but who knows.. maybe there's some 4d chess angle to this we're just not seeing.
  12. inching closer every day to a desperate move. shit is worrisome and stupid.
  13. it's a terrible idea but i think it's cash grab. a chance for a select few to make a few bucks off those stupid enough to gloat. but wtf.. we don't need a new cult of blue hats.
  14. happy friday holy shit. so epic. thank you for doing this. it's really amazing. ?
  15. made all my releases Name Your Price (as in free if your skint) for bandcamp friday. https://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com
  16. "you don't spell it son.. you eat it."
  17. more norm. these cosby segments are epic.
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