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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. no witnesses? whenever i have farts like that i think about my friends or brothers. "this one's for you homie!"
  2. jfc. is that guy racist much> he's fucking clutching his pearls and shit.
  3. you know naan is bread.. i mean.. it means bread. so you're saying "i had some bread bread". this is not quite true. "roti" is bread, "naan" refers to a specific kind of bread. granted, brown people generally don't say "naan roti" and usually just say "naan", but I think you can get away with being a gora and saying "naan bread". you cannot, however, get away with saying "chai tea", that shit sounds dumb every time. chai literally means tea. dammit. now i have to go post in the FWP thread about being a smarmy smart ass dick and being wrong about it. HYPE! HYPE! It's a test pressing so it's not out yet. But if everything goes well it'll be out in a couple of months congrats! i hope it goes well. i hope the pressing is up to snuff.
  4. because it's on purpose. daughters of revolution.. How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history https://www.facebook.com/Vox/videos/972931962894406/?t=2 https://www.vox.com/videos/2017/10/25/16545362/southern-socialites-civil-war-history
  5. you know naan is bread.. i mean.. it means bread. so you're saying "i had some bread bread". pay no mind.. just being a dick. also salsa = sauce. so don't say salsa sauce though i've seen mexicans crack a smile at gringos like me when it happens. oh, 1st world success... i bought new wipers for my car yesterday. it started raining today. my windshield is clear as can be. there should be a parade in my honor.
  6. flol. what a shit show. some fascist shit orwellian shit there.
  7. found it. it's called "Pocket Change". not out yet. release is later this month. also has a bunch of sample loops FS on loop loft. the pocket change stuff sounds like the youtube clips.
  8. dope. i dig that stuff especially live in a small jazz bar type venue.
  9. damn. that's some ill shit. sucked into those grooves. i love it. edit: quick googling around reveals no recordings of things like the above.. his released LPs are more mainstreamy sounding
  10. ^^^ that's the kid who was shaking his and making a WTF face when the donald was saying typical "i don't make any sense" type shit.
  11. I believe it. I'm pretty sure you guys are about on par in terms of progressive attitude with us Los Anchorage folk. I know we've had an Alaska Independence political party for a while too that never really gained any momentum. Dutch Harbor is one of the locale where Deadliest Catch was shot IIRC. And there's pretty much no reason to live there if you're not in the fishing industry. We still get the PFD every October as residents but it varies every year. I think it was as low as $600 back in 2005, but in 2008 it was more than 3K. This year it might be $1600. As for Palin, I pretty much never hear about her anymore in the context of current affairs. She had her fame about a decade ago and then faded after that. yeah.. i was just relaying the taxi driver's thoughts. it was interesting. he had pretty specific experience. but 9 years in dutch harbor sounds rough. he said that there's a handful of japanese companies that own the town essentially.. and EVERY fish "even the trash fish" goes right to japan. he said there's one company that for appearances has its HQ in seattle and has an a bunch of american executives for appearance sake but it's also a japanese company. he was an older guy who moved to portland 2 years ago after getting too old and injured to crawl around welding shit underneath big things. he said one year he got $7k for dividend which was the highest for him ever. and yeah.. palin has thankfully faded.. i was hoping we'd get the "Who is america?" episode that features her but it wasn't in that short 7 episode season. the bio movie about her part in the Mccain for pres campaign that stars Julianne Moore is pretty awesome if you've not seen it. entertaining in its own right.. roll in the history and politics of it all and it's kind of amazing.
  12. just got a cab ride home from the airport. the driver had lived in alaska working as welder for many years. he lived in dutch harbor (where the boats for the crab fishing show are based) and he said it's the worst place on earth. he lived there for 9 years. said every 3 months he had to leave. said sarah palin sucked and she ruined the dividend that alaska residents get from the oil companies.
  13. omg stop quoting the post. i have to scroll through it and fuck it's awful. that face. close up. ugh.
  14. trump is sitting on the toilet watching fox news stewing in his own ass sweat
  15. lolling through fear tears. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. one of you irish fuckwits needs to get ape on some 4loco wreck the hoos joos and jump on the presidency limo and drop trou and have a good bean filled BM on the windshield. secret service will only shoot you a little bit. you'll be fine by weekend next.. c'mon ireland.. do it for mericuh! also, he'll never come back after that so you'll have that going for.. and i imagine you'll drink free forever in every country especially Scotland.
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