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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius


    i found it pretty intense the first time. i should see it again. some of the themes the movie hangs on are deep/complex tensions even though we know what is going on and why. it seemed that way to me anyways.. could've just been my brain and the feels. there's more than one thread in the story that is told very well i think and it's impressive they were able to tell those stories as they did at the same time. i wouldn't mind an even longer cut with more of paul's mom walking around talking to her fetus.
  2. i've not noticed an increase in burgers. watmm is quite silo'd sometimes. aphex, BOC subs especially, are kinda their own thing. i go in there and and there's different names, different people.. people running around saying things that don't make sense. not a sean pls in sight. it's like a WATMM suburb. btw any new members.. i'm sorry i called that guy a punter. he's probably fine. i'm old and out of touch. ask anyone. anyway.. dostrotime.. getting to know ye. it goes well w/BUAH. need to make a playlist.
  3. hmmm.. awful way to go.. slowly drowned by a locked up sealed up car after mixing up the gears and backing into a pond. https://nypost.com/2024/03/09/us-news/angela-chao-made-panicked-call-before-dying-in-completely-submerged-tesla-on-texas-ranch/ edit: and yeah.. same types of accidents happen in other cars but any chance to shit on elon/tesla... i guess. i think teslas should have required reading about what to do in emergency like this one.. the car has some peculiar qualities when it comes to doors and windows and what happens when the computer is submerged and unable to work. it is possible to kick out the rear windows and there is some kind of mechanism for opening a door when it's not responding but it's a thing that has to be practiced and requires remaining calm and being forceful.
  4. it's really not worth dying on that hill. edit: not on twitter so can't see all the replies.. but nooooo!
  5. each plane load of aid is like half the amount a truck can deliver...
  6. speech was so good i finished. now i feel dirty.. like i've betrayed my country. I'm going to have to marry that speech. make a baby with it. raise a family. put in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. White picket fence. quilted toilet paper with triple layer action. electric lawnmower in the summer afternoon. iced tea on the porch. the neighbor's wife trimming the roses with her two husbands. the squirrels running in circles around a dead crow. Bin Laden dead. his corpse on a tray mounted to an air craft carrier. it tilts and his lifeless body slides into the ocean. a summer rain. the iridescent chemical swirl left on the wet street pavement by the garbage truck that collected pounds of single use plastic to take to a 100ft high landfill. ah, it's a special poem just for me and we all get our own special poem known only to ourselves. a secret we take to the grave. never will another person understand anyone else's poem. individuals bathed in light reflected off a thousand dollar smile from the news anchor who's naked below the waste.
  7. i've always thought of him as a thoughtful person who considers things reasonably but who knows what this is about. the track is basically noise and drones and samples. often i think when people say things like that it's because of a very personal specific experience. but as said.. who knows... the interview w/him by jamie lidell from his podcast is really good btw. https://podtail.com/podcast/hanging-out-with-audiophiles/howa-ep-79-atom/ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2hhbmdpbmdvdXR3aXRoYXVkaW9waGlsZXMubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/YzY5ZDJiOWYtMzQzNy00OTQxLTg2NDktNzgyNTNlYTNkYWE4
  8. "critiques of contemporary retardedness" this will be fine. https://nn-audio.bandcamp.com/album/servant-of-the-people <a href="https://watmmrecords.bandcamp.com/album/we-are-the-music-makers-volume-one">We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various</a>
  9. yeah.. it's a good one. the lightbulb.. so good. and the guys w/the fucking cornflakes...
  10. there's going to be a struggle i think.. from younger people fighting their way in on all sides. it'll take some time but it's already happening. there are younger more progressive and of course younger totally batshit people in congress who are waiting for more people like them to come in and join whatever their fight is. i'm not the guy to make sense of it right now.. and i think regardless of who is in power they aren't going to do what really matters to make a big difference in the fate of the eco system that we depend on to survive. if it's a democrat there may be more kindness and civility at times.. and maybe we'll keep our healthcare options and get some "harm reduction" in many different ways. the rotten core of it all will not be fixed and i think it's naive to think it's possible w/o the whole thing collapsing first. "the whole thing" meaning the system we have now. until the economy is linked to the ecosystem in a meaningful way it's all going to slide off a cliff. economy and human civilization need to be divorced from the idea of continuous exponential growth. no one is going to dare to even talk about anything approaching those types of ideas.
  11. biden didn't run after obama left. deferring to hillary. i think he even said something like "it was her turn" but at the time he and lot's of people thought he could've won easily over the orange one. so it goes. well known story now. but the republicans have no one in the wings waiting either. there's a lack of 'young stars' in both parties.. at least people who could run for president and appeal to the masses.
  12. oregon is not a factor really. as portland goes.. so goes oregon.. and biden is sure to get oregon's 0.05 delegates.
  13. i think you're supposed to fist your ass in the voting booth. maybe voting for either candidate is the same as fisting your ass? idk. i'm american so i'm trying to not think too hard.
  14. i think the GOP has a rule about how many delegates you have to have to continue.. there's a threshold or something that has to be met at a certain point .. i think "super tuesday". but i'm not really paying attention.
  15. they have different names so should install side by side. Live 11 Live 12 both installed on my system (apple) i wouldn't uninstall 11 before installing 12. the new install will look for preferences and folders etc so if you delete 11 you might have to reconfigure your preferences and folders etc.. edit: btw.. the live 12 midi tools from 3rd parties are showing up. he as 12. one of them is free, the others are $7 each or there's a bundle for $45 or something. .but in the video description there's a discount code for 20% off. here it is: T6FPVW0 and link to his gum road (also in case it's not obvious these all require max for live) https://philipmeyer.gumroad.com also these from manifest audio
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