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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. god dammit.. stupid fucking horrible teenagers.. how the fuck are they gonna say his gender identity wasn't a motivating factor and then reveal that he was stabbed several times in the genitals??? fuck these people.
  2. The label helped many artists to rise to stardom and their creativity saw them achieve many accolades.” “Newquay is a town located on the north coast of Cornwall.” Could this culture of maintaining a long list of friends within the business be behind Rephlex’s financial downfall? That’s a story for another day, but the curtain finally came crashing down in 2014, after 23 years of success, releasing hit after a hit.
  3. thing is.. that guy trump supported in alabama is the beeter of the two.. the other guy.. roy moore.. is a lunatic christian fundamentalist who puts 'god's law' above the constitution. and all that crazy shit. he's christian sharia law type of dude and he's gonna get elected because alabama is fucking alabama.
  4. portland has a mystery pooper.. has had for quite a while. https://www.buzzfeed.com/candacelowry/find-the-portland-pooper?utm_term=.dtxmp9563#.lsa28wEL9
  5. apologies if this is posted already.. it's really well said.. excellent points. imo.
  6. in 50 years if the world isn't destroyed.. all this take a knee shit is gonna look ridiculous in the history books.. if people can still read and consider history a thing.. and the twitter bots that mine all this stuff will be spitting so much stuff.. hopefully we've moved beyond all this by then
  7. don't be so sure of yourself, what the hell do you know what they think in private? Pitt in particular came from a poor background, has repeatedly mentioned how fucked up and stressful fame is, even went as far as to say it kept him up at night how doors are closed and opened to people based on genetics.... I think it's a very myopic thing to believe people got everything because of material excess. It's crazy in the sense that it's a statistically existential fluke, but so is easy access to food, shelter and healthcare. it doesn't stop people from being human. Humans are unsatisfied creatures by nature, everybody suffers from imposter syndrome and it's no secret how many famous people succumb to drugs and whatnot due to the emptiness of the lifestyle. I don't see any element of satisfaction in "elites" like Trump, they've clearly not figured it out but expend a lot of energy posturing to cover it up. Even though they have power there's no longevity to it, it's like trying to control a dream. Meanwhile, some people seem to make do with whatever life throws their way, a seemingly impossible task... yeah.. not disagreeing w/you.. i guess i should have been more clear.. also i think i dropped a few words when i was typing. when i was 20 i parked cars for rich people. some of them were awesome salt of the earth people.. some were weird lunatics... some were just jerks. so perhaps that's consistent across the socio economic blah blah blah..
  8. the Ant Christ. and trump cannot be the antichrist ebcause he is the god emperor sent by christ. c'mon. don't you know this already???
  9. he got a small loan of $1 million from his father to become an actor. i think they're all elite but there's something to be said for knowing where you came from and having that experience as opposed getting $8 million or whatever the loan was to start building/bankrupting companies. er, no. they're both elite. neither can relate to the average american or person. i'm not going to give clooney the benefit of the doubt here other than the fact that he's right, trump is an idiot. i think his point stands.. there are a lot of working class actors in hollywood.. unions for lighting people.. sound people grips etc etc etc.. there's a load of working class people in the industry. pretty much anyone making large sums of money is elite... true a lot of people of wealth are disconnected from the average working stiff.... see hillary for example. i don't think this makes all of them incapable of empathy or compassion or a fundamental understanding of what reality is like for a typical human being.. let alone one who is living in poverty.. i think where the huge divide is w/trump is he's not capable of understanding that. he's lived his entire life in a weird fucking bubble.. sure super rich super famous people live in a totally different reality.. prince, michael jackson, brad pitt.. any number of people in congress... and they don't see it as such.. they don't look in the mirror ever and at least accept their circumstance and recognize it as being totally fucking crazy.. whereas i think there are plenty of people who climbed up or even were born into it who can at least admit to themselves that "yeah.. this shit is not normal" at any rate.. i'm glad people are holding up the mirror to trump .. even if it's a little skewed to begin with.
  10. jesus fuck.. wtf. this guy is living in a weirdo reality.. i guess we're all in our own reality a bit but this guy is batshit. and this pic is truly horrifying
  11. he got a small loan of $1 million from his father to become an actor. i think they're all elite but there's something to be said for knowing where you came from and having that experience as opposed getting $8 million or whatever the loan was to start building/bankrupting companies.
  12. yeah, doesn't the U.S. have the star wars program? it's a series of films.
  13. MKI and MKII OT will get the feature :) super stoked on that.
  14. the dankness cannot be stahpped. https://www.tumblr.com/video/tee-pee4my-bunghole/165552285348/400/ !!!
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