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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    i don't really hear the similarity. perhaps some timbre at times.. wavefolding goodness.. but the dostader track is coming from a modular right? maybe a serge or something.. sounds that way.. or buchla or something.. droney.. eastre is max and to me sounds like it has some karplus feedback type stuff in it somewhere.. hard for me to tell really because could be anything in max...
  2. that's from injecting that shit.. ewhats it called? his biceps actually exploded edit: synthol pretty gross images of sploded biceps https://www.google.com/search?q=synthol+exploded+biceps&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCtvrzrq7ZAhVH2mMKHcscCYUQ_AUICigB&biw=1325&bih=939
  3. seems like that's probably gonna be true. i mean.. you can do anything w/superpac money. surprised stormy mcdaniels didn't get paid off through a pooperpac.
  4. i hope the NRA gets some shade thrown at them. $30million in russian money donated to their cause... pretty sure there's some money laundering in all this that will hopefully get outed clearly.
  5. i'm thinking he shows up to the speech in golf attire.
  6. i lol'd at that especially when the lower image came into view of the bent windows C drive. https://twitter.com/julianajaeger/status/964579812340723712
  7. I really really hope this "Florida Republic" isn't some false flag / deception group aimed at duping media outlets. Looks legit though, which is pretty goddamn terrifying. Still befuddles me how little people talk about OK City bombing now. FBI busts right-wing / white supremacist terror plots regularly. It's disgusting how much Trump's base downplays that while exaggerating the Muslim terrorist and minority gang bogeymen. "MS-13" is the new "Al-Qaeda" as a fear buzzword. actually.. the dude who said the shooter was part of his white nationalist group may have punked the media https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/vbp37y/white-supremacist-tries-to-walk-back-made-up-story-about-nikolas-cruz-blames-media
  8. "he was a coffee boy.. only worked for the campaign for a few weeks.. wasn't senior anything.. i never even met him. fake news."
  9. https://www.thedailybeast.com/nikolas-cruz-trained-with-florida-white-supremacist-group-leader-says
  10. $4.4 trillion budget that cuts everything important and asks for billions to pay for border wall, more ice agents and judges to run special courts to deport people. this is some fucked up shit. i'm sure they'd pick awful people to run this exportation express. this is some straight up fascist shit out of the 1940s. hopefully a big fight happens over this budget because it's super fucked up.. and of course is unpaid for especially w/$1.5 trillion tax cut. these people are all insane.
  11. re: public transit - pretty much all public transportation is subsidized... NYC to london to wherever.. that's because it's deemed a public good and worth paying for because w/o it the city would be a huge fucking nightmare. none (?) of the public transit systems break even or make a profit.. it's not what they are there for. not saying they are all run by smart people doing a great job at managing funds and projects but the intent of the system is to provide a service. i've never been to philly though. .. i'd like to go some day.
  12. jesus christ.. reading the thread of comments on that tweet is some amazing shit. cognitive dissonance much? people are just in their own reality and it's mostly up their own asses.
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