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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. mcconnel is such a fucking piece of crap. when that guy dies i'm gonna do a little dance. not ashamed to say so.
  2. my GF laughed at this hard for several minutes and said "HOT CHICK DOWN!!!" cackling all the while. so i had to include it.
  3. yes, someone please tell me what the correct truth is the smoke is overwhelming...the connections are FACT...just no smoking gun in relation to the orange choad himself.... here's a great politico article going over the smoking guns that are in plain sight. impeachment depends on congress deciding to impeach. and the majority are choads there's more to it than that... impeachment is hard to do. this sam harris podcast w/david frum is interesting and at some point in it gets into impeachment and what that means.. how it happens.. what it would take.. it's worth a listen.. there's a lot if interesting things on that guy's podcast.. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/the-great-unraveling this one about data and gerrymandering down to the individual.. is amazing. and he doesn't talk much during it so you get lot's of amazing informaiton and ideas from the woman he's interviewing.. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/persuasion-and-control
  4. i've seen the pics of those guys before.. in their individual stories about whatever alleged crimes they were charged with but them being canibals made enough sense... enya.. yeah.. it all fits.
  5. comey's full statement pre-testifying is pretty interesting read.. 7 pages.. but it's kind of surreal.. in a plain way of that makes sense.. donald trump is a fucking weirdo. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/os-jcomey-060817.pdf
  6. Yeah because he's a piece of shit. And all of the people still supporting him are the corn kernels embedded within. i'm sure it's fake news!
  7. boss is out of town all week.. working 6 days but playing autechre all day. today is ep7 on repeat. sort of break even.
  8. batshit crazy. looked at his FB page and watched his campaign video.. fucking hell.. what a lunatic. he drank all the coolaid from day one out of the womb. if you can make it through this i recommend it.. he's american isis.
  9. himalayan glaciers that feed so much of asia.. india.. pakistan... they recede over the mountains. no more water. http://www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org/himalaya_4/index.php meh.. not a national security issue for anyone though..
  10. lol The European Union has rejected Donald Trump’s offer to renegotiate the Paris climate agreement and pledged instead to bypass Washington to work with US business leaders and state governors to implement the historic accord’s commitments. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/02/european-leaders-vow-to-keep-fighting-global-warming-despite-us-withdrawal
  11. "bannon's war" http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/bannons-war/
  12. ^^^ awesome skate vids. i forget how many outdoor skate parks oregon has.
  13. great podcast.. discusses tyranny and mirrors to 1930s. one party state etc etc.. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/the-road-to-tyranny
  14. I guess the great whites were the ones standing around watching the black slaves do all the work huh and getting those shinese to build the railroads.. and the irish and italians to build the brooklyn bridge etc etc etc..
  15. i heard it's like relaxing sauna down there. thing is they don't even do that anymore.. they just blow up the mountain tops and run some conveyor belt things and sort all the dirt. make a waste pond. ruin the rivers and ground water and hey it's all good! gimme some fucking oxy and turn on the tv.
  16. indeed.. even if that sign is photoshopped it's not at all a unbelievable.. fuck those MAGA
  17. and all because he wants to keep some weird promise to coal miners for jobs that aren't even there and jobs that weren't even killed by green energy but were killed by cheap natural gas. fucking guy is an asshole and short sighted as fuck. the whole thing is just absurd. he's driving america into a ditch so he gets some money from russia or whatever.. it's all such horse shit. we should run this asshole out of the country old school stye.. put him on a pole and tar and feather him.
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